To expose to risk, hazard, or peril; to venture; as, to risk goods on board of a ship; to risk one's person in battle; to risk one's fame by a publication.
the probability and expected severity of damage as determined by a function composed of host susceptibility; suitable environmental conditions (both combined equate to hazard); plus pathogen proximity, abundance, and virulence.
The possibility of something bad happening sometime in the future.
The chance or possibility of loss.
The risk of losing money if patients require high levels of services. Capitated doctors are at risk since they cannot bill for additional services.
The potential for realization of unwanted, adverse consequences to human life, health, property, or the environment; estimation of risk is usually based on the expected value of the conditional probability of the event occurring times the consequence of the event given that it has occurred. Thomas Cool provides an alternative definition of risk in the context of uncertainty.
Probability that something undesirable will result from deliberate or accidental exposure to a hazard. See risk analysis, risk assessment, risk-benefit analysis, risk management.
The chance of an injury, illness, or death caused by exposure to a hazard.
The chance of something happening that will have an impact upon objectives (measured in terms of probability and consequences). (see OHS risk above)
The best measure of risk is Relative Volatility. Volatility is the standard deviation, or uncertainty, of a fund's return. A fund which goes up about the same each month (i.e., a money market) has very low risk, while a fund whose performance is more erratic is said to be more "risky." To calculate a fund's volatility, I take its monthly performances (for the last 36 months) and calculate the standard deviation for this series of numbers. Relative Volatility is a fund's volatility divided by the volatility of the S&P 500 index for the same period. All funds riskier than the market have risk levels above 1.00, and all funds with less risk than the market have risk levels below 1.00.
The potential financial loss inherent in the investment.
The probability that an investment will lose or fail to gain in value. For investment management, the term risk is also measured as volatility, which is the rate of fluctuation from a long-term trend.
Risk is the potential harm that may arise from some present process or from some future event. It is often mapped to the probability of some event which is seen as undesirable. See uncertainty for more information A woman's risk of developing breast cancer is X%, depending on various risk factors such as smoking, sun bath, etc..
The likelihood of a gain or loss from any investment.
The possibility of loss or injury. A level of uncertainty is associated with the various possible outcomes of the undertaking. Risk usually refers to a numerical estimate of the likelihood of the occurrence to these various possible outcomes.
The probability that a particular critical infrastructure's vulnerability being exploited by a particular threat weighted by the impact of that exploitation.
A measure of the probability that damage to life, health, property, and/or the environment will occur as a result of a given hazard.
A measure of the probability and severity of injury, illness, loss, or other adverse effects.
The chance that the return on a given investment will be different than the expected return.
Where there is a range of possibilities, including financial loss, that can result from an action.
The uncertainty that the actual return from an investment will vary from the expected return.
Any potential threat or occurrence which may prevent the project from being achieved. A risk is something that might happen, not something that has happened. See also Issue and Opportunity.
The likelihood that an individual will get a certain disease in a specific period of time. A risk estimate usually measures risk in terms of probability: the number of chances in 100 that a person will get a disease.
The degree or percentage of chance that a given contingency will occur. In life and health insurance, an individual or group of individuals being considered for, or covered by, a policy.
The probability of losing capital. The more risk associated with an asset, the greater the potential for a capital loss. Increased risk can also be understood as a greater range in price or increased volatility.
The likelihood of the occurrence and the magnitude of the consequences of exposure to a hazard on human health.
A measure of the probability of financial loss.
(IEEE) A measure of the probability and severity of undesired effects. Often taken as the simple product of probability and consequence.
In life insurance, it is the probability of mortality.
Uncertainty about whether future outcomes will differ from our expectations.
The probability of a specific outcome, generally adverse, given a particular set of conditions.
( risque) A term often applied to a personal property insured. The uncertainty of an economic loss.
The chance that a person may eventually develop a particular disease. When comparing two groups this can be expressed as a relative risk of disease or the odds of a disease.
The possibility and magnitude of an unfavorable outcome.
the probability of harm, injury, or loss (physical, psychological, social, or economic) occurring as a result of participation in a research study. Both the probability and magnitude of possible harm may vary from minimal to significant. Physical risks may arise from the use of test agents such as chemicals or therapeutic drugs, devices, physical agents (including radiation), and clinical procedures. Psychological risks may arise from the utilization of behavioral questionnaires or surveys, interview interactions, the collection of sensitive data, or the emotional stress of study participation. Social risks may arise from actual or potential breaches of confidentiality or anonymity such as harm to interpersonal relationships, damage to reputation or social standing, or exposure to legal sanctions. Economic risks may affect an individual's financial status, employability or insurability.
measurable possibility that your investment will decline in value or not appreciate. As a function of portfolio volatility, stocks are generally considered most risky, bonds are less risky, and money market funds are the least risky.
uncertainty concerning financial loss; the chance of loss.
The danger of a financial loss that the investor must take into consideration when investing. A high level risk investment means that the investor seeks higher returns to compensate the risk, and vice versa. The return level usually runs parallel to the risk level.
Chance -- expressed as a ratio, proportion or percentage. If the word is unqualified, it usually means absolute risk (the actual risk in a group of the population), in contrast to relative risk (which measures one person's risk compared with another person's). See also: hazard
The probability that a particular threat will exploit a particular vulnerability of an automated information system or telecommunications system.
Combines both the consequence and probability to proved and evaluation of the significance of a hazard scenario.
A state in which the number of possible future events exceeds the number of events that will actually occur, and some measure of probability can be attached to them.
The chance of loss. Specifically, the possible loss or destruction of property or the possible incurring of a liability. Risk is measured in terms of likelihood (frequency) and consequences (severity).
The probability of the occurrence and potential negative impact of a decision or action on downstream activities.
The likelihood of getting your money back. High risk means less likelihood; low risk means more likelihood.
The uncertainty of whether a loss will arise or not, the risk of loss.
The probability of an event times the cost associated with the event (loss function). Sometimes "risk" is simply used to denote the probability of an undesirable result (e.g. the risk of biomass falling below MSST).
We have used the ANZ Standards' definition. `the chance of something happening that will have an impact on objectives.'
The possibility that returns from an investment will be greater or less than forecast. The probability that actual cash flows will vary from those anticipated.
The probability that an adverse effect will occur under a given set of exposure conditions.
an estimate of the likelihood of occurrence of a hazard.
Degree of uncertainty about the outcome from a given event; the greater the variability of possible outcomes, the greater the risk.
Uncertainty about outcomes that are not equally desirable. Risk may involve the probability of making (or losing) money, harm to human health, negative effects on resources (such as credit), or other types of events that affect welfare.
A chance of injury, loss, or detriment. A measure of the deleterious effects that may be expected as the result of an action or inaction.
The likelihood of making a claim. This is calculated by an actuary.
Uncertainty associated with a transaction or an asset. The probability of loss. Differs from definition 1. because "uncertainty" includes probability of gain as well.
The potential for harm to people exposed to chemicals. In order for there to be risk, there must be hazard and there must be exposure.
The possibility of losing value or failing to gain value. Risk is measurable, while uncertainty is not.
Risk is the financial uncertainty that the actual return on an investment will be different from the expected return. Factors of risk that can affect an investment include inflation or deflation, currency exchange rates, liquidity, default by borrower and interest rate fluctuation.
The degree of volatility you can expect from a mutual fund compared to other funds with similar objectives. We measure volatility using the standard deviation of rolling returns over the past three years.
The measure of the probability and severity of harm to human health or the environment. It is based on the type and toxicity of the hazard in question (meaning its potential effect on plants, animals, humans, and ecosystems) and the type and degree of exposure to that hazard (based on the intensity, frequency, and duration).
The hazard, or chance of loss, on any particular item of insurance. The term “risk” usually is used in a general way to designate the entire subject matter of insurance covered under a policy or upon which an application for insurance has been received. Risk is also sometimes used to designate a policyholder.
In relation to any injury or harm means the probability of that injury or harm occurring.
a situation involving exposure to danger.
risk is the likelihood of variation in the occurrence of an event, which may have either positive or negative consequences.
The quantitative or qualitative expression of possible loss that considers both the probability that a hazard will cause harm and the consequences of that event.
The probability that adverse effects will occur if an organism is exposed to a chemical under a specific conditions.
The likelihood or chances that something will or may happen. ("Nick knew that his attraction to young boys meant that taking a job in a boys' summer camp put him in a high risk situation.")
The possibility that you could lose money on an investment. These types of investments tend to be more volatile while offering the opportunity to make more money over the long term.
The chance of loss. In life insurance, the probability of death. Regarding securities products, the term refers to the potential gain or loss involving investment performance. Other related risks include the risk of inflation eroding your savings' purchasing power over time and the risk of outliving your retirement savings.
An assumption of possible monetary loss or gain in light of the job or work to be done. One of the elements to be considered in the negotiation of a fair and reasonable price, as well as in determining the type of contract under which performance will occur.
Probability of any defined hazard occurring from exposure to a pesticide under specific conditions. Risk is a function of the likelihood of exposure and the likelihood to harm biological or other systems. See also hazard.
likelihood or probability of injury, disease, or death
The probability of harm or injury (physical, psychological, social, or economic) occurring as a result of participation in a research study. Both the probability and magnitude of possible harm may vary from minimal to significant. Federal regulations define only "minimal risk." (See also: Minimal Risk.) The magnitude is the severity of the risk, and the likelihood is the probability of the risk occurring.
the liklihood of a hazard
In a clinical trial, the probability of discomfort or harm to participants in a clinical trial.
the risk from a substance is the likelihood that it will harm you during its use.
The probability that the actual return on an investment may differ from the expected return.... more on: Risk
Something happening that may have an impact on the achievement of our objectives. It includes risk as an opportunity as well as a threat.
The potential for realization of unwanted negative consequences or events.
The probability of an undesirable outcome. Risk is the opposite of opportunity. ()
A possibility of losing or not gaining value on an investment.
the likelihood or probability of a hazard event of a certain magnitude occurring. Risks are measures of the threat of hazards. (Note: Definitions of risk in the hazards literature vary from those that equate risk with probability to those that see risk as the product of a probability and a particular kind of impact occurring.)
The measure of an investor's ability to withstand volatility in the markets. Investors with a near-term focus are likely to be more conservative than those with a long-term viewpoint who can benefit from the market's fluctuations by taking advantage of compounding and historical growth of the markets.
A situation with uncertain consequences.
How much uncertainty accompanies your choice of investment (e.g., if you lend money to someone who has just escaped from prison, you are taking more of a risk than if you lend money to your mother).
Possibility of loss, failure, threat or other undesirable consequences. name, type probability, description, impact/evaluation, consequences market, financial, litigation, security, contracts, management, safety, energy, national security, environmental quality, contingency
The probability of financial loss, based on the probability of having to provide services to a patient or patient population at a cost that exceeds the payments received. Under capitation payment systems, providers share the risk that is born by insurers. Also, an insured person may be referred to as a risk.
The unpredictability of investment returns. The chance that the actual return from an investment will be different from its expected return. Investment risk is measured statistically using standard deviation. Investment risks include economic risk, inflation risk, interest rate risk, market risk and specific risk.
The likelihood that an investment will lose money.
A measure of the likelihood of experiencing a loss. With respect to investments, it commonly refers to ups and downs in return. Generally, the higher the risk, the greater the degree of fluctuation in return, both up and down.
Probability of losing the investment made.
A statement that will negatively impact the project if not dealt with accordingly.
The probability that a critical computer asset will malfunction or be damaged due to a specific cause or threat.
Implies exposure to a chance of loss or damage.
A measure of the chance that an undesirable event or effect may actually happen. For example, a risk of 1x10-6 means that there is one chance in a million of the event happening. As applied to radiation risk, this means that if 1,000,000 persons received a certain radiation dose, then we would expect that one person may show the harmful effect. The estimated risk from low doses of radiation, where no harmful effects have actually been seen, is extrapolated from high radiation doses, where the effects have been seen. In making this extrapolation, it is assumed that the chance of injury from the low dose is proportional to the chance of injury from the high radiation dose.
the danger or chances, e.g., of an accident or being injured You should take reasonable care to avoid the risk of injury to persons you can reasonably foresee might be injured by your actions. risky (adj)
The possibility that an adverse effect will occur.
What we call it when you take a chance in the hope that there will be a result that benefits you.
The probability an undesirable outcome will occur, defined in terms of the probability of a particular adverse effect. It has the dimensions of frequency or incidence (e.g., 1 in 1,000,000) and is coupled to an exposure estimate. The actual risk statement may take the form of the probability of an outcome associated with a unit exposure. For example, there is a lifetime "risk" of 2.5 excess cancers in10,000 from an exposure to 1 part per million of a chemical (unspecified) in community air breathed 24 hours a day, every day for 70 years.
A future event or problem that exists outside of the control of the project that will have an adverse impact on the project if it occurs. Risk involves the probability of occurrence and the possible consequences or impact. Unlike an issue that is a current problem that must be dealt with, a risk is a potential problem that has not yet occurred.
This is the probability that something undesirable will happen from exposure to a hazard.
The probability or likelihood of a health-related event or outcome.
The obligation assumed by the insurer when it issues a policy. The spreading of risk across a broad base of the population, adjusted for statistical probability, and the protection against catastrophic loss, is the entire purpose of insurance. For risk assumption purposes, death is viewed as a contingency. That is, although death is certain, its timing is unknown. The process of evaluating and selecting risk is known as underwriting.
The potential of losing one's money or the uncertainty of future returns.
An investment is normally considered to carry greater risk if there is a reasonable chance that its value will vary significantly in the future. For example, an investment in shares is generally more risky than an investment in bank term deposit. The value of shares may fall below the price paid for them while the value of bank deposits generally do not. High risk investments should generally only be made with long term intentions. you would expect a higher long-term return to compensate for higher risk.
in Modern Portfolio Theory, risk is measured as the standard deviation of security returns
Risk is the uncetertainty of return on an investment or the variability of return on investment. As an investor it will be critical to understand and weigh the risks of investments so that you can find a balance between risk and return that you are comfortable with or that meets your goals.
A situation in which the outcome is not certain but the probability of each possible outcome is known or can be estimated.
The combination of the likelihood of a specific unwanted event and the potential consequences if it should occur.
The likelihood of undesirable, unforeseen, or uncontrollable events occurring.
Risk is the cumulative effect of the chances of uncertain occurrences, which will adversely affect project objectives. It is the degree of exposure to negative events and their probable consequences. Project risk is characterized by three risk factors namely: risk event, risk probability and the amount at stake. Risk is the opposite of opportunity.
A chance of loss. Also used to mean the insured, or the property the insurance applies to.
Likelihood of unwanted events, multiplied by their severity. “The combination of events harmful to an entity's desired state of affairs, the chance that the events will take place, and the consequences of their occurrence, as a function of time.” -- NSA Corporate Plan for INFOSEC Action, April 1996 • More Info
An event that would threaten the success of the project if it were to occur.
the chance or probability that something harmful might occur sanitation the promotion of hygiene and prevention of of disease by maintenance of clean conditions
The probability that actual future returns will be less than expected returns.
The chance of loss A schedule of benefit coverage that is given to each covered person under the policy that states the premium amounts, the payment mode, and a summary of benefits and limitations
The chance of developing a disease after exposure to an environmental hazard. Risk depends on the time period a person is exposed to a particular hazard and the level of the hazard.
The probability of an adverse event of aquatic animal health, public health or economic importance, such as a disease outbreak, and the magnitude of that event. (from OIE 2003a)
A move or series of moves designed to gain an advantage but which has a chance of causing a disadvantage.
the likelihood and magnitude of the outcome of the unwanted event; a function of the probability of an adverse health effect and the severity of that effect, consequential to a hazard exposure.
Until a few years ago, it was not as challenging to obtain a merchant account as it is today. The Internet was new to most banks and their underwriting departments had little information in regards to the level of loss possible with internet accounts. Coupled with the fact that a lot of operators of sites were less then credible, made the mix volatile to say the least. In the old days of merchant processing ( 3-4 years ago) a acceptable level of chargebacks for most banks was 3-4% of your monthly volume. Today, if your account reaches 1% of monthly volume in chargebacks, you are in serious risk of losing that account. Unfortunately most new merchants are even unaware of where the risk factor enters into the picture, and do not understand such basic concepts as personal guarantor, liability, etc. For the most part, in a conventional merchant account. The signer, or guarantor on a merchant account is liable for the processing volume. In our scenario, we assume much of the risk, hench, the higher discount points, and the need for high tech fraud control features which we utilize.
The probability that a specified hazard will result in an undesired event.
A measure of the likelihood of some uncertain or random event with negative consequences for human life or health.
Chance of incurring financial loss by an insurer or provider.
exposure to injury, loss, or harm; in evaluating risks and benefits, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) should consider only those risks and benefits that may result from the research (as distinguished from risks and benefits of therapies subjects would receive even if not participating in the research). The IRB should not consider possible long-range effects of applying knowledge gained in the research (e.g., the possible effects of the research on public policy) as among those research risks that fall within the purview of its responsibility.
Probability of event. A woman with a health risk factor is more likely to suffer ill health than a woman without a risk factor.
In terms of insurance, risk is the likelihood of a claim being made on a policy. In terms of investment, risk is a subjective view that comprises a balance of potential loss with potential gain.
the probability of deleterious health or environmental effects.
The probable amount of loss foreseen by an insurer in issuing a contract. The term sometimes applies to the person insured or to the hazard insured against. Second Surgical Opinion Utilization control to determine appropriateness of surgery by a second provider source.
A risk is the likelihood of a hazard affecting a person. For example, a lit candle properly used has little risk, while a candle on a Christmas tree could be a much higher risk. Any form of human activity has some risk attached to it. Zero-risk situations do not exist. We make choices every day that balance various risks.
The probability of an undesired outcome - something 'going wrong'. Based on Field and Keller, Project Management
The uncertainty that surrounds future events and outcomes. It is the expression of the likelihood and impact of an event with the potential to influence the achievement of an organization's objectives.
The likelihood of a defined hazard being realized, which is the product of two probabilities: the probability of exposure, P(E) , and the probability of the hazard resulting given that exposure has occurred, P(H/E) ( R = P(E) x P(H/E)).
The probability of adverse human health or environmental effects from exposure to toxic substances or materials released into the environment.
A potential for incurring undesirable results.
This is the chance of individuals in a group falling below a given threshold (e.g. the risk of the unemployed being below the bottom decile median). It is calculated as the number in the group below the given threshold divided by the total number in the group.
Measure of likelihood of occurrence of an undesirable event and of potentially adverse consequences.
The public health risk when considering beach water quality is the probability of illness occurring. The best available means of predicting the probability of illness occurring at a beach is given by the number of particular indicator bacteria present in the water.
The uncertainty of future outcomes. In investing, risk is the possibility of losing money. The riskier an investment, the more money could be lost or made. To minimize risk, and to stabilize investments, it is important to diversify. See diversification.
is '"he likelihood of the hazard's potential being realised" according to the Health & Safety Executive.
Chance or possibility of loss, or not getting the return you expected. (see also Investment tips)
the chance of something happening that will have an impact on objectives. 14.0
the probability and expected severity of sampling entity damage. It is a function of numerous components, including sampling entity, hazard, sampling unit conditions, proximity to damaging agents, and the incidence of those agents.
Exposure to uncertain change, usually assumed to be of an adverse nature.
The likelihood that an investment will produce performance below an investor's expectations. Generally, the greater an investment's risk, the greater the investment's return potential. Also, the greater the chance that an investor might be disappointed with the short-term and/or long-term performance of the investment. (See the Risk/Gain Potential chart for the investment funds offered by the General Board.)
In accident analysis, the probability weighted consequence of an accident, defined as the accident frequency per year multiplied by the dose. The term "risk" is also used commonly in other applications to describe the probability of an event occurring.
The chance that the bettor takes when wagering.
The probability that physical, financial, emotional, and/or psychological harm may occur. In IRB review, probability and severity of possible pain or discomfort should be included in the concept of risk.
The possibility that your investment will not achieve its expected return. The higher the potential reward, the greater the risk that is involved.
The probability that a software project will experience potential hazards that will affect the schedule or completion of the project.
The quantifiable potential for loss or less than satisfactory returns on an investment.
Possible negative external factors, i.e. events, conditions or decisions, which are expected to seriously delay or prevent the achievement of the project objectives and outputs (and which are normally largely or completely beyond the control of the project management).
The possibility of an event occurring that will have an impact on the achievement of objectives. Risk is measured in terms of impact and likelihood.
The possibility of financial or other losses arising from an entity's financial exposures and/or the failure of its internal control systems.
is the probability that an event or action may adversely affect the organization or activity under audit. (410.01.1b and 520.04.2)
The probability that a particular vulnerability of a system will be exploited, either intentionally or accidentally.
uncertainty that surrounds future events and outcomes. Expression of the likelihood and impact of an event with the potential to influence positively or negatively.
The chance of suffering a loss.
According to modern investment theory, the greater the risk you take in making an investment, the greater your return should be if the investment succeeds. For example, investing in a startup company carries substantial risk, since there is no guarantee that it will be profitable. But if it is, you're likely to realize a greater gain than if you had invested a similar amount in an already established company. As a rule of thumb, if you are unwilling to take some investment risk, you are likely to limit your investment reward. For example, if you put your money into an insured bank deposit, which protects your principal, your real rate of return is unlikely to be high.
A term of many meanings. Two of the principal meanings are (1) uncertainty; (2) a subject of insurance, as a house.
Any event which might occur which can affect the successful outcome of a project.
Also referred to as volatility. Represents the scale of fluctuations in earnings calculated on the basis of the standard deviation of a portfolio or investment performance in the past. Modern portfolio theory states that there is a positive correlation between risk and (expected) return.
A measure of the probability that the value of your savings and the income from them will fall as well as rise.
Uncertainty regarding the outcome of an event; or, the probability of incurring loss.
the probability (likelihood) that a substance / activity will produce harm under specific conditions; generally refers to any potential danger. aturation zone: the region below the water table where all voids in the soil and rock are fully filled with water.
The probability of being flooded.
The always-present chance of losses or other negative consequences as a result of an investment.
The probability that an event will occur. Also, a nontechnical term encompassing a variety of measures of the probability of a generally unfavorable outcome.
The likelihood that a hazard will cause an accident, injury, illness, damage or loss
the probability that a particular adverse effect occurs within a stated period of time or results from a particular challenge
There may be external circumstances or events that must not occur for the project to be successful. If you believe such an event is likely to happen, then it would be a risk. (Contrast with the definition of an assumption.) Identifying something as a risk increases its visibility and allows a proactive Risk Management Plan to be put into place. If an event is within the control of the project team, such as having testing complete by a certain date, then it is not a risk. If an event has a 100% chance of occurring, then it is not a risk, since there is not 'likelihood,' or risk, involved. (It is just a fact.) Examples of risks might be that 'Reorganization in the client organization may result in key people being reassigned ...,' or 'The new hardware may not be able to handle the expected sales volume ...'
the probability or likelihood that a hazard will cause injury or harm to health.
Refers to an investment's vulnerability to fluctuations in value relative to changing economic or market conditions. Risk is used to define all uncertainty relating to the outcome. The level of risk incurred by a fund shareholder varies from fund to fund, depending primarily on the types of securities in which a fund invests.
The likelihood of a given threat-source's attempting to exercise a given vulnerability, and the resulting impact of that adverse event on the organization. (From doc-collections/insp-gen/2004/04-a-21.pdf)
The probabilistic risk is the odds of an earthquake occurring and causing damage within a given time interval and region.
An estimate of the likely occurrence of a hazard. (5)
The possibilities of losing money in an investment.
Common term for financial uncertainty. The term, if used alone, generally means capital risk; that is, the possibility that an asset will be sold at a price that is lower than the purchase price. The term is often used in combination with other terms. Examples: inflationary risk, a change in the purchasing power of money; market risk, uncertainty due to price volatility or market illiquidity; interest-rate risk, a change in value due to a rise in general interest rates.
The likelihood of adverse effects arising from exposure to a hazard.
Usually associated with volatility or standard deviation (see below). There are, of course, other risks of investing in hedge fund portfolios.
The theoretical probability that a pesticide will have some adverse effect on a population. It is a function of the pesticide's toxicity and the organism's exposure to it. Risk is often assessed using mathematical models. See hazard.
The probability of an adverse event. In regard to adverse effects of ionizing radiation on humans, the term usually refers to the probability that a given radiation dose to a person will produce a health effect (such as cancer) or the frequency of health effects produced by given radiation doses to a specified population within a specified period. The risk of cancer due to a given radiation dose generally depends on the cancer type, sex, age at exposure, and time since exposure (attained age), and it may depend on dose rate.
The likelihood of suffering adverse effects from a hazard
The chance that an exposure to a hazard will occur.
The probability of a negative occurrence affecting the entity's operational performance such as the possible reduction in the well-being of citizens because of the failure of an organization's program.
(risque) - (i) chance of vulnerabilities being exploited; (ii) uncertainty
The combination of 1) the probability (qualitative or quantitative) that a program or project will experience an undesired event such as cost overrun, schedule slippage, safety mishap, compromise of security, or failure to achieve a needed technological breakthrough; and 2) the consequences, impact, or severity of the undesired event were it to occur (source - NPR 7120.5).
The possibility of loss or that a security price will fall.
The likelihood of an incident occurring (with associated potential to cause loss).
the chance of financial loss.
The degree of uncertainty and chance of loss of principal regarding an investment.
Those conditions in which the decision maker has to estimate the likelihood of certain outcomes.
The change in the rate of return over time. This includes the possibilities that money which has been invested will decrease in value.
Expose to a chance of loss or damage;can be covered by insurances.
The measurable likelihood of loss or less-than-expected returns.
a combination of the probability, or frequency, of occurrence of a defined hazard and the magnitude of the consequences of the occurrence. Risk estimation is concerned with the outcome or consequences of an intention, taking account of the probability of occurrence; risk evaluation is concerned with determining the significance of the estimated risks for those affected, it therefore includes the element of risk perception; risk perception is the overall view of risk held by a person or group and includes both feeling and judgement; risk assessment consists of risk estimation and risk evaluation.
A condition in which there exists a quantifiable dispersion in the possible outcomes from any activity. For example: credit risk - the risk that a borrower may default on his obligations; currency risk - the possibility of loss or gain due to future changes in exchange rates.
Exposure to investment loss. For example, a high-risk investment carries with it a high chance of loss.
1. Possibility that a harmful event (death, injury or loss) arising from exposure to a chemical or physical agent may occur under specific conditions. 2. Expected frequency of occurrence of a harmful event (death, injury or loss) arising from exposure to a chemical or physical agent under specific conditions.
Is the variability inherent in investment, speculative or trading activities. The greater the variability, the higher the risk. Risk can be attributed to many factors. As such, the specification of a risk can described with the use of an associated qualifying term. These terms include but are not limited to credit, counterparty, liquidity, market, fraud, currency, roll, agency, coupon, event, corporate and country.
The measurable possibility of economic loss. There is risk involved if the outcome of an investment is uncertain at the time the investment is made. Although the outcome is uncertain, it is measurable.
The probability percentage of loss or the amount of possible loss to the holding medical insurance company. Risk represents probabilities including the: likelihood of complicated surgery, prescription drug side effects, chance of infection, or the length of suffering caused by a lifestyle choice. Consumers increase their risk of obtaining cancer if they partake in smoking tobacco.
The probabilistic determination of the damages a certain hazard can cause given the existing vulnerability, location and time.
Any threat to the accumulation of benefits or the solvency of a pension fund. Can often arise from the variability of investment returns. Investments with a greater degree of risk built in must offer higher returns to attract investors.
The chance or uncertainty of loss.
The possibility of suffering harm or loss.
The probability of injury, disease or death under specific circumstances.
Measures a stock's long-term risk. It is calculated based on factors such as the stock's average return and volatility over the recent 3 years and a combination of other factors. A stock with a low risk rating, for example, would indicate that it is safer and more predictable than a stock with a higher risk rating.
The chance of something happening, measured in terms of probability and consequences. The consequence may be either positive or negative. Risk in a general sense can be defined as the threat of an action or inaction that will prevent an organisation's ability to achieve its business objectives. The results of a risk occurring are defined by the impact. See: Impact.
This word has two meanings for insurers: (1) the chance of loss such as from a peril; and (2) the person or entity that is insured by a policy.
Potential for loss or injury.
The chance or probability that an undesirable event, such as illness or death, will result from an event, practice, or condition.
The chance of fire starting as determined by the presence and activity of causative agents. A chance of suffering harm or loss. A causative agent. (NFDRS) A number related to the potential of firebrands to which a given area will be exposed during the rating day.
The chance of exposure to the adverse consequences of future events.
Exposure to uncertain change, the variability of returns significantly the likelihood of less-than-expected returns.
means an estimate of the likely occurrence of a hazard.
A measure of the probability of an adverse effect on a population under a well-defined exposure scenario.
the variability of returns associated with an investment. Generally, the higher the level of risk, the higher the potential level of return.
uncertainty of financial loss.
The probability of loss, or the degree of uncertainty of being repaid, associated with loaning or investing funds.... read full article
Chance or incurring financial loss by an insurer or provider.
Possibility that the actual return on an investment will be less than its expected return. - S Corporation - A small corporation which elects subchapter S tax treatment. This tax treatment allows the corporation to avoid federal level taxation. Corporate Profits and Losses are passed through to the shareholders.
Substantial potential for gain or loss on a security, a fund or another type of investment.
The probability that the insured will incur a financial loss in the form of property damage, personal injury or death. Return to the top
The outcome of an action is said to involve risk where: the set of all possible outcomes of that action is known, and where the probability distribution of all possible outcomes is also known.
An ongoing or upcoming concern that has a significant probability of adversely affecting the success of major milestones.
the probability that a tree or stand will be attacked by defoliators. Risk is dependent on the proximity of a defoliator population to the stand in question. The higher the risk, the more likely a stand will be attacked or infested.
Often defined as the standard deviation of the return on total investment. Degree of uncertainty of return on an asset.
High, intermediate, and low risk in this guideline refer to the probability of future adverse cardiac events, particularly death or MI.
Chance of loss with respect to person, liability or the property of the insured. Also is used to mean "the insured."
The likelihood that an individual will experience a certain event.
The degree of uncertainty or exposure associated with an investment. Investments with greater inherent risk must promise higher expected returns if investors are to be attracted to them. The main types of foreign exchange risk are: 1) exchange rate risk 2) interest rate risk 3) credit risk (aka counterparty) 4) country risk (includes political). (each of these risks can be referred to in other sections of this document).
the probability that a contaminant will cause an adverse effect in exposed humans or to the environment. [Source: Virginia Voluntary Remediation Regulations, 9 VAC 20-160-10
The possibility of injury, disease or death. For example, for a person with measles, the possibility of death is one in one million
The degree of uncertainty of return on an asset. Exposure to potential loss or damage.
1) Uncertainty as to financial loss. 2) The person or thing insured.
Uncertainty regarding the expected rate of return on and/or principal value of an investment.
The possibility of losses being suffered or the uncertainty of future returns. Risk can take several forms, some of which are financial risk, political risk, operational risk, environmental risk.
The future chance or probability of loss.
I uncertainty or variability. The possibility that returns from an investment will be greater or less than forecast. Diversification of investments provides some protection against risk.
The likelihood of injury or illness if exposed to a hazard.
In risk assessment, the probability that something will cause injury, combined with the potential severity of that injury.
Total Risk = Impact of Hazard x Elements at Risk x Vulnerability of elements at Risk See also: Risk and Uncertainty (Description and Definition)and Risk
combination of the probability or frequency of occurrence of a defined threat or opportunity and the magnitude of the consequences of the occurrence. Note: combination of the likelihood of occurrence of a specified event and its consequences (potential occurrences or threats that would jeopardise the success of a project. The probability of an undesirable outcome.)
the possibility of loss; inherent in all business activities. High risk requires high return. All business decisions must consider the amount of risk involved.
The possibility of damage or loss.
The possibility of losing or not gaining value. Common types of risk include: Inflation risk: The chance that the value of assets or of income will be eroded as inflation shrinks the value of a country's currency. Interest rate risk: The possibility that a fixed-rate debt instrument will decline in value as a result of a rise in interest rates. Liquidity risk: possibility that an investor will not be able to buy or sell a commodity or security quickly enough or in sufficient quantities because buying or selling opportunities are limited. Credit risk: chance that a borrower or trade debtor will not repay an obligation as promised. Investment risk: The risk that the assets you own will decrease in value.
The uncertainty that a loss may occur or that an asset may fail to provide an expected rate of return. Since financial institutions invest most of their funds in interest sensitive assets, they monitor the following types of risks: capital, credit, delivery, exchange, interest rate, liquidity, operational, political, reinvestment, and payment systems risks. Alternatively, in the insurance industry referring to "risk" can mean that you are referring to what is insured or the risk assumed.
Is any possibility of the assets may be damaged or destroyed
The quantifiable likelihood of loss or less-than-expected returns. For portfolio planning purposes, we gauge an investor's risk appetite by looking at his or her worst-case 1-year portfolio loss. Well designed portfolios with a low worst-case loss will generally have low expected returns, and those with a high worst-case will generally have high expected returns in the long run. We define Low risk as a worst-case 1-year portfolio loss of 5-10%, and High risk as 20-30%. Worst-case loss is also known as Maximum Loss or Maximum Drawdown.
the probability that a vulnerability will cause a harmful result.
the non-trivial probability that an undesirable event will occur.
Risk is a measure of the variability of return. Thus, an investment where the return is guaranteed is less risky than an investment with uncertain returns.
The quantifiable likelihood of loss or less-than-expected returns. Risk is quantitatively expressed as the annualized standard deviation of return.
Something it often pays to take, as long as you fully understand what you're getting into. Literally, 'the chance of loss or injury' and to be distinguished from volatility.
Measurable possibility of losing or not gaining value. Risk is differentiated from uncertainty, which is not measurable.
In RAMAS Risk Imaging, risk is the frequency that harmful events are expected to occur multiplied by the expected harm.
The chance of something happening that will have an impact on objectives... AS/NZS 4360 Risk Management...
The volatility of returns, sometimes expressed using Standard Deviation, associated with a given asset. Both measurable and immeasurable possibility that a given investment will lose value. Types of investment risk include currency risk, inflation risk, principal risk, capital risk, market risk and interest rate risk. Investments can also be affected by market sentiment - which can be immeasurable. Being "risk averse" means preferring lower degrees of risk and accepting possible lower rates of return. Being "aggressive" describes a tolerance for higher degrees of risk in pursuit of higher returns.
The probability that the actual return on an investment will be less than the expected return. Usually, there is a strong correlation between risk and return, meaning the higher the risk, the higher the return. The main indicator that determines risk is volatility.
The situation when a provider or other healthcare organization is in a prospective payment system where reimbursement is a predetermined amount per covered enrollee regardless of amount of services provided. The provider is thus liable (i.e., at risk) for any losses or profits which result from how service is allocated. When spending exceeds budget, shortages occur and loss is experienced. When spending is less than budget, profits occur. (See also Shared Risk below.)
Possibility that an investment's actual return will be different than expected; includes the possibility of losing some or all of the original investment. Measured by variability of historical returns or dispersion of historical returns around their average return.
A measure of the possibility that the future may be surprisingly different from what we expect. Downside risk of loss and upside risk of gain.
A measure of the exposure to which an organisation may be subject. This is a combination of the likelihood of a business disruption occurring and the possible loss that may result from such business disruption.
Risk is the probability that the actual return of an investment will be different from the expected return. Higher the risk, higher will be the probability of gain or loss on the investment.
A function of the probability of an adverse health effect and the severity of that effect, consequential to a hazard(s) in food. ( The probability and severity of an adverse effect/event occurring to man or the environment following exposure, under defined conditions, to a risk source(s)).
Can be defined as out of the following: q An uncertainty of an outcome on an event q The interest being insured
is the variability of returns. Investments such as cash have a low risk because the return will vary within a small range, whilst investments such as shares have a greater risk due to the large degree of variability in returns.
Your chances of suffering a loss based on statistical data and circumstances.
a) The degree of peril; the possible harm that might occur. b) The statistical probability or quantitative estimate of the frequency or severity of injury or loss.
The measurable possibility of losing or not gaining value.
Uncertainty as to economic loss.
Potential harm arising from a present process or future event. See the ' Understanding risk' section of this website for more details.
the probability of an undesirable event occurring within a specified period of time. With regard to insect populations, risk involves components to evaluate the likelihood of an outbreak, the likelihood of trees being attacked (susceptibility) or the likelihood of trees being damaged (vulnerability). In fire prevention, risk involves those things or events that cause fires to start (including the physical igniting agents and people).
the possibility of danger, loss or injury from an event or situation
Chance or danger of a loss of capital and or interest in any financial transaction.
An event that could possibly occur and which would have an impact on the project if it happens.
The potential to lose money (principal and any earnings) or the potential to not make money on an investment.
A chance of loss. A person or thing insured. (Impaired or substandard risk: An applicant whose physical condition or moral habits do not meet the standard on which the rate is based).
The uncertainty that your original investment may decline in value or not grow as expected.
The chance of injury, damage, or loss.
The possibility of loss or injury to the subject matter of an insurance contract by perils insured against.
A probability that injury to life or damage to property and the environment will occur.
The risk that the exchange rate on a foreign currency will move against the position held by an investor such that the value of the investment is reduced.
the likelihood of developing a disease. A person's risk is determined by a number of factors including personal and family health history. This information is assessed by a genetic counsellor or geneticist and can range in categories from "low risk', "intermediate or average risk" to "high risk".
A measure of the potential degree to which protected information is subject to loss through adversary exploitation.
a physical chance of harm. There is a physical possibility of something entering the space that the driver needs to avoid crashing. If the driver does not have this space, and full control over it, he or she is taking a risk.
Degree of uncertainty of return on an asset. Often defined as the standard deviation of the return on total investment.
The possibility that your investment may fall in value or earn less than expected.
Is the combination of“ the probability, or frequency,. of an occurrence of a defined hazard (for example, exposure to property of a substance with potential to cause harm); and the magnitude (including the seriousness) of the consequences.
The probability that actual cash flows from an investment will vary from the forecasted cash flows.
Conventionally the chance of making a loss on an investment. However, in the investment world it is the probability of the actual return on an investment being different to the expected return.
A subjective assessment made regarding the likelihood of achieving an objective within a specified time and with the resources provided.
Expression of an impact that considers both the probability of that impact occurring and the consequences of the impact if it does occur.
A measure of the inability to achieve program objectives within defined cost and schedule constraints. Risk is associated with all aspects of the program, e.g., threat, technology, design processes, Work breakdown structure (WBS) elements, etc. It has two components: (1) The probability of failing to achieve a particular outcome; and (2) The consequences of failing to achieve that outcome.
In insurance, it is the probability of morbidity or mortality. It also pertains to uncertainty of gains or losses regarding investment performance on the underlying funds of a variable product.
The likelihood of an undesired event and how often it will occur.
the possibility of injury or damage
A term encompassing a variety of measures of the probability of an outcome. It's usually used in reference to unfavorable outcomes such as illness or death. Be certain to distinguish between absolute and relative risk.
The likelihood or probability that a loss of information assets or breach of security will occur.
The potential for injury or loss.
the likelihood that you will lose money on an investment.
Possibility that revenues of the insurer will not be sufficient to cover expenditures incurred in the delivery of contractual services.
A fortuity. It does not embrace inevitable loss. The term is used to define causes of loss covered by a policy.
Potential for exposure to loss.
The chance that an investor will lose all or part of an investment.
The likelihood of injury or harm resulting from a hazard.
The amount of volatility that you can expect on a fund. Generally based on the historical standard deviation (or variance) of returns over the last 3-5 years. Good examples of Risk Return charts can be found on our Index Funds page. Usually included in performance reporting on funds, or by services like Morningstar/Bellcharts.
The possibility of an adverse deviation from a desired outcome. The uncertainty of loss.
The possibility that an investment may fluctuate in value. Factors that increase an investment's risk or volatility include credit quality, currency exchange rates, and inflation rates.
The chance that an original investment might lose value
The possibility of loss or uncertainty of future returns. RISK TYPES
The possibility that money you invest will fail to perform as hoped, often by either losing or failing to gaining value.
The chance that a particular required attribute will exist. For example, if seal is said to be ‘high risk’ this means that clay rich impermeable layers required to trap and seal oil and gas may be poorly developed or absent altogether. If the seal is described as ‘low risk’, this means that the impermeable layer is known to exist, or is thought on reasonable grounds to be present.
The probability that damage to life, health, and/or the environment will occur as a result of a given hazard (such as exposure to a toxic chemical). Some risks can be measured or estimated in numerical terms (e.g., one chance in a hundred).
The uncertainty or variability in return of an investment. The possibility of losing money or gaining less than anticipated. Includes: Business risk. The risk of poor business conditions. This can cause stock values to fall. Credit risk. The risk that the issuer of the bond defaults. Interest rate risk. The risk to a bond that its value will fall if interest rates rise. Market risk. The risk of daily, monthly, and even yearly fluctuations in a stock's value. .
The chance of loss, the degree of probability of loss or the amount of possible loss to the insuring company. For an individual, risk represents such probabilities as the likelihood of surgical complications, medications' side effects, exposure to infection, or the chance of suffering a medical problem because of a lifestyle or other choice. For example, an individual increases his or her risk of getting cancer if he or she chooses to smoke cigarettes.
Some event or item (factor or threat) that could negatively affect the project's completion.
Expected losses (of lives, persons injured, property damaged and economic activity disrupted) due to a particular hazard for a given area and reference period. Based on mathematical calculations, risk is the product of hazard and vulnerability.
Risk should be clearly distinguished from hazard. Risk is the chance that a given hazardous effect will occur. The use of fire by humans is an example of optimising the balance between hazard and risk, as fire, being extremely hazardous, must be used under carefully controlled conditions to keep risks to a minimum.
An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, may have a positive or negative effect on a projects objectives. An inevitable known event is not a risk. Losses are relative: Failure to achieve maximum benefit may be considered a loss. Opportunities are positive risks: the possibility of achieving an unintended gain.
The chance of loss. Insurance companies view an individual or the property insured - a car or house, for example - as risks, because that person or property could sustain a loss.
Uncertainty or exposure to a chance of loss or damage. See also Risk Management
The possibility of an economic loss. Foreign Exchange Risk is the possibility of an economic loss due to adverse movements in exchange rates. Interest Rate Risk is the profit impairment due to unexpected movements in interest rates.
There may be external circumstances or events that must not occur for the project to be successful. If you believe such an event is likely to happen, then it would be a risk. (Contrast with the definition of an assumption.) Identifying something as a risk increases its visibility, and allows a proactive Risk Management Plan to be put into place. This is a simple definition of a project risk. A more precise definition is available in step 7.0 Manage Risks.
The probability of a specified hazard causing harm.
The probability that something will cause injury, linked with the potential severity of that injury. Risk is usually indicated by how many extra cancers may appear in a group of people who are exposed to a particular substance at a given concentration, in a particular pathway, and for a specified period of time. For example, a 1%, or 1 in 100 risk indicates that for 100 people who may be exposed, 1 person may experience cancer as a result of the exposure.
The chance of loss. But also used to refer to the insured or to property covered by a policy.
the likelihood that harm might result because of a hazard.
The probability that a particular event will or will not happen.
the chance that money or other property will be lost.
The chance of something happening that will have an impact upon objectives. It is measured in terms of consequences and likelihood.
Comprises two components: uncertainty and exposure.
A potential occurrence that would be detrimental to the project; risk is both the likelihood of the occurrence and the consequence of the occurrence.
Defined variously as uncertainty of loss, chance or loss, or the variance of actual from expected results. However defined, its existence is the reason people buy insurance.
Any event that is likely to adversely affect a project's ability to achieve the defined objectives.
The probability that an event will occur, e.g. that an individual will become ill or die within a stated period of time or age.
(risque) - the chance of a vulnerability being exploited.
The probability of getting your money back. High risk means low probability; low risk means high probability.
The potential of an adverse condition occurring on a project which will cause the project to not meet expectations. A risk requires management assessment and a strategy for its mitigation.
The probability or likeliness that an adverse effect will occur.
means a function of the probability that a vulnerability in the system that will affect the availability, authentication, integrity or confidentiality of the data processed or transferred and the severity of that effect, consequential to the intentional or non-intentional use of such a vulnerability.
The probability that the accident will occur and the magnitude of the damage which could derive from it.
the uncertainty regarding loss.
Simply, the possibility of financial loss.
The chance that an investment will lose or not gain value.
All investments have an "expected" rate of return (based on historical averages and intelligent estimates). Risk measures the likelihood that an investment will do worse than the expected rate.
The chance of loss on an investment due to many factors including, inflation, interest rates, default, politics, foreign exchange, call provisions, etc.
In reference to saving or investing, risk refers to the danger of losing money you set aside in some kind of savings plan.
Risk relates to the variability of returns. Investments with greater risks are expected to have higher returns.
Exposure to uncertain change, most often used with a negative connotation of adverse change.
Trying to control outcomes to a known or predictable range of gains or losses. Risk management involves a set of steps which begin with a sound understanding of one's business and the exposures or risks that have to be covered to protect the value of that business. Then an assessment should be made of the types of variables that can affect the business and how best to protect against unwelcome outcomes. Consideration must also be given to the preferred risk profile - whether one is risk- averse or fairly aggressive in approach. This also involves deciding which instruments to use to manage risk, and whether a natural hedge exists that can be used. Once undertaken, a risk-management strategy should be continually assessed for effectiveness and cost.
the likelihood that exposure to a hazard could cause injury, if the exposure, or dose, is high enough. All substances (including water) produce effects (i.e., toxicity or hazard) but do not pose risk unless the exposures are sufficiently high. The concept is captured in the saying of 16th century Swiss physician Paracelsus and known to every modern doctor and toxicologist: "The dose makes the poison."
The consequences associated with the probability of flooding attributable to an encroachment. It includes the potential for property loss and hazard to life during the service life of the structure or project.
the possibility of loss; the amount that one may lose when investing.
In relation to a mutual fund, chances of losing money.
The chance of possibility of loss. For example, physicians may be held at risk if hospitalization rates exceed agreed upon thresholds. Risk sharing is often used as a control mechanism in the HMO setting.
typically refers to the short-term volatility or variability of an investment.
The possibility of something unpleasant occurring including the likelihood of a loss or failing to meet a goal.
The possibility or chance of loss or injury. RETURN TO THE TOP
The possibility of loss of capital on an investment.
The possibility for loss of some or all of the money you invest. Also, the degree of probability for such a loss.
An estimation of the expected amount of harm that will occur to an asset.
chance that injury or death will occur
The probability in a certain timeframe that an adverse outcome will occur for a person, group or ecological system that is exposed to a particular impact.
Potential events or conditions that could have a positive or a negative impact on the project goals
The probability of adverse effects, their nature and their severity over a range of exposures.
Used in insurance in many senses, notably: the subject matter of insurance; uncertainty as to the outcome of an event; probability of loss; the peril insured against; danger.
In insurance terms, the likelihood of a claim being made on a policy during its term.
in insurance, this is the probability of an insured loss occurring.
The chance of loss. Return to Glossary | Return to
factor(s) that determine the possibility of a loss which assist the underwriter in determining the cost to insure your boat. May include the operators experience, the type of boat or the location of the boat.
the likelihood of losing all or part of the principle invested. Also called volatility, it usually refers to the standard deviation of an investment.
danger or probability of loss to an insurer or the amount that a company stands to lose; the variability of returns from an investment; the chance of nonpayment of a debt.
The possibility that a given investment will lose value. Types of investment risk include currency risk, inflation risk, capital risk, market risk and interest-rate risk. Risk is a trade-off for investors. In order to increase the potential for reward, one usually has to assume a greater amount of risk.
Put simply, risk means the chance of losing money or not having your expectations met. Risk can means different things to different people. An investment considered risk-free because the capital is protected (e.g. fixed term deposits) may still involve the risk of not keeping up with inflation.
The level of volatility or variability of returns of an investment.
amount of uncertainty about the expected return from an investment, including the possibility that the investment may lose money or become worthless
The possibility of an act or event occurring that would have an adverse effect on the state, an organization, or an information system. Risk involves both the probability of failure and the possible consequences of a failure
The estimated impact that a hazard would have on people, services, facilities, and structures in a community; the likelihood of a hazard event resulting in an adverse condition that causes injury or damage. Risk is often expressed in relative terms such as a high, moderate or low likelihood of sustaining damage above a particular threshold due to a specific type of hazard event. It also can be expressed in terms of potential monetary losses associated with the intensity of the hazard.
In many health fields, risk means the probability of incurring injury, disease, or death. Risk can be expressed as a value that ranges from zero (no injury or harm will occur) to one (harm or injury will definitely occur). back to
A measure of uncertainty comprising uncertainty/ probability and exposure/ impact. Downside risk is the hazard or chance of bad consequences or loss occurring.
The chance of capital loss
the chance of a loss. You insure your house, for example, against the risk of fire.
The potential loss that an investor accepts when she makes an investment. Risk can also be defined statistically as the annualized standard deviation of returns. See exchange rate risk. - Short position A market position where a trader has sold a currency he does not previously own. A short position is normally expressed in terms of the base currency. Spread The difference between the bid and the ask of a currency price. Stop-buy A buy order for a currency price that is above the current "market," or current price, that becomes a market order when the specified price is reached. Stop-buys are used by traders to establish positions in markets which they perceive to be rising in value. Stop-loss A price specified by a trader at which he closes his position (buys or sells currencies to exit the market) to ensure that in case of a loss (prices which don't move in the expected direction) he is able to keep his loss in line with his risk profile.
The chance of incurring a loss from an investment.
The probability that a disease will develop in an individual during a specified time period.
The combination of the frequency, or probability, of occurrence and the consequence of a specified hazardous event. NOTE: The concept of risk always has two elements: the frequency or probability with which a hazardous event occurs and the consequences of the hazardous event.
an expression of uncertainty (high risk) or uncertainty (no risk) often relating to the presence of principal geological factors controlling oil accumulations.
Hazard, danger, chance of loss or injury, the degree of probability of loss; a person, thing or factor likely to cause loss or danger
A measure of the probability of an item not gaining in value. See also: Market Risk; Reinvestment Risk.
This is a nettlesome concept and there is often a "disconnect" between investors and their advisors concerning its meaning. There is a difference between risk and volatility, though the academics seem to measure risk by volatility, which is nonsense. Absolute risk involves the possibility of a stock price declining and staying down, even moving to zero. Volatility involves prices moving up and down, and that need be "risky" only if the investor has an urgent need for money or panics. Some of the best long-term investments are highly volatile. Or put another way, I'd rather a lumpy 20% than a steady 10%.What seems fairly clear is that most investors are typically willing to accept higher risk when markets are riding high, which of course is exactly when perils are greatest. It is at times such these when a money manager who clings ferociously to a value discipline can add the greatest value. Sadly though, it is during these periods when value managers are fired seemingly for not taking sufficient risk.
the degree of uncertainty about an event. This depends on the size and likelihood of possible future outcomes
A measure of the probability of losing or not gaining value. Risk is differentiated from uncertainty, which is not measurable. Liquidity Risk Possibility that an investor will not be able to buy or sell a commodity or security quickly enough because buying or selling opportunities are limited. Default Risk The uncertainty that some or all of the investment may not be returned. Systematic Risk That part of a securityâ€(tm)s risk that is common to all securities of the same general class (stocks and bonds) and thus cannot be eliminated by diversification. Also known as market risk, it is the amount of return caused by volatility and is measured by the beta coefficient. Specific or Non-Market Risk Specific risk is measured by the alpha coefficient. It is a mathematical estimate of the amount of return expected from an investmentâ€(tm)s inherent values, such as the rate of growth in earnings per share. Secondary Market Market where shares are bought and sold on the Stock Exchange after their initial floatation on the primary market.
The chance that the value of an investment could decline in the marketplace.
The chance of losing the basic amount invested is the risk inherent in an investment.
Management - Risk Management is usually used by businesses uncertain about their future endeavors. Coverage for risk is not easy to determine. A business must determine likely sources of financial loss, estimating the amount the loss might cost and decide ways to minimize potential losses.
Uncertainty of outcome (whether positive opportunity or negative threat). It is the combination of the chance of an event and its consequences.
The possibility of a person developing a certain disease. Screening - Identifies people without symptoms who have polyps or CRC.
In finance, risk is the possibility of losing or of not gaining in value. For insurance purposes, risk refers to the probability that a given covered event, such as death or a car accident, will occur. In terms of investments, risk is a measure of a particular investment's volatility and of the possibility that it will cause an investor some degree of financial loss. Specific types of risk include actuarial risk, interest rate risk, inflation risk, and credit risk.
The potential for harm, not actual harm. Risk reflects both the likelihood that harm and/or damage will occur and its severity.
The uncertainty of an event occurring that could have an impact on the achievement of objectives. Risk is measured in terms of consequences and likelihood.
The chance of the hazard actually causing an injury or a disease.
The possibility that the value of an investment may decline or lose money. Also includes the possibility that it won't keep ahead of inflation.
General] uncertainty arising from the possible occurrence of future events [identical to ASOP No. 12]; (2) [General] an individual or other entity covered by a FINANCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM [similar to ASOP No. 12
The relative risk is the comparative earthquake hazard from one site to another. The probabilistic risk is the odds of earthquake occurrence within a given time interval and region.
is the potential future harm that may arise from some present action. It is often combined or confused with the probability of an event which is seen as undesirable. Usually the probability and some assessment of expected harms must be combined into a believable scenario combining risk, regret and reward probabilities into expected value. There are many informal methods which are used to assess (or to "measure" although it is not usually possible to directly measure) risk, and (for some applications) formal methods such as value at risk.
The probability that an event will occur and/or cause damage. Risk depends on the level of vulnerability to a threat.
The possibility of suffering a loss or injury.
A measure of the chances that damage to life, property, or the environment will occur if a hazard occurs. Risk includes consideration of the severity of the damage.
To expose oneself to hazard or danger
the possibility of loss of principal or less-than-expected returns; there are many kinds of risk: economic risk; financial risk; inflation risk; market risk; and liquidity risk
The measurable prospect of investments increasing or decreasing in value. Those investments with a high level of risk generally offer the greater returns.
The measurable possibility of a future investment loss or a gain that is less than expected, including the possibility of losing some or all of the original investment.
the possibility of loss; the uncertainty of future returns.
The possibility of losing an amount of money that is bet on the outcome of an event, contest, game, or machine.
As it applies to safety, exposure to the chance of injury or loss. It is a function of the possible frequency of occurrence of the undesired event, of the potential severity of resulting consequences, and of the uncertainties associated with the frequency and severity.
The chance or probability that a harmful event will occur.
In its simplest sense, risk is the variability of returns. Investments with greater inherent risk must provide higher expected yields if investors are to be attracted to them. Risk can take any forms, but a major one is valuation risk – paying too much for an asset. See also Currency Risk, Exchange Rate Risk, Market Risk, Political Risk, Volatility.
The likelihood that a hazard will cause a specified harm to someone or something.
The probability of adverse effects resulting from exposure to an environmental agent or mixture of agents.
The expression of the likelihood of an event to occur that has the potential to impact the achievement of an organization's objectives. Risk is managed by a systematic approach to setting the best course of action under uncertainty by identifying, assessing, understanding, acting on, and communicating risk issues.
Probability that something undesirable will happen as a consequence of exposure to a hazard.
The potential for realization of unwanted adverse consequences or events.
A measurable possibility of losing capital (or not gaining value). The chance that invested capital will drop in value can be caused by many factors including, inflation, interest rates, default, politics, liquidity, call provisions, etc. See: Call; Default; Inflation; Liquidity; Risk/Reward Ratio; Systematic Risk
The chance that an investment's actual return will be different than expected. This includes the possibility of losing some or all of the original investment. It is usually measured using the historical returns or average returns for a specific investment.
The degree of likelihood that a particular investment or speculative transaction will produce a loss due to uncertain and volatile price behavior. Systematic or market risk is the kind of risk that affects virtually all commodity. Unsystematic or firm-specific risk relates specifically to the commodity in question and has little influence on the price of commodity in general.
The possibility of injury, loss or environment incident created by a hazard. The significance of the risk is determined by the probability of an unwanted incident, and the severity of its consequences.
The chance of loss. Specifically the possible loss or destruction of property or the possible incurring of a liability. Sometimes refers to the subject of an insurance contract.
1- The possibility of loss. 2 - The dollar difference between the current price and the price at which the liquidation of open positions would occur. 3- The portion of the performance bond requirement associated with the likely worst case change in value from one day to the next.
The possibility of a financial outcome worse than its predicted value. In general insurance, risk refers to the insurance of a particular item eg a building or a vehicle.
Foreign Exchange Risk) : The hazard that the exchange rate on a foreign currency will move against the position held by an investor.
Future outcomes against which probabilities can be assigned, which can therefore be insured.
The possibility an investment’s actual future return will be below its expected return.
any chance of loss to the insured or the property to which the insurance policy relates.
The probability that an unwanted event (harm) will occur.
The probability of injury, disease, or death from exposure to a chemical agent or a mixture of chemicals. In quantitative terms, risk is expressed in values ranging from zero (representing the certainty that harm will not occur) to one (representing the certainty that harm will occur). The following are examples of how risk is expressed within IRIS: E-4 or 10-4 = a risk of 1/10,000; E-5 or 10-5 = 1/100,000; E-6 or 10-6 = 1/1,000,000. Similarly, 1.3 E-3 or 1.3 x 10-3 = a risk of 1.3/1,000=1/770; 8 E-3 or 8 x 10-3 = a risk of 1/125 and 1.2 E-5 or 1.2 x 10-5 = a risk of 1/83,000. This definition archived 9/30/03
(Machine Safety) The probability of the occurrence of harm and its severity.
(1) The chance of loss; (2) The Insured or property covered by a policy or application.
The likelihood that a child will be maltreated in the future.
The quantifiable likelihood of loss or less-than-expected returns. Examples: currency risk, inflation risk, principal risk, country risk, economic risk, mortgage risk, liquidity risk, market risk, opportunity risk, income risk, interest rate risk, prepayment risk, credit risk, unsystematic risk, call risk, business risk, counterparty risk, purchasing-power risk, event risk.
The potential to lose money, including principal, or not to make money on an investment.
Degree of uncertainty of return on an asset. The risk level of a portfolio is always stated in the prospectus.
the probability of occurrence or expected degree of loss, as a result of exposure to a hazard. CO Survey, 1988
(1) Uncertainty as to the outcome of an event when two or more possibilities exist. See also Pure Risk and Speculative Risk. (2) A person or thing insured. Contrast with Hazard and Peril.
The volatility of returns, usually expressed as standard deviation.
Uncertainty or variability. A chance of loss. As to real estate, the fluctuation in sales or profits and the likelihood of declining value.
Potential exposure to loss. Sources of risk can be placed in two categories: 1) Systematic risk (also called market risk). This is due to general market influences causing volatility in an investment and all other market investments. 2) Unsystematic risk (also called specific risk). This is the variability in the returns of an investment as a result of factors specific to that investment only. Unsystematic risk can be eliminated through diversification but systematic risk cannot. The effectiveness of diversification depends on the degree of correlation between the returns of the investments being considered.
The uncertainty, chance, exposure, and vulnerability imposed on an investor with particular regard to any financial loss that may accrue from a real estate investment.
A measure of the price volatility of an investment.
The measurable possibility of loss on an investment.
Risk is the likelihood or probability that critical applications or confidential or sensitive information will be subject to unavailability, loss, unauthorized modification or improper disclosure.
Risk is the product of the level of threat and the level of vulnerability. It establishes the likelihood of a successful attack.
The risk posed by a substance depends on hazard (the intrinsic properties of the substance) and exposure.
There may be potential external events that will have a negative impact on your project if they occur. Risk refers to the combination of the probability the event will occur and the impact on the project if the event occurs. If the combination of the probability of the occurrence and the impact to the project is too high, you should identify the potential event as a risk and put a proactive plan in place to manage the risk.
A chance of injury or occupational disease.
possibility of a loss also to probability of a loss.
Expected losses (fatalities, injuries, damaged property, and disrupted economic activities) due to a particular hazard for a given area and reference period. Based on mathematical calculations, risk is the product of hazard, vulnerability, and “value-at-risk”.
The element of uncertainty or probability of variance in expected cash flows or returns.
Risk refers to the variability of value. In investing, risk can be credit risk, principal risk, inflation risk, or interest rate risk, to name a few. The type of risk incurred by a shareholder varies from fund to fund. An investor will often tolerate higher levels of risk in return for potentially higher monetary rewards.
Risk is uncertainty concerning loss. Sometimes also used to refer to a piece of business or a submission to an insurer.
Risk is a concept that denotes a potential negative impact to an asset or some characteristic of value that may arise from some present process or future event. In everyday usage, "risk" is often used synonymously with the probability of a loss. In professional risk assessments, risk combines the probability of an event occurring with the impact that event would have and with its different circumstances.