use of multiple paths at one time to transmit bits of data.
A method of sending information from a computer to another device (such as a plotter or printer) by sending multiple signals at once through a cable. Faster than serial communications, but a computer may not be able to sense errors in the device receiving the information. Available with all IBM-type computers and some plotters/printers.
A method of sending data from one computer to another over several wires simultaneously, which results in faster transfer rates. Parallel Port – A common name for the printer connector on the back of a typical computer.
A method of sending data from one computer to another over several wires simultaneously, which results in faster transfer rates. Almost all printers available today use parallel data communications.
Data transmission wherein multiple wires simultaneously carry one data bit at a time greatly increasing the rate that data can be sent over a single wire. However, distance restrictions between components limit their use to being internal to a single device or between devices within a single room.
The transmission of information from computer to computer, or from computer to a peripheral, where all the bits that make up the character are transmitted at the same time over a multiline cable. ... more
In telecommunications and computer science, parallel communications is the process of sending data several bits at one time over a communications link. It contrasts with serial communication.