a persistent, compact mycelial body from which basidiocarps grow.
A hard vegetative resting structure consisting of thick-walled, usually pigmented, modified fungal cells.
hard, usually darkened and rounded mass of dormant hyphae with differentiated rind and medulla and thick, hard cell walls, which permit survival in adverse environments.
form genus of sterile imperfect fungi; many form sclerotia; some cause sclerotium disease in plants
compact usually dark-colored mass of hardened mycelium constituting a vegetative food-storage body in various true fungi; detaches when mature and can give rise to new growth
a compact mass of hardened mycelium (cobweb-like fungal threads) that contains reserve food materials
a hard resting structure consisting of a light colored interior portion called a medulla and an exterior black protective covering called the rind
a mass of compacted hyphae, commonly more or less spherical in shape and often with a dark, tough outer skin
a resting structure that allows a fungus to sit out the hard times, analogous to (but clearly different from) a plant bulb or corm
a usually rounded structure composed of mass of hyphae, which is normally sterile
A compact mass of hardened mycelium stored with reserve food material in various true fungi. When mature, the sclerotium becomes detached and remains dormant until a favorable opportunity for growth occurs. At that time the sclerotium sends out hyphae or produces spore fruits.
(pl. Sclerotia) - A small, compact, hardened mass of hyphae that may bear fruiting bodies. Can help fungus survive adverse environments.
(Pl. sclerotia.) Hard, resistant, multicellular resting body, that under favourable conditions can germinate to produce mycelium or sexual or asexual fruiting bodies.
(pl. sclerotia): Hard, usually darkened and rounded, mass of dormant hyphae.
A hard surfaced resting body of fungal cells resistant to unfavorable conditions,which may remain dormant for long periods of time and resume growth on the return of favorable conditions.
Hard, resistant, multicellular resting body, usually with a differentiated cortex and medulla, that under favorable conditions can germinate to produce mycelium or sexual or asexual fruiting bodies. (Pl. sclerotia.) ( 22)
a hard, aggregation of hyphae which functions as a resting body. In extreme cases, the body is surrounded by melanised hyphae forming a skin, in other cases, the body tends to be diffuse.
An organized mass of hyphae that remains dormant during unfavorable conditions.
A sclerotium is a compact mass of hardened mycelium (as an ergot) stored with reserve food material that in some higher fungi becomes detached and remains dormant until a favorable opportunity for growth occurs.