Produced from the combination of Threat and Vulnerability Assessments. Characterized by analyzing the probability of destruction or incapacitation resulting from a threat's exploitation of a critical infrastructure's vulnerabilities.
A qualitative or quantitative evaluation of the environmental and/or health risk resulting from exposure to a chemical or physical agent (pollutant); combines exposure assessment results with toxicity assessment results to estimate risk.
This is the method of identifying a hazard in workplace environments and the means of eliminating or reducing the risk, as well as the documentation to show what has been done.
Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the risk posed to human health and/or the environment by exposure to a chemical.
a scientific process that includes hazard identification, receptor characterization and endpoint selection, stress-response assessment, and risk characterization.
A formalised procedure to evaluate hazards and their potential impact on health.
An organized process used to describe and estimate the likelihood of adverse health outcomes from environmental exposures to chemicals. The four steps are hazard identification, dose-response assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. Risk Assessment Reviewer The individual or team of individuals within an EPA region who provides technical oversight and quality assurance review of human health evaluation activities. Risk Assessor The individual or team of individuals who actually organizes and analyzes site data, develops exposure and risk calculations, and prepares human health evaluation (i.e., risk assessment) reports. Risk assessors for Superfund sites frequently are contractors to EPA, other federal agencies, states, or potentially responsible parties.
The scientific evaluation of known or potential adverse health effects resulting from human exposure to hazards. The process consists of the following steps: hazard identification, exposure assessment, hazard characterization (dose-response), and risk characterization.
(DOD) A comprehensive evaluation of the risk and its associated impact.
The qualitative and quantitative evaluation of risks posed to health or the environment that arise from an activity, chemical use, or technology. The process includes describing potential adverse effects, evaluating the magnitude of each risk (e.g., the toxicity of a chemical), estimating potential exposure to the chemical or other hazard, estimating the range of likely effects given the likely exposures, and describing uncertainties.
Using statistical methods to measure an individual's risk for developing breast cancer in their lifetime. Breast cancer risk assessment should be undertaken with the assistance of a physician or a qualified healthcare professional, such as a genetics counselor.
The process of identifying security based on an analysis of threats to and vulnerabilities of systems, determining the magnitude of those risks, and incorporating measures needed to safeguard against them.
Anticipating the cost of providing health care to groups of enrollees. Actuarial assessments examine utilization history, demographics, health characteristics, environmental attributes, and other sociological, economic and market characteristics. Risk assessment can also include, less commonly, the identification of etiology of health problems.
A systematic process that determines the likelihood of adverse health effects to a population after exposure to a hazard. Health consequences may depend on the type of hazard and damage to infrastructure, loss of economic value, loss of function, loss of natural resources, loss of ecological systems, and environmental impacts and deterioration of health, mortality, and morbidity. The major components of a risk assessment include a hazard identification/analysis and a vulnerability analysis that answer the following questions: What are the hazards that could affect a community? What can happen as a result of those hazards? How likely is each of the possible outcomes? When the possible outcomes occur, what are the likely consequences and losses? Risk assessment is a fundamental planning tool for disaster management, especially during prevention and mitigation activities. See also hazard identification/analysis; vulnerability analysis.
The overall process of identifying and analyzing risks. The process of characterizing hazards within risk areas by analyzing them for their potential mishap consequences and probabilities of occurrence, and combining the two estimates to reach a risk rating.
the estimation of the likelihood of loss or damage and the magnitude of the consequence should the loss or damage occur. In forestry, risk assessment includes the process of identifying the degree of risk that timber harvesting and road building imposes on adjacent and downslope social, economic, and forest resource values. The severity of each potential hazard and the magnitude of the potential consequences that correspond to each hazard provide the overall risk associated with harvesting a site.
The process used to determine risk management priorities by evaluating and comparing the level of risk against pre-determined standards, target risk levels or other criteria. (AS/NZS 4360:1995)
FINANCE. An evaluation of potential problems as a result of internal changes to the organisation and external factors that may affect it.
A complex process by which scientists determine the harm that a substance, activity, lifestyle, or natural phenomenon can inflict on human health or the environment. The process involves analyzing scientific data to describe the form, dimension, and characteristics of risk. Assessments are usually predictive estimates of how risky a particular situation is. See also risk management, ecological risk assessment, comparative risk analysis.
A process which estimates the likelihood that exposed people may have health effects. The four steps of a risk assessment are: hazard identification (Can this substance damage health?); dose-response assessment (What dose causes what effect?); exposure assessment (How and how much do people contact it?); and risk characterization (combining the other three steps to characterize risk and describe the limitations and uncertainties).
The scientific evaluation of the toxic properties of a chemical and the conditions of human exposure to it in order to ascertain the likelihood that exposed humans will be adversely affected, and to characterize the nature of the effects they may experience. Usually contains the following steps: hazard identification, dose-response assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. CA / Fed
A study or evaluation that identifies and in many cases quantifies the potential harm posed to health and the environment by contamination on a property.
Process of defining the risk associated with a specified use pattern for a pesticide, usually expressed as a numerical probability or as a margin of safety. Quantifying risk ideally requires, identification of hazard, establishment of dose-response relationships in likely target individuals and populations, exposure assessment (using likely exposure patterns as opposed to worst-case estimates). (after Duffus, 1993)
An evaluation of potential consequences to humans, wildlife, or the environment caused by a process, product, or activity, and including both the likelihood and the effects of an event.
a systematic examination of a substance to identify the hazards, understand the likelihood and consequences of its use and to review the current or planned approaches to control the risks.
The approach and process used to prioritise and determine the likelihood of risks occurring and their potential impact on the achievement of our objectives.
Risk Assessment involves analysing risks as a prelude to managing those risks in order to minimise the effects of unexpected failure.
A study of vulnerabilities, threats, likelihood, loss or impact, and theoretical effectiveness of security measures. The process of evaluating threats and vulnerabilities, known and postulated, to determine expected loss and establish the degree of acceptability to system operations.
prediction and estimation of risk.132
is the process of determining whether there is a risk associated with an identified hazard, that is whether there is any likelihood of injury or harm to health.
An analysis of system assets and vulnerabilities to establish an expected loss from certain events based on estimated probabilities of the occurrence of those events.
Evaluating the probability of an action having a negative impact that is not within prescribed limits or acceptable bounds.
approach taken by scientists, governments and companies to consider the safety of a new technology. On the basis of current knowledge and experience, it involves careful and systematic analysis and assessment of possible adverse impacts, the scale of them, and the likelihood of them happening. The aim is to estimate the benefits, and suggest ways to manage the risks, so as to make informed choices.
An evaluation performed as part of the remedial investigation to assess conditions at a Superfund site and determine the risk posed to public health or the environment. to top
the process of calculating the toxic effects of an exposure to a chemical substance and determining the potential uses of the substance.
The process of obtaining qualitative or quantitative measures of risk levels, identifying possible health effects, environmental effects and any other consequences as well as the degree of uncertainty in those estimates.
Identification and quantification of the hazard resulting from a specific use or occurrence of a chemical or physical agent. Risk assessment considers any possible harmful effects on individual people or on society of using the chemical or physical agent in the amount and manner proposed and via all possible routes of exposure. Quantification ideally requires the establishment of dose-effect and dose-response relationships in likely target individuals and populations. RELATED TERM exposure assessment
The procedure in which the risks posed by inherent hazards involved in processes or situations are estimated either quantitatively or qualitatively.
Risk assessment is the process of gathering data and making assumptions to estimate short and long-term effects on human health or the environment from exposure to hazards associated with the use of a particular product or technology.
a careful examination of aspects of the operation and use of the pool which could cause harm to people, and to check that there are adequate measures to prevent harm
a careful examination of the workplace and workers tasks to highlight any hazards which may cause harm or illness
a careful examination of the workplace which looks at the work activities carried out and assesses the risks to persons working there
a careful examination of what could cause harm to people in the workplace
a careful examination of what, in a workplace, could cause harm to people
a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm
a complete analysis of work processes and job functions
a comprehensive study of a system to identify those components most vulnerable to disruption or destruction and to assess the likely impact that such disruption or destruction would have on passengers, employees, and the system
a detailed evaluation of a facility to determine risk levels and severity
a legal assessment about the possible consequences of a given prosecution
a living document which highlights all potential hazards which may face your event - it assesses the degree of risk and what steps you, as organiser, have taken to ensure that those participating are safe
an analysis that uses information about toxic substances at a site to estimate a theoretical level of risk for people who might be exposed to these substances
an estimation of the risk associated with a use of a hazardous substance or dangerous good
an evaluation that is provided by the court on request
an objective scientific assessment of the chance of experiencing loss or adverse consequences when physical and social elements are exposed to potentially harmful natural and technological hazards, environmental impact, morbidity, and mortality
a professional medical estimation of your risk of developing breast cancer within a certain number of years
a qualitative or quantitative characterization of the nature and magnitude of human health or ecological risks
a quick assessment of the vulnerability to fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement
a record of the precautions which will be used to minimise exposure to any health or safety risks
a systematic, scientific examination of known or potential adverse heath effects resulting from human exposure to a hazard
a tool designed to assess how a woman's current situation, experiences and lifestyle could impact on her or her children's safety, and to respond appropriately
a tool for measuring the compliance of an organization with applicable security requirements and is a standardized methodology that can be used to analyze a system or organization to identify vulnerabilities potentially resulting in losses
a vigilant examination of what, in a place of work, could cause harm to people so that the employer can assess if they have taken sufficient precautions to prevent damage and injury
A process that involves measurement of risk to determine priorities and to enable identification of appropriate level of risk treatment (used also to describe the overall process of risk management).
A thorough examination of the exposures of the nonprofit, both insurable and uninsurable.
A method used to evaluate the likelihood of an adverse outcome in a given situation.
The processes of identifying and estimating the risks associated with the importation of a commodity and evaluating the consequences of taking those risks. (from OIE 2003a)
a scientifically based process for which answers to three questions are sought: (1) what can go wrong (hazard identification); (2) how likely is the hazard to occur; and (3) what is the severity of the effect if it does.
A risk assessment looks at the chemicals detected at a site, the frequency and concentration of detected chemicals, the toxicity of the chemicals and how people can be exposed, and for how long. Routes of exposure to people are generally through ingestion (such as eating) contact with the skin, or inhalation. The most significant potential routes of exposure are through ingestion and contact with the skin. The health risk assessment cannot predict health effects; it only describes the increased possibility of adverse health effects, based on the best scientific information available.
Ways of assessing the likelihood of future problem behaviour, usually violence.
A procedure used to calculate the probability of an adverse effect occurring by taking into account the toxicity or potency of a substance, the exposure, and the susceptibility of the target organism.
The process of estimating the probability of occurrence of an undesirable event and the magnitude of its consequences over a specified time period.
An assessment of what can go wrong with a project; aims to identify risks, quantify their likelihood pf occurribg and assess their likely impact on the project. It is intended to allow Risk Management to take place. Based on Field and Keller, Project Management
the process by which potential risks in a practical activity are identified in order to reduce a hazard e.g. wearing safety spectacles to protect eyes Rotary Motion turning or moving in a circle around an axis
An analysis considering information sensitivity, vulnerabilities, and the cost to a computer facility or word processing activity in safeguarding personal information processed or stored in the facility or activity.
Careful consideration by competent persons of hazards associated with a task. Potential effect of each hazard, how serve it might be and likelihood of it occurring, should be considered to determine effort required to make site as safe as reasonably practicable.
is the process of estimating the risk to health or environment of a product or work process by determining the possible extent of damage and the likelihood of that damage occurring. The goal is to produce "objective" data as a basis for making managerial or regulatory decisions.
The procedures a lender follows in evaluating a borrowerâs creditworthiness, repayment ability, and collateral position relative to the borrowerâs intended use of the loan proceeds. Risk assessment is similar to credit scoring and risk rating.
a combination of the third and fourth steps of the risk management process, those being, risk analysis and risk evaluation. 14.3
the process of studying the vulnerabilities, threats to, and likelihood of attacks on a computer system or network
A process for organizing and analyzing information to determine if an environmental chemical might cause harm to exposed persons or the ecosystem. For human health, the EPA risk assessment process analyzes the possibility of cancer and noncancer effects caused by site contamination.
Process of analyzing threats to and vulnerabilities of an information system, and the potential impact that the loss of information or capabilities of a system would have on national security and using the analysis as a basis for identifying appropriate and cost-effective measures.
Français] A quantitative and qualitative approach to monitoring the hazardous capacity of a new product. This involves the identification and characterization of hazards, an assessment of exposure to the product, and a final risk characterization of the product.
A formal estimation of the likelihood that persons may suffer injury or adverse health effects as a result of identified hazards
a structured approach to assessing and managing risks.
A determination of the level of vulnerability or likelihood of adverse effects resulting from an action or decision. Risk assessments identify and manage potential risks. In the area of human capital, risk assessments help identify problems that pose high risk to organizational integrity including financial or legal threats, systemic violations of employee protections or veterans' preference, and potential loss of integrity in the public eye. It is growing more common for such assessments to be conducted when undertaking human capital initiatives to determine the potential risks to stakeholders.
Risk assessments are conducted by trained professionals to determine the level of safety/danger in different situations. In child protection matters, the CAS workers carry out risk assessments before deciding either to remove a child from her/his home or whether it is safe for a child to return home. THE COURT SYSTEM The Ontario family court system is undergoing many changes. At one time, people wanting a divorce had to go to the federal court (Divisional Court), whereas people wanting to resolve issues like custody and access without a divorce had to go to provincial court (Ontario Court of Justice). The new Unified Family Court (UFC) was developed so that all issues related to family matters could be resolved in one place. However, UFCs have not yet been established in all Ontario communities. There are some significant differences between these two systems, so if you are going to court without a lawyer, you should find out which court system is in place in your community. Regardless of which court system your case is in, it will be heard by a judge and not a jury.
Risk assessment is defined as "The qualitative or quantitative estimation of the likelihood of adverse effects that may result from exposure to specified health hazards or from the absence of beneficial influences."
The process of identifying hazards to the safety or welfare of children and young people, estimating their seriousness and likelihood, and identifying and recording reasonable measures to minimise unnecessary hazards.
the process of determining the adverse consequences of some technology or process to the individual and/or the society. Risk assessment must deal with both short-term and long-term risks.
The methodical determination of the likelihood of adverse effects arising from exposure to a hazard.
A scientific determination of the kind and degree of potential risks resulting from the presence of a chemical compound or mixture of compounds in the environment. A risk assessment usually addresses the possible risks to both human health and the environment.
A comprehensive evaluation of a dwelling's lead safety by a combination of visual examination and sampling of paint, dust, and bare soil. Only a certified risk assessor may conduct a risk assessment. The report issued by a risk assessor provides the results of all sampling conducted at the dwelling, as well as the risk assessor's detailed observations and conclusions regarding the dwelling's lead safety status. If lead-based paint hazards are detected, the risk assessor's report will specify where they are located as well as their relative significance, and will also provide specific recommendations for remedial action.
(évaluation des risques) - an evaluation, based on the effectiveness of existing or proposed security safeguards, of the chance of vulnerabilities being exploited
Compare? A process to determine the increased risk from exposure to environmental pollutants together with an estimate of the severity of impact. Risk assessments use specific chemical information plus risk factors.
This part of the underwriting process whereby the risk of the happening of the insured event to the life insured in evaluated and a decision is made if the case can be accepted on terms applied for by the insured. It is done by examining all information in hand and obtained as its request and using the weight of experience and statistical evidence and studies.
The process of identifying a hazard and characterizing the risk presented by that hazard, in qualitative or quantitative terms.
The overall process of risk identification, analysis and evaluation
The technique for orderly and enlightened decision making that allows the quantification of the chances of an adverse outcome. The evaluation of the likelihood of entry, establishment and spread of pests, diseases, toxic substances, or organisms in a particular environment and the relevant potential biological and economic impacts, or the evaluation of the potential adverse effects on human or animal health due to exposure to a toxic substance.
a written document that identifies hazards and any action necessary
The use of scientific data to identify and characterize the nature and magnitude of hazards, if any, and the likelihood of hazards being realized. - The measure to estimate what harm might be caused, how likely it would be to occur and the scale of the estimated damage.
the process used to determine the risk posed by contaminants released into the environment. Elements include identification of the contaminants present in the environmental media, assessment of exposure and exposure pathways, assessment of the toxicity of the contaminants present at the site, characterization of human health risks, and characterization of the impacts or risks to the environment. [Source: Virginia Voluntary Remediation Regulations, 9 VAC 20-160-10
A method of determining the level of danger that a machine operator is exposed to. The European standard EN 954-1 primarily uses three factors to determine the level of danger: The severity of a possible injury The frequency and duration of exposure to the risk The possibility of avoiding the hazard
a formalized basis for the objective evaluation of risk in a manner in which assumptions and uncertainties are clearly considered and presented; commonly involves multidisciplinary efforts among physical scientists, toxicologists, biologists, mathematical modelers, and information specialists
an evaluation of the risk to human health or the environment by hazards. Risk assessments can look at either existing hazards or potential hazards.
Comprises understanding, evaluating and interpreting the perceptions of Risk and societal tolerances of Risk to inform decisions and actions in the Flood Risk management process.
the process of identifying potential risks, quantifying their likelihood of occurrence and assessing their likely impact on the project
(Évaluation des risques) A systematic process for evaluating and addressing the potential negative impact of identified risk areas and issues.
Process of gathering data and making assessments to estimate short and long-term harmful affects on human health or the environment from exposure to hazards associated with a particular product or activity.
A risk assessment is an estimate of the chance that environmental or health problems will result from a particular activity. Risk assessments play an important role in determining controls for the manufacture, use and transportation of toxic chemicals.
a scientifically based process consisting of the following steps: (i) hazard identification, (ii) hazard characterization, (iii) exposure assessment, and (iv) risk characterization.
A process that identifies risks and the impact of those risks.
The calculated measurement of the damage a virus, worm or trojan posses. This assessment is based on several factors including, severity of payload, the number of cases reported, and its ability to spread. Additional Information: Guidelines for the AVERT Risk Assessment (ARA)
The calculation of the degree of risk posed to human health or the environment by specific contaminants in specific amounts at a particular location.
An OPSEC process of evaluating the risks of information loss based on an analysis of threats to, and vulnerabilities of, a system, operation or activity.
Identification and quantification of the risk resulting from a specific use or occurrence of a chemical or physical agent, taking into account possible harmful effects on individual people or society of using the chemical or physical agent in the amount and manner proposed and all the possible routes of exposure. Quantification ideally requires the establishment of dose-effect and dose-response relationships in likely target individuals and populations. RT exposure assessment, hazard identification, risk characterization, risk estimation, risk evaluation, risk identification, risk management, risk perception.
The qualitative or quantitative estimation of the likelihood of adverse effects that may result from exposure to specified health hazards or from the absence of beneficial influences. Risk assessment attempts to calculate or estimate the risk to a given target system following exposure to a particular substance, taking into account the inherent characteristics of the substance of concern as well as the characteristics of the specific target system. The process includes four steps: 1) hazard identification, 2) dose-response assessment, 3) exposure assessment, and 4) risk characterization (see:
The scientific approach to determine magnitude of a risk. It involves 1) hazard identification (information about the pathogen/toxin and the food in question), 2) hazard characterization (severity and duration of disease, dose-response), 3) exposure assessment (see below ) and 4) risk characterization (combines the above information to give a complete picture of the risk). Results in a risk estimate that is an indication of the level of disease (e.g. number of cases per 100,000 per year) resulting from a given exposure.
The process of identifying program risks within risk areas and critical technical processes, analyzing them for their consequences and probabilities of occurrence, and prioritizing them for handling.
The determination of the likelihood of identified risks materialising and the magnitude of their consequences if they do materialise.
A process that involves the identification of hazards and the measurement of risk to determine priorities and to enablecontrol measures to be implemented to control those risks.
An on-site investigation of housing to determine if lead hazards are present and how they can be controlled.
An organized process used to describe and estimate the amount of risk of adverse human health effects from exposure to a toxic chemical (how likely or unlikely it is that the adverse effect will occur). How reliable and accurate this process is depends on the quantity and quality of the information that goes into the process. The four steps in a risk assessment of a toxic chemical are hazard identification, dose-response assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. more
Scientific assessment of possible harm that might be caused to the environment or to human or animal health
Substances on European priority lists must undergo an in-depth risk assessment covering the risks posed by the priority chemical to man (covering workers, consumers and man exposed via the environment) and the environment (covering the terrestrial, aquatic and atmospheric eco-systems and accumulation through the food chain). This risk assessment follows the framework set out in European Commission Regulation (EC) 1488/94 and implemented in the detailed Technical Guidance Documents (TGD) on Risk Assessment for New and Existing Substances. The first draft of the risk assessment reports are written by the Member States which act as "rapporteurs". The Commission mediates the meetings, which attempt to reach consensus on the conclusions of the risk assessments.
Determining risk probability (the likelihood that a risk will occur) and risk impact (the severity of loss if the risk does occur).
The process of identifying potential project threats, assessing the probability they will occur, and then evaluating the impact if any threat becomes a reality.
a process to assess and prioritise any risks to health and safety associated with identified hazards.
The process of identifying areas of risk; the probability of the risk occurring, and the seriousness of its occurrence; also called risk analysis.
The qualitative and quantitative study of the risk posed to human health and the environment by the presence and/or use of specific contaminants.
The use of scientific evidence to estimate the likelihood of adverse effects on the health of individuals or populations from exposure to hazardous materials and conditions.
The process evaluating the likelihood of an adverse health effect, with some statistical confidence, for various levels of exposure.
Estimating the risks of a loan not being repaid.
means a scientific and technologically based process consisting of four steps, threats identification, threat characterization, exposure assessment and risk characterization.
An evaluation of the threats to the delivery of the objectives in terms of time, budget or quality.
the identification of a danger and estimation of the probability of occurrence
is a systematic process for assessing and integrating professional judgments about probable adverse conditions and/or events. The risk assessment process should provide a means of organizing and integrating professional judgments for development of the audit work schedule. (520.04.10)
Estimation of the extent of danger from a peril.
A process of hazard identification, hazard characterisation, exposure assessment and risk characterisation.
An evaluation of risk which estimates the relationship between exposure to a harmful substance and the likelihood that harm will result from that exposure. Risk assessments are generally expressed as the estimated chance per million that a person, exposed over some period of time (e.g., a 70 year lifetime) and some specified concentration of exposure, will experience a certain effect.
(... safety) 1. An assessment of all possible hazards that may occur during the investigation. 2. The precautions required to ensure that there is minimal risk to personal safety.
The standardized process of using interviews, observations, and other information to develop an accurate, reliable understanding of whether or not a victim is safe and unlikely to be harmed by the alleged offender in the near future. Risk assessment does not definitively predict human behavior but weighs the probability that the victim will be harmed again.
A calculated measure of the likelihood and impact of a successful attack on an organization's data and assets. McAfee® Avert® Labs estimates risk for vulnerabilities and threats based the effect they expect it to have on the Internet community. Additional Information: The McAfee Avert Labs Threat and Vulnerability Risk Assessment Program
A process of evaluating risks involving hazard identification, estimating the likelihood of its occurrence and the magnitude of the consequences.
The overall process of risk analysis and risk evaluation (AS/NZS 3931).
The second of five interrelated components of internal control. The entity's identification and analysis of relevant risks to achievement of its objectives, forming a basis for determining how the risks should be managed.
Testing or identification of risk factors (genetic, environmental, clinical or behavioral) that have been associated with increased susceptibility to a disease, adverse clinical outcome or health condition. Risk assessment does not claim that a person definitely will or will not develop a certain condition. However, when risk factors are present the person is predisposed (increased likelihood) for the disease if he/she does not counteract them. When these factors are removed or controlled that individual will have a better chance for long-term health.
A process where hazards are identified and risks evaluated, with the objective of eliminating or reducing the risks as low as is reasonably practicable.
Judgement as to the likelihood of an agent producing harm to persons under the circumstances of its use.
The evaluation of scientific information on the hazardous properties of environmental agents (hazard characterization), the dose-response relationship (dose-response assessment), and the extent of human exposure to those agents (exposure assessment). The product of the risk assessment is a statement regarding the probability that populations or individuals so exposed will be harmed and to what degree (risk characterization).
Evaluation of the short-term and long-term risks associated with a particular activity or hazard; usually compared to benefits in a cost-benefit analysis.
The use of factual base to define the health effects of exposure of individuals or populations to hazardous materials and situations.
Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the risk posed to human health and/or the environment by the actual or potential presence and/or use of specific pollutants.
The determination of potential adverse health effects from exposure to chemicals, including both quantitative and qualitative expressions of risk. The process of risk assessment involves four major steps: hazard identification, dose-response assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. This definition archived 9/30/03
(Machine Safety) A procedure used in machine safety to identify, document and eliminate or reduce hazards in a particular machine or process.
To assess and measure the likelihood that a child will be maltreated in the future, frequently through the use of checklists, matrices, scales and other methods of measurement.
Process of analyzing threats to and vulnerabilities of an MIS to determine the risks (potential for losses), and using the analysis as a basis for identifying appropriate and cost-effective measures. See also: Risk Analysis, Risk Management.Note: Risk analysis is a part of risk management, which is used to minimize risk by specifying security measures commensurate with the relative values of the resources to be protected, the vulnerabilities of those resources, and the identified threats against them. The method should be applied iteratively during the system life-cycle. When applied during the implementation phase or to an operational system, it can verify the effectiveness of existing safeguards and identify areas in which additional measures are needed to achieve the desired level of security. There are numerous risk analysis methodologies and some automated tools available to support them
A Risk Assessment is the process by which risks are identified and the impact of those risks determined.
The identification of physical or mental restrictions or limitations of the individual, and the degree of risk for further illness or injury within the next 6 months. It may suggest job modifications or accommodations that would reduce individual risk and allow performance of the essential functions of the job in a safe manner.
The process of estimating the severity and likelihood of harm to human health or the environment occurring from exposure to a substance or activity that, under plausible circumstances, can cause harm to human health or the environment.
Risk assessment is a step in the risk management process. Risk assessment is measuring two quantities of the risk R, the magnitude of the potential loss L, and the probability p that the loss will occur.