Waiting at or near monster respawn areas to attack them once they reappear. (See Spawns)
The practice of remaining in a safe place during a first-person shooter game, picking off anyone who approaches. This is frowned upon as it makes the game pretty boring. Camping near a Spawn Point is considered extremely bad gaming etiquette as it allows you to kill players as soon as they re-enter the game. Doing so is a good way to get booted.
When a player or a group of players stay on the exact same place to hunt a special kind of creep, often with very little risk for their own life, only to reap benefits like gold, items or experience, making it hard or impossible for other players to hunt there. See also: Camp
Staying in an easily defendable spot, killing people who go past. This term originated in deathmatch, where this method of killing is considered highly unfair. However, in TFC it is NOT, as defenders have to camp to defend their base. Someone who camps is called a camper.
see Camper; term used when logging off the character from the game world, see Log
"Campers" are a people who simply wait around at a point where they can easily kill unsuspecting enemies or easily loot respawning treasure. Camping will cause other players to look down on you.
Refers to the repeated killing of a respawning monster by the same individual or party, often for experience or to gain items. Can alternately mean a player is leaving the game by using the Camp command.
One of the truly lovely aspects of EQ. The process of making your virtual character sit on his virtual butt for up to 100 hours of online time waiting for a virtual frog/goblin/gnoll etc to spawn so your party can kill it and begin squabbling over whose turn it was to loot the rare item. In the end most people forgo camping and simply buy the item off Ebay. The people for whom they buy these items are those who make camping their profession. This means camping and selling items on Ebay is the only trade skill in EQ known to work at this time. Verant is currently in negotiations to buy Ebay so they can nerf this process.
When a player stays in his base and waits for others to attack him. Players who camp are called "campers" or "turtles." Allies generally do not appreciate team-mates who refuse to help in attacks and battles.
Camping is computer gaming jargon for the practice of a player staying in one area of the game world waiting for enemies or useful objects to appear or to come to the player rather than actively seeking them out. Players camp in order to gain an advantage over their opponents.
Camping is a web framework which consistently stays at less than 4kb of code. You can probably view the complete source code on a single page.