The ova, or eggs, of fishes, oysters, and other aquatic animals.
Any product or offspring; -- used contemptuously.
When salmon return to their home stream or river, and the female salmon makes a nest, lays eggs in it, and the male salmon fertilizes the eggs. Both salmon die a few days after fertilization.
the act of producing and fertilizing eggs in fish, molluscs, and crustaceans. Spawn can also refer to the eggs or offspring themselves.
to produce or deposit eggs or young.
mass of eggs embedded in transparent jelly.
Laying and fertilizing of salmon eggs with milt (sperm).
To lay and fertilize eggs.
To lay eggs or shed sperm for reproduction.
To bring forth a new generation of salmon by digging nests in the stream bed and depositing fertilized eggs into them
to deposit sperm or eggs into the water
1. v. To deposit and fertilize eggs. 2. n. The fertilized eggs of fish. The offspring of fish.
to produce eggs, give birth to.
the mass of eggs deposited by fish or amphibians or molluscs
lay spawn; "The salmon swims upstream to spawn"
release of ova (eggs) fertilized or to be fertilized.
the behavior of fish where females deposit eggs (also called spawn) on various surfaces (varying with species) and the male produces necessary milt to ultimately turn the eggs into fry.
External fertilization. (All external fertilization occurs in water.) When the female releases eggs into the water, the male releases sperm in the immediate vicinity, fertilizing the eggs.
v. To release offspring or gametes. Can also be used as a noun.
Method of reproduction used by fish in which the female lays eggs and the male fertilizes them.
The production or depositing of eggs or sperm by aquatic animals.
To release sperm and eggs
To bring forth a new generation of fish. Most fish spawn by digging nests in the substrate and depositing fertilized eggs into them. Other fishes, called mouthbrooders, will incubate fertilized eggs in their buccal cavities.
(1) To produce or deposit eggs or sperm, usually referring to aquatic organisms. (2) The eggs of fish or other oviparous animals.
To release eggs and/or sperm into water.
frog eggs, or the act of laying eggs (spawning / to spawn).
to produce or deposit eggs, as those of aquatic animals
to produce fertilized eggs in large numbers during migratory cycles of species of fish.
The act of reproduction of fishes.
The act of reproduction of fish, which includes egg laying and fertilization, and sometimes nest building (e.g., salmon).
used generally to describe the reproductive cycle of fish; the laying of eggs.
the eggs of certain aquatic organisms
(v) 1. to deposit eggs 2. to produce young in large numbers
To lay and fertilise eggs
A form of sexual reproduction where microscopic eggs and sperm are discharged into the water column.
The act of fish releasing and fertilizing eggs.
To breed; especially, to breed by releasing eggs and sperm into the water.
External fertilization. (All exter...
to deposit and fertilize fish eggs
in aquatic animals, to produce or deposit eggs and sperm.