a unit derived from TDMA technology. There are eight time slots per carrier frequency or TDMA frame. Each can be used for one-way GSM voice or data traffic. A conversation requires two time slots, while HSCSD allows several to be joined together to increase data transfer rates.
In T-1 and E-1 time division multiplexing, a time slot is the amount of bandwidth allocated on the high speed line for an 8-bit byte of digital information from each DS-0 channel being multiplexed. That channel's time slot appears in the same sequence in each T-1 or E-1 frame. (source)
The term time slot is often used to define a combination of a time slot and a stream on the H.100 bus. Thus a time slot would represent a single 8-bit slot every 125 us on the TDM bus. Time slot/Stream numbers are numbered 0 to 4095 according to the following equation: time slot * 32 + stream. On reduced-frequency TDM streams, certain time slots become unusable. For streams running on a 4 MHz clock, time slots are numbered 0 to 63, and the equations to determine TSSTs are the following: in the TX TDM, TSST = (time slot * 2 + 1) * 32 + stream, and in the RX TDM, TSST = (time slot * 2) * 32 + stream. In like manner, for streams running on a 2 MHz clock, time slots are numbered 0 to 31, and the equations are: in the TX TDM, TSST = (time slot * 4 + 3) * 32 + stream, and in the RX TDM, TSST = (time slot * 4) * 32 + stream.
The Physical Channel is divided into 625 µs long time slots.
a time assigned on a schedule or agenda; "the TV program has a new time slot"; "an aircraft landing slot"
On a time-division multiplexed circuit; a channel is also called a time slot.
In a digital telephony environment, a normally continuous and individual communication (for example, someone speaking on a telephone) is (1) digitized, (2) broken up into pieces consisting of a fixed number of bits, (3) combined with pieces of other individual communications in a regularly repeating, timed sequence (multiplexed), and (4) transmitted serially over a single telephone line. Each individual digitized communication is called a time slot. In T-1 areas, 24 time slots are multiplexed onto a single twisted-wire pair. In E-1 areas, 32 time slots are multiplexed together. Compare device channel.
Time Slots are the individual rectangular blocks of time represented on your Daily and Weekly Agendas. The height and time length of time slots can be adjusted using commands from the view menu.
The eight divisions of a channel in a TDMA network. Each time slot has a duration of 57 µs.
In a digital telephony environment, a normally continuous and individual communication (for example, someone speaking on a telephone) is (1) digitized, (2) broken up into pieces consisting of a fixed number of bits, (3) combined with pieces of other individual communications in a regularly repeating, timed sequence (multiplexed), and (4) transmitted serially over a single telephone line. The process happens at such a fast rate that, once the pieces are sorted out and put back together again at the receiving end, the speech is normal and continuous. Each individual pieced-together communication is called a time slot.
A period in a transmission schedule. A program starting and ending at specific times is given a time slot, such as 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Basic unit into which one time frame of a TDM channel is divided.