A game where common themes involve collecting things, fighting small enemies and levels, with a boss battle at the end. Examples - Mario, Sonic, Rayman. Usefulness: N/A(0 ratings) by metalbolt () Rate It! this definition is ... useful somewhat useful incorrect spam / offensive
a game like Crash BAndicoot or Super MArio were you go from level to level
a game like Super Mario or commander keen (good old classics)
Side scrolling arcade game.
A game that requires you to jump on platforms of various sizes. These games also typically involve collecting items and jumping on enemies. Examples include Super Mario Bros (NES), Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis), and Jak and Daxter (PS2).
More common in older arcade type games or children’s games, the players character often jumps around the screen often collecting items whilst progressing from level to level.
Platform game, or platformer, is a video game genre characterized by jumping to and from suspended platforms or over obstacles. It must be possible to control these jumps and to fall from or miss platforms. The most common unifying element to these games is a jump button, but there are exceptions; other jump mechanics include swinging from extendable arms, as in Ristar or Bionic Commando, or bouncing from springboards or trampolines, as in Alpha Waves.