The gray bar running across the bottom of the Windows screen; contains (from left): the Start button, the Quick Launch tray, the icons of any programs that are running in the background, the icons of programs that start automatically such as virus checking, and the time.
By default Microsoft Windows' task bar is at the lower edge of the desktop and contains (on the left) the "Start" button used to access programs and settings. On the right side you will find the clock and icons of active programs. Among these icons might be the volume control of your sound card or, for instance, the virus guard of AVK. You can adjust the settings by left- or right-clicking the icons.
Touch sensitive toolbar for launching applications. In the series 5, this term is used to refer to the lower off-screen area from which applications are launched. See also: toolbar side bar
The task bar was introduced with Windows 95 and has been part of every version ...
A bar used by Windows 95 and later versions of that operating system. The bar runs along the bottom or side of the computer screen and includes a Start button. If you can't find the Taskbar, it may be set to automatically hide. Just hover your mouse pointer along the edges of the your screen until it pops up.
The bar at the bottom of the desktop that contains the Start button and task buttons representing open windows.
The bar in Windows that lists all currently running programs and contains the Start button (for executing tasks).
The bar in the Windows operating system that typically runs across the bottom of the screen. It displays the Start button, any programs or windows that are active, plus tiny 'shortcut' icons as well as the time.
A bar that normally runs along the bottom of your computer screen and displays the Start button and a list of other programs or windows that are currently active.
The bar at the bottom of a Windows 95/98/NT screen that lists the programs that are currently open. The Task Bar also holds the "Start" button and the current time.
the line of buttons at the bottom of your screen starting with the Start menu on the far left and ending with the time on the far right.
An area that lies along the bottom of the PC screen and lists what windows are currently open.
A horizontal bar with various user interface elements that takes up the bottom of the display.
The menu at the bottom of your screen which contains the System Tray and all other currently active programs (applications). You can use the task bar to maximize and minimize programs that are in the way of your view.
A bar at the bottom of the screen in Windows that contains the Start button and a button for each program that is currently running. The taskbar can be used to switch from one task to another.It can also be dragged around with the mouse and adjusted in size.