Runs across the top of the screen. Has cryptic words like "File, Edit, Font," etc. Sometimes has little icons too. Always present on a Mac. Only present inside programs on a PC.
An element that lists the tools available in a site; it displays vertically on the left-hand side of the screen in Oncourse CL. Site owners can designate which tools to activate for each course or worksite in the Site Setup tool. More...
a panel, usually located at the top of the screen, that continually displays the top-level menu options for selection.
A rectangular area at the top of the client area of a window that contains the titles of the standard Pulldown Menus for that application.
A menubar is a bar at the top of an application window that contains the menus for the application.
In Windows, the bar across the top which contains headings, each with a pull-down menu.
A menu bar, usually beneath the title bar of a window, from which users can select menus.
The menu bar is a horizontal strip that appears at the top of the screen that typically contains icons and words. Each icon or word in the menu is typically associated with a pull-down menu. Click on the word or icon in the menu bar and a list of options will appear.
The menubar is located at the top of the KWord screen. You can use it to access all features of KWord. Menubar