The plural of hypha, which is any of the filaments that constitute the body ( mycelium) of a fungus.
thin tubes or threads, which spread out from the seeds, across the surface of timber, feeding on the starch, sugar and moisture it contains.
Branching tubular fungal cells characteristic of molds.
A fine threadlike structure of cell formed by fungi affecting a plant.
septate or aseptate filament of a fungus; many together compose the mycelium.
filamentous cells of a fungus thallus
the thread-like elements of a fungal body.
The strands or filaments of the mycelium of a fungus, hyphae are the segmented cells that constitute the body of the mycobiont of a lichen.
Fungi usually are filamentous, with the single filaments being termed hyphae. Fungal hyphae grow and branch to make a filament network [mycelium].
(singular: hypha)- filaments that make up the body of a fungus.
The threadlike growth from fungi. I-J
Slender filament that makes up fungal structure.
single strands of a fungus.
The multinucleate or multicellular Þlaments that make up the mycelium (body) of a fungus (sing.: hypha).
Any of the thread like parts making up the mycelium of a fungus.
one of the many threads that make the mycellum of a fungus
a group of microscopic threads of fungal growth.
The individual filament or thread that make up a fungus.
Branched or unbranched filaments usually from fungi but also from Algae and some bacteria.
the individual threads that make up the mycelium of a fungus.
(hi fay) Hyphae is plural for more then one filamentous fungi unit. In other words it's more then one plant-like organism.
Threadlike structures that compose the main body of a fungus.
A thread-like multinucleate tube with a cell wall; the organ of vegetative growth in most fungi. Hyphae increase in length by growth at their tips and give rise to new hyphae by side-branching.
Fungal strands, usually hair-like, which produce a fungal mat and are referred to collectively as the mycelium.
Long chains of cells formed by fungi usually occurring between aggregates rather than within micropores. (Compare to mycelium.)
Microscopic filaments of fungal cells.