( hy-fa) [Gk. hyphe, web] A filament that collectively makes up the body of a fungus.
(pl. hyphae) a branching tubular structure that forms the vegetative body of a growing filamentous fungus
One of the individual threads that make up the mycelium of a fungus; hyphae increase by lateral branching.
(pl. hyphae; adj. hyphal) single, tubular filament of a fungal thallus or mycelium; the basic structural unit of a fungus
thread-shaped element; filament.
A filament of a fungal thallus.
the vegetative or reproductive filament of a fungus
(Gr. hypha, thread) The tubular cell growing at one end, which is the developmental unit of a mycelium. (pl. = hyphae)
( pl. -e) the filament of fungal plant body.
a multibranched tubular cell filled with cytoplasm
an elongated cylinder containing a mass of cytoplasm and many haploid nuclei, which may or may not be separated by cross wall
A single thread of fungus mycelium.
One of the individual filaments of a mycelium
(plural, hyphae) A filament that collectively makes up the body of a fungus.
An individual filament of a fungus.
One of the thread-like strands or filaments that constitute the mycelium of a fungus.
A single filament of a fungus mycelium.
a fungal thread or filament.
(high´ fuh) (plural: hyphae) [Gr. hyphe: web] • In the fungi, any single filament. May be multinucleate (zygomycetes, ascomycetes) or multicellular (basidiomycetes).
(pl. hyphae) individual microscopic thread of fungal growth.
one of the filaments forming the body, or mycelium, of a fungus.
a tubular filament produced by fungi, where enzymes are produced for digestion. Many hyphae make a mycelium.
Filamentous sstructure which exhibits apical growth and which is the developmental unit of a mycelium
(hi fa) Hypha is singular. Hypha is a single elongated, cylindrical, rod-shape filamentous (hair-like) microscopic plant organism forming the basic fungus structure.
the slender, thread-like filament formed by a germinating spore, which will develop into a mycelium
(pl.= hyphae): A thread-like structure that is part of the body of a fungus. The hyphae absorb water and nutrients to sustain the fungus. hyphae septate hyphae aseptate hyphae
(pl. hyphae) A tubular, commonly underground filament of a fungus. Collectively, the hyphae make up the mycelium.
n.Threadlike filaments that form the mycelium (body) of a fungus; hyphae- pl.
tubular cell array found in most fungi. Consists of a wall surrounding cytoplasm within which cells may be separated by septa. Septa may have pores characteristic of each division or class.
Unit of structure for most fungi.
Filamentous part of a fungus, usually septate and consisting of several cells in linear succession. (Pl. hyphae.) See mycelium. ( 15)
A hypha (plural hyphae) is a long, branching filament found primarily in fungi, but also in fungus-like bacteria such as Actinomyces and Streptomyces.