The mass of threadlike filaments constituting the vegetative body of a fungus.
The network or mass of hyphae formed by fungi.
the cottony or net-like vegetative thallus of a fungus which consists of many filamentous hyphae
The densely branched network of hyphae in a fungus.
The network of sterile vegetative hyphae usually buried within the substrate that forms the thallus of a fungus.
the filamentous vegetative portion of a fungus, specifically excluding the fruiting structure or reproductive phase of the life cycle. The mycelium may be invisible or conspicuous. In some cases mycelial strands may join to form thick strands called rhizomorphs.
The collective term for hyphae. (pl. = mycelia)
( pl. mycelia) the tangled mass of fine branching threads (filaments) that make up the feeding and growing part of a fungus.
The aggregate of long, single-cell-wide, filaments (hyphae) of fungi.
The mass of fine threadlike structures that make up the vegetative, food-gathering portion of fungi.
The vegetative part of the fungus which grows in the host or soil and produces the fruit body. The mycelium is like a mass of often microscopic fibres
Pertains to a fungal structure that grows vegetatively and can infect host tissue.
The collective term for fungus filaments or hyphae.
a fine mass of interwoven threads that form the vegetative portion of the fungus
a network of hyphae comprising the vegetative body of a fungus
(more than one = mycelia) The thread-like body of a fungus. Most people think of mushrooms when they think of fungi, but mushrooms are just a part of the organism. Mushrooms "bloom" much like flowers do at certain times of the year. The actual main part of the fungus is the mycelia.
The mat of very thin filaments that comprise a fungus.
the weft of filaments (hyphae) that constitute the plant body of most fungi
The thallus, or vegetative body of a fungus; an aggregate of many filaments (hyphae) commonly interwoven into a more or less felt-like mass.
The vegetative part of a fungus.
The mass of thread-like filaments making up the ‘body' of a fungus.
Tangled mass of hyphae that make up the body of a fungus.
The mass of interwoven filaments of hyphae in a fungus.
(pl. Mycelia) - The mass of interwoven threads (hyphae) making up the vegetative body of a fungus.
collective term for hyphae or fungus Filaments.
a mass of tiny underground threads, as in a fungus
a collective term for the individual hyphae which make up the vegetative body of fungus.
Fungus filaments or hyphae. Chemical symbol for nitrogen.
A mass of fungal filamentous cells. It forms the vegetative body of the fungal plant.
Branching network of hyphae
the mass of hyphae that comprises the thallus of most fungi
A bundle of fungal hyphae that form the vegetative body of many fungal organisms.
The collective mass of vegetative elements or hyphae, of a fungus.
The thalus or vegetative portion of a fungus, consisting of threadlike tubes, or hypæ; "roots" of the mushroom
mass of hyphae constituting the body of the thallus or fungus.
The aggregated mass of hyphae making up a fungus.
The portion of the mushroom that grows underground. Plants have roots; mushrooms have mycelium. Mycelium networks can be huge. The largest living thing in the world is a single underground mycelium complex.
the whole body of a fungus. colony of hyphae arising from one inoculation
Mass of hyphae constituting the body (thallus) of a fungus.