BI pays for injuries to other people when the insured vehicle's driver is legally at fault. This coverage is required in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. The mandatory minimum limit is $25,000 per person.
The portion of Automobile Liability Insurance that is protection covering the insured's legal liability (responsibility) for bodily injury to others caused by the insured's ownership of a car. (Also known as Bodily Injury or BI) Even if your car is being driven by your child and is involved in an accident (not necessarily your child's fault) it's still your car so you are liable.
insurance that covers you should you injure or kill someone in an accident.
Protection against the liability which may arise from the injury or death of another person.
A form of "third-party" protection covering the insured's legal liability for bodily injury to others caused by the insured's negligence.
protection against loss arising out of the liability imposed upon the insured by law for damages because of bodily injury, sickness, or disease sustained by any person or persons (other than employees). (See LIABILITY and NEGLIGENCE)