Sega's last console achieved over 5m hardware sales following its Japanese release in 1998 and its western release in late 1999. The console features a propretary GD-ROM delivery format and a modem. Sega has also launched Dream Arena, its online service and has already gained over 1m subscribers. No longer manufactured.
SEGA Dreamcast is a gamestation device that allows for users to either play games or connect to the internet.
The house that Sega built, that fell over on Sega, crushing it to death.
A video game console manufactured by Sega.
The Dreamcast is the last of Sega's home entertainment systems. From now on Sega will be a third-party software developer. They hope to grow larger then EA, who is currently the largest third party game developer, to become the largest third party game developer. The Dreamcast competed with Nintendo 64 and the Sony Playstation.
The is Sega's fifth and final video game console and the successor to the Sega Saturn. An attempt to recapture the console market with a next-generation system, it was designed to supersede the Play Station and Nintendo 64. Originally released sixteen months before the Play Station 2 (PS2), and three years before the Nintendo Game Cube and the Xbox, the Dreamcast was generally considered to be ahead of its time and was initially successful at restoring Sega's reputation in the gaming industry.