To restore to the victim a loss, in whole or in part, with payment, repair, or replacement.
To compensate or protect another party against damage, loss, penalties, or financial obligation.
To insure or secure someone against loss or damage; also, to make reimbursement to one for a loss already incurred.
The act of making someone "whole" -- to make reparations for existing losses or to protect from potential losses
to compensate someone for loss or injury, etc.
To compensate for loss. In life insurance, the insurer agrees to pay the beneficiaries a specified sum (death benefit) to indemnify them for the financial loss resulting from the death of the insured.
A total shifting of the economic loss to the party directly responsible for that loss. To indemnify is to compensate for damage, loss or injury.
to ensure, or to prevent damage or loss.Indemnify can also signified the process of compensating for damage or loss.
Used in insurance policy agreements as to compensation for damage or loss. Hold harmless
To protect against loss or damage or to promise compensation for loss or damage. The duty to indemnify may be created by rule of common law, by statute, or by contract.
To restore to original status or condition. Usually refers to reimbursement for a loss.
secure against future loss, damage, or liability; give security for; "This plan indemnifies workers against wages lost through illness"
make amends for; pay compensation for; "One can never fully repair the suffering and losses of the Jews in the Third Reich"; "She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident"
To make whole, compensate or reimburse for a some liability.
To compensate for actual losses sustained.
To insure; to secure against loss.
Any losses and damages endured by another person that you are fully responsible for.
To reimburse an insured for loss sustained. With an indemnification policy, no claim need be paid until the insured has actually suffered a loss.
Compensate. To secure a person in respect of harm or loss.
To save harmless and secure against loss or damage. A promise to reimburse or make whole.
One party gives another party security for the reimbursement of payments required in case of an anticipated loss.
To compensate or reimburse an individual for possible losses of a particular type.
To secure against hurt, loss or damage; to make compensation to for incurred hurt, loss or damage.
To reimburse or compensate. Directors and officers of corporations are often reimbursed or indemnified for all the expenses they may have incurred during the incorporation process.
Indemnify means “to make whole,†or return one to the state that occurred before the loss incident. Insurers generally indemnify two parties: persons damaged by a liability loss, and the insured damaged by a property loss.
To make payment for a loss.
To restore the victim of a loss to the same position as before the loss occcurred
To compensate a loss victim so that he or she is in the same position before the loss transpired.
To restore the victim of a loss, in whole or in part, by payment, repair, or replacement.
The agreement to compensate or reimburse for incurred damage or loss.
To take responsibility for the losses and damages suffered by another person.
To compensate for actual loss sustained.
The cornerstone principle of the insurance agreement, it is to place an insured in the same financial position as just prior to the loss, no better or worse off.
To pay for loss suffered, or to reimburse.
To reimburse one as a result of any damages or losses they suffer.
An agreement whereby the Principal and/or others agree to make a reimbursement to the surety for any loss the surety may incur under the bond
To secure against, or to provide compensation for incurred loss, hurt, or damage.
To restore the party that has had a loss to the same financial position it held before the loss.
Legal principle that specifies an insured should not collect more than the actual cash value of a loss but should be restored to approximately the same financial position as existed before the loss.
To reimburse (or compensate) a customer for the cost of items that are damaged, lost or destroyed or for financial losses caused by the customer's liability.
An agreement by one party that he will pay to another the amount of liability, which may be suffered by the second party.
An agreement by one party to compensate another party for losses or damages that are incurred if specific actions or events occur.
1. - to protect another person against loss or damage. 2. to compensate a party for loss or damage.
Provide financial compensation for losses.
To protect against or keep free from loss/ damage. To insure. To repay for loss/damage. To compensate for loss, reimburse.
The act of insuring or protecting a person against loss or damage.
Where a person makes up for the loss a person has suffered due to an act or default of another Related links: Insurance - General
To secure against a loss of damage that may occur in the future, or to provide compensation for a loss already suffered.
To provide for compensation in the case of loss or damage to property
To provide compensation for loss or expenses incurred.