Fixed-rate serial communication, eliminating the need for transmitting inefficient start-stop information. PC-to-mainframe communication may be synchronous; most PC-to-PC communication is asynchronous. Most laptop modems are asynchronous only. If you're not sure whether you need a synchronous-asynchronous modem, you probably don't.
Electronic communication that takes place in real time but in different locations, and frequently used in relation to learning by the internet in a virtual classroom. See also Asynchronous communication
Communication that occurs in real time between participants who may or may not be in the same location. Contrasted with asynchronous communication.
computer-mediated communications which take place in real time
An online meeting or communication in which two or more people participate and communicate with one another at the same time over the Internet.
Communication where the participants participate at the same time. Chat is an example of synchronous communication.
a form of communication in which the sending and receiving processes synchronize at every message
the sender and recipient of a communication are both present at the same time, though they may be at a great distance from one another (e.g. video conferencing, telephone)
In Saskatchewan, online discussions occurring independent of location, but at the same time (real time) are called synchronous communications. Participants log into the discussion forum at the same time and messages are received the moment they are sent. This form of electronic communication is also called "chatting, and can include audio and/or video.
This is 'real-time' communication in which a sender and one or more receivers communicate at the same time. Usually, the conversation is not saved. Examples of synchronous communication are Chat, Video, Audio and Computer Conferencing. See also asynchronous communication.
Simultaneous communication between people where messages are sent and responded to immediately (using the telephone is a good example of this). Chat rooms and video conferencing are good examples of synchronous communication.()
Communication when the sender and receiver are transmitting and receiving at the same time. c.f. Asynchronous communication when the transmission and reception of the message are at different times. With time-shifting devices, communication is becoming more asynchronous.
Communication that occurs at the same time, between two or more individuals, for e.g. telephone conversations, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), or face-to-face communication.
Data transmitted at a fixed rate or frequency. The receiver and transmitter use the same clock signals for synchronization.
A method of data transmission in which bits or characters are sent at regular time intervals, rather than being spaced by start and stop bits.
Digital communication (as between computers) in which a common timing signal is established that dictates when individual bits can be transmitted, in which characters are not individually delimited, and which allows for very high rates of data transfer.
Online discussions occurring independent of location, but at the same time (real time). Participants must agree on a time to log into the discussion forum and messages are received at the moment they are sent. This form of electronic communication is also called "chatting," and can include audio and/or video (such as an IVS course).
Synchronous is an adjective referring to events that are coordinated in time. In online communication, synchronous refers to communication occurring in "real time", such as chat, instant messaging and web conferencing. See also asynchronous communication.
A mode of communication when two parties exchange messages across a communication channel at the same time, e.g. telephones. See also: Asynchronous communication, Isochronous communication.
Transmission of data which does not use special control bits, but requires a master clock signal for coordination between the devices. The clock may be a separate signal, or it may be part of the data.
Occurring at regular intervals. The opposite of synchronous is asynchronous . Most communication between computers and devices is asynchronous -- it can occur at any time and at irregular intervals. Communication within a computer, however, is usually synchronous and is governed by the microprocessor clock. Signals along the bus , for example, can occur only at specific points in the clock cycle. Go To Top
Live, real-time communication. Examples include a conversation at the grocery store, phoning your children to say hello when you're traveling on business, instant messaging or chatting in an AOL chat room.
Communication where the sender and receiver share a clock signal, and data are constantly being transmitted, even if the data are only an idle pattern (indicating no data are present).