To reduce a window to an icon on the taskbar or at the bottom of an application window.
In a graphical OS, this is the act of clicking on the minimize button of an active window and causing it disappear from view, or appear in a smaller form somewhere on screen. When minimized, programs still run, but allow other windows or the desktop to be viewed.
To reduce the size of a window. There is usually a Minimize button in the upper-right corner of a window. Double-clicking the Minimize button shrinks the window to an icon.
Reducing a window on the display screen to an icon.
Reduces a window to a task button, representing an open application, on the taskbar.
To turn a window into an icon. The terms minimize and iconify are interchangeable.
To shrink a window to its smallest size. Minimizing an application window reduces it to a button on the taskbar; minimizing a presentation window reduces it to a short title bar in the application window.
refers to making a window smaller. Click on the down arrow in the upper-left hand corner of the window.
Minimizing a window is a handy way to keep multiple applications running without having a lot of windows open, or just to move a window temporarily out of the way so you can access another window. Access the menu for minimizing a window by clicking the upper left corner of a window. It temporarily turns a window into a small square icon so that it uses very little screen space. It's like instantly packing an application into a tiny box and putting it out of the way, but it doesn't close down the application. The current state of the application remains unchanged while the application window is minimized. To restore a minimized window to its original size, click on it.
Shrinking down a window to temporarily get it out of the way. The icon for it is located in the group of 3 boxes in the upper right-hand corner of the window. Its the - (minus sign) one. Its icon will be located on the Taskbar. To restore it, just click on it.
usually refers to the action on a PC of reducing the size of an open application window so that it no longer takes up room on the main portion of the screen. This is usually accomplished by clicking on the small gray button in the top right of the window with a small dash in it. The adjacent buttons with the two overlapping files and the "X" are used to maximize and close the window application respectively.
The act of shrinking a window down to a tiny icon to temporarily get it out of the way by clicking on the minimize button – the one with the little horizontal bar on it, located near the window's upper right corner.
To make a window disappear from the screen and move down to the taskbar. The minimize button in Windows 95 applications is an underscore (_) in the top right corner of the window.
Reduce the size of the window on the desktop to the smallest area possible on the desktop, usually in the form of an icon.
A condition wherein normal message and telephone traffic is drastically reduced in order that messages connected with an actual or simulated emergency shall not be delayed.
the act of temporarily hiding a window. This does not mean closing the window; the action simply temporarily moves the window to the task bar. To accomplish this action, follow these steps: 1) Find the three buttons in the topmost right corner of the open window; 2) Place the cursor over the image leftmost of the three, a box with a thick line at the bottom; 3) Click.
The act of sending a window to your taskbar and hiding the window contents from view.
The -- box at the top right hand corner of most browser windows that hides the current window, usually visible as a clickable link on the bar at the bottom of the browser
Shrinking a window down to a title on the task bar. Done by clicking on the minimize button in the upper-right corner.
To minimize a window on the computer screen means to take it off of the screen and let it be represented by a button on the task bar, which generally appears at the bottom of the screen. This does not close the program or document that is in the window. Such program or document is still open, and you can go back to it by clicking the button that represents it.
To turn a window into an icon. The push button that minimizes a window is located near the upper right corner of the window frame.
A term used in a GUI operating system that uses windows. It refers to reducing a window to an icon, or a label at the bottom of the screen, allowing another window to be viewed.
o hide an application that is currently displayed on screen; the window is hidden and represented with an icon either on the desktop or in the taskbar
To reduce a window to a button on the taskbar by clicking the Minimize button (at the right of the title bar), or by pressing ALT+SPACEBAR and then pressing N. See also: maximize; title bar
To hide a window on the desktop and place its button on the taskbar. To minimize a window, click the “Minimize Window” button at the top right corner of the window. To restore the window to its previous size, click the button on the taskbar.