An "All Risk" policy insures against any and all losses that can happen to your home, except those that are specifically excluded. Such as, but not limited to flood and earthquake. Excluded Coverages, in most cases, may be added by endorsement.
Insurance against loss or damage to property arising from any fortuitous cause, except such as may be specifically excluded.
insurance) Extensive insurance coverage of cargo, including coverage due to internal causes such as fire, collision, pilferage etc., but usually excluding "special" risks such as those resulting from acts of war, labor strikes and the perishing of goods, and from internal damage due to faulty packaging, decay or loss of market.
A term commonly used by insurance people to describe broad forms of coverage; it is misleading because no property or liability insurance policy is truly an all-risk coverage. There is a concerted effort to eliminate use of this term and to replace it with the term open peril. See Accidental Direct Physical Loss.
The broadest form of coverage available, providing protection against all risks of physical loss or damage from any external cause. Does not cover loss or damage due to delay, inherent vice, preshipment condition, inadequate packaging, or loss of market.
coverage is not specified by listing the perils but rather perils are limited by way of exclusions, which become the focal point of the wording.
Coverage against loss or damage from all perils except those specifically excluded.
A term commonly used to describe broad forms of property coverage. It is misleading because no property policy truly provides an all-risk coverage. A policy will invariably contain some exclusions.
This indicates your property is covered against all perils except those specifically excluded in your policy.