When a player uses his or her turn to trade in one or more tiles. An exchange scores zero points. See Pass.
The term EXCHANGE is defined in Section 3(a)(1) of the 1934 ACT. Broadly defined, it includes organizations, associations, or groups of persons, whether incorporated or unincorporated that constitute, maintain, or provide a market place or FACILITIES for bringing together purchasers and sellers of SECURITIES. It also includes market places or facilities that perform functions commonly performed by a stock exchange as that term is generally understood.
To trade cards from the hand with the waste-pile or with another player.
An institution that provides trading and technical facilities for the operation of share or futures markets. The main functions of the exchange are to enforce contracts, register transactions, act as a clearing house and enable centralised trading of instruments by open auction.
To engage in trade, either within a country or internationally. Foreign exchange.
an association that participate in the business of buying and selling stocks
The primary marketplace where the issue's shares are traded.
To trade pieces of equal worth. See Point Count. Trading a piece for something of lesser value is called a blunder or a sacrifice.
A public electronic marketplace where buyers and sellers can post requests to buy and sell products. Price, terms and other information about the sale are completely visible. Examples are CheMatch and the original ChemConnect business.
The physical location of trading activity. Some famous examples include the New York Stock Exchange, or the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
Regulated market place where products are bought and sold through intermediaries, for e.g. a Stock Exchange for securities market products.
An organization or place where securities are traded. The most common exchanges and their abbreviations are: Abbreviation Full Name
Any organization, association or group which provides or maintains a marketplace where securities, options, futures, or commodities can be traded; or the marketplace itself.
An organised market place such as TradeSports in which buyers and sellers interact to trade standardised contracts under rules agreed to by all participants.
is a. a workplace for buying and selling; open only to members, e.g. New York Stock Exchange; or, b. reciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money especially the currencies of different countries, e.g. foreign exchange markets.
The formal process within a conveyancing transaction in which we physically trade Contracts with the Purchaser. This is when the Contract becomes legally binding.
A method of conveying real property by trading with another property.
There are three main U.S. stock exchanges on which securities are traded. The American Stock Exchange (AMEX), Nasdaq is the National Association of Securities Dealers, and the New York Stock Exchange ( NYSE).
An agreement between mailers to exchange an equal quantity of mailing list names.
a) Trading pieces of equal value: for instance, queen for queen, rook for rook, bishop for knight. b) The advantage of Rook for Bishop or Knight. If you win Rook for Bishop or Knight you are said to WIN THE EXCHANGE while your opponent LOSES THE EXCHANGE. If you give up Rook for Bishop or Knight deliberately you SACRIFICE THE EXCHANGE.
An exchange is a centralized location where securities or commodities are traded. The exchanges represented here are the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, and the NASDAQ National Market.
Also known as an e-marketplace. A Web site for buying and selling goods and services, usually via auctions.
the process in which an interest or property is gotten rid of by trade for another equally valuable interest or property.In such a swap, money may not be used at all.
A place where business is carried on by brokers; generally refers to one of the major stock or commodity exchanges.
The system that allows timeshare owners to trade the accommodations they own for comparable accommodations or travel-related services.
The stock exchange on which an issue is listed (NYSE, AMEX, or regional exchanges).
An exchange provides access to capital and facilitates securities dealing through speedy and innovative trading platforms and services. An exchange is also responsible for delivering an orderly market.
Place where an asset, option, future, stock or derivative is bought and sold. The most well known exchange is the New York Stock Exchange.
Agreements between utilities providing for purchase, sale and trading of power. Usually relates to capacity (kilowatts) but sometimes energy (kilowatt-hours).
This is indicates the primary trading market for the company's common stock. The following are the valid codes: TAIEX = Stock exchange of Taiwan regular stocks Taisdaq = Over-the-counter stock exchange of Taiwan
trading something of value for another thing of value, such as the consumer's payment of money for a product or service; a core concept of marketing, since it is the marketing function that facilitates buyers and sellers coming together to exchange things of value.
The principal exchange in which the stock is traded: NYSE = New York Stock Exchange; AMEX = American Stock Exchange; and OTC = Over the Counter. The OTC, unlike the other two, does not have a physical location. It is a network of security dealers, most of whom are connected by a computer link called NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System). OTC stocks are found under the NASDAQ listings of your newspaper.
The legal point of time when the vendor and the buyer swap documentation with a view to settlement.
Trading a good or service for another good or service, or for money. View Capstone Lesson(s) that address this concept
A neutral, Web-based marketplace for business-to-business goods and services. InterBox enables members to interchange containers and vessel slot capacity.
A trade or swap of pieces. Bishop for bishop or knight for knight is considered a "swap". Bishop for knight can also sometimes be called a "swap".
Expressing the difference in piece value between a rook and your opponent's bishop or knight. Gaining a rook for your own bishop or knight is called "winning the exchange".
1. The exchange by barter or trade of duplicate material with other libraries. 2. An arrangement whereby an organization exchanges its publication for those of another organization.
(chess) gaining (or losing) a rook in return for a knight or bishop; "black lost the exchange"
a marketplace where traders can buy or sell stocks and bonds
a market where securities, commodities, options, and futures are traded
a market where securities , commodities, options , or futures are traded
an entity that facilitates the trading of securities
an excellent event for making contacts, sharing ideas, and always very affirming to know that one is not alone in the arcane world of trade association management
an instutition, organization or association when hosts a market where stocks, bonds, options and futures, and commodities are traded
a physical location for trading securities
a place in which options, futures, and shares in stocks, bonds, indexes, and commodities are traded
a place, such as the New York Stock best online home businesses best home business securities are traded
a place where all units of a "listed" security are traded
a place where stocks, bonds, or other securities are bought and sold
a straightforward job swap
a super-competitive marketplace, where the percentages for layers only just scrape above break-even point
a two-sided marketplace where buyers and suppliers negotiate prices and fulfill online transactions between one another and are either private or public
a website that hosts businesses that want to buy and sell from one another
An exchange is where a listed secutrity, such as the the stock of a public company, is traded. Probably the most wekll known exchange is the New York Stock Exchange, the N.Y.S.E., but a number of new and large technology companyies trade on the National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation System, the N.A.S.D.A.Q.
The word "exchange" without amplifying verbiage means a simple trade of pieces of identical value. However, the presence of amplifying verbiage signifies an unequal trade; most often the advantage of a rook for a bishop or knight. If you have a rook and your opponent has a less valuable bishop, you are said to have "won the exchange". You are "up an exchange" or an "exchange ahead." Likewise, "sacrificing the exchange" is giving up a rook for a less valuable knight or bishop. Category: Glossary 1 visitor(s) thought this was helpful. Do you
Refers to the trading of minor pieces (ie. Knight for Knight, Bishop for Knight, Bishop for Bishop). When said as 'The Exchange', it refers to the trading of minor piece for Rook - this is called 'winning The Exchange'. (See also minor piece.)
When two mailers agree to make their lists available to each other on an even trade basis, rather than charging the usual rental fee.
A trade of pieces. Trading a minor piece for the opponent's rook is called "winning the exchange". Trading a rook for the opponent's minor piece is called "losing the exchange". See "Point count".
The exchange or trade of business property you own for another trade or business property that is like it. No taxes are due in such an exchange under a given set of circumstances.
Foods grouped together on a list according to similarities in food values. Measured amount of foods within the group may be used as "trade-offs" in planning meals. A single exchange contains approximately equal amounts of carbohydrate, protein, fat, and calories.
Ttrading of an interval week at one resort for an interval week at another resort or trading a specific week at the home resort for another week at the same resort. This exchange system allows an interval owner to trade their week or weeks with other interval owners! This allows each owner to travel and vacation around the world. Some resorts have internal exchanges with other resorts which are usually owned by the same company.
The process of trading an interval week at one resort for an interval week at another or trading a specific week at the home resort for another week at the same resort. The exchange systems allow an interval owner to trade their week with other interval owners thereby allowing each owner to travel and vacation throughout the world.
Organisations through which members can trade futures and options based on a wide range of commodities on behalf of clients.
The stock exchange where a company's shares are listed. Exchanges are: the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) and NASDAQ.
Main location where securities or futures trading takes place.
The process of trading timeshares at one resort for timeshares at another resort or trading a specific week at the home resort for another week at the same resort.
A marketplace in which shares, options and futures on stocks, bonds, commodities, and indexes are traded. Principal US stock exchanges are: New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), American Stock Exchange (AMEX), and National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation System (Nasdaq).
A nickname for the New York Stock Exchange. Also known as the Big Board, where more than 2000 common and preferred stocks are traded. The exchange is the oldest in the United States, founded in 1792, and the largest. It is located on Wall Street in New York City.
A central facility where various financial instruments are traded. The exchange is an organized, well capitalized body owned by the holders of seats. The exchange establishes the rules under which the financial instruments are traded and terms are established by the bidding process of buyers and sellers on the floor of the exchange.... read full article
The act of utilizing an exchange company process by giving this year's vacation week at one Resort for a vacation week at another Resort in the same year.
Market place where securities are quoted and traded. e.g. New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX); Australian Stock Exchange (ASX).
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
A secondary market service which lists pieces collectors wish to buy or sell. The Exchange works as a middleman and usually requires a commission ranging from 10% - 25%, which is normally paid by the buyer.
any trading arena where commodities and/or securities are bought and sold – for example, the New York Mercantile Exchange or the International Petroleum Exchange.
A mutual agreement by mailers to trade lists rather than renting for a fixed price.
The trading of a piece for an enemy piece, usually pieces of equal value.
the act of trading goods or services for those produced by people who are located elsewhere
An association of persons or entities engaged in the business of buying and selling futures and/or options usually involving an auction process. Also called a Board of Trade or Contract Market.
1. Any place where business is carried on by brokers. Generally refers to one of the major stock exchanges, those being the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the American Stock Exchange (ASE). Other exchanges include the Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington (PBW), Boston, Cincinnati, Detroit, Midwest, Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE) and the Pacific Exchange. 2. The money or currency of a country. 3. A physical facility for futures order execution, market making, trade reporting, trade clearing, and market surveillance. 4. A self-regulating body to assure fair and orderly trading designated by the CFTC.
Trading goods and services with others for other goods and services or for money (also called trade). When people exchange voluntarily, they expect to be better off as a result.
The organization on which the underlying stock trades. Common examples of exchanges are the New York Stock Exchange, The NASDAQ, and the American Stock Exchange.
An association of persons who participate in the business of buying or selling futures contracts or futures options. A forum or place where traders (members) gather to buy or sell economic goods. There are 9 domestic futures exchanges currently operating as nonprofit member organizations.
A physical location where instruments are traded and often regulated. Examples: the New York Stock Exchange, the Chicago Board of Trade
A system for the organized trading of securities. The major U.S. exchanges are the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange and Chicago Board Options Exchange. There are also regional exchanges throughout the country.
An area where an asset, option, future, stock or derivative is bought and sold.
Exchange allows a timeshare owner to exchange his/her week at a particular resort for a different week at a different resort, or a different week at the same resort. Exchange policies vary according to resort. Larger companies owning several resorts may offer an internal exchange, or an exchange between the resorts owned by the same company.
The giving of one thing for another. Under section 1031 property held for productive use in a trade or business is exchanged for like-kind property.
Any organization, association or group of persons that maintains or provides a marketplace in which securities can be bought and sold. An exchange does not have to have a physical place of business and several electronic exchanges do business.
This is a four character field indicating the primary trading market for the company's common stock. The following are the valid codes: NYSE = New York Stock Exchange AMEX = American Stock Exchange NASD = Nasdaq Market OTC = Pink Sheet or OTC Bulletin Board
The capture of a pair of pieces, one white and the other black, usually of the same type (i.e rook for rook, knight for knight etc). The advantage of a rook over a minor piece. The player who captures a rook while losing a minor piece is said to have won the exchange, and the opponent is said to have lost the exchange.
"1) v. to trade or barter property, goods and/or services for other property, goods and/or services, unlike a sale or employment in which money is paid for the property, goods or services. 2) n. the act of making a trade or barter. An exchange of "equivalent" property, including real estate, can defer capital gains taxation until the acquired property is sold. 3) n. short for "Starker" exchange of investment real property to defer capital gains tax. See also: delayed exchange "
A method for postponing income taxes on capital gains by trading like-kind of property. See Section 1031, Internal Revenue Code.
The trading of an equity in a piece of property for the equity in another.
The marketplace in which shares, options and futures on stocks, bonds, commodities and indices are traded. Principal US stock exchanges are: New York Stock Exchange (N.Y.S.E.), American Stock Exchange (A.M.E.X.) and the National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation System (N.A.S.D.A.Q.).
A registered marketplace where securities are traded. Securities exchanges include the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, and regional exchanges such as the Philadelphia Stock Exchange and the Pacific Stock Exchange. Stocks trading on an exchange are referred to as listed securities.
The marketplace in which stocks, bonds, and options and futures on stocks, bonds, commodities, and indices are traded. Principal U.S. stock exchanges include the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), American Stock Exchange (AMEX), and the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASDAQ).
An exchange is a physical location where securities are bought and sold. It consists of a primary and a secondary market. The primary market is the financial market where securities are issued and placed whereby the secondary market trades the issued securities.
Market place for trading.
A marketplace, or any organization or group that provides or maintains a marketplace for trading securities, options, futures, or commodities. Examples of exchanges: New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or the American Stock Exchange (AMEX).
A means of trading equities in two or more real properties. Treated as a single transaction.
The marketplace in which shares, options and futures on stocks, bonds, commodities and indices are traded. Principal US stock exchanges are: New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), American Stock Exchange (AMEX) and the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ)
This is depositing your week and getting another week in place of the week you deposited. This can be at the same resort if you exchange within the resort, or it could be within the the same group if you exchange within a large group of resorts such as Marriott, or it could be anywhere in the world if you exchange with a large exchange company such as RCI. See http://www.myresortnetwork.com/timeshare-exchange
A timeshare may be exchanged for a different timeshare week at the same resort or a different timeshare resort. This flexibility makes the timeshare lifestyle so appealing.
To barter, swap, part with, give, or transfer property for other property or services.
The means by which you may switch your confirmed week at The Cove and travel to other resorts world wide.
Under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code, likekind property used in a trade or business or held as an investment can be exchanged tax-free.
The process of trading a week at one resort for a week at another resort when trading a specific week at the home resort for another week at the same resort. The exchange system allows an interval owner to trade their week with other interval owners thereby allowing each owner to travel and vacation throughout the world. Return to the Top of the Page
Your use of a unit/week other than that which you own or have reserved at your own resort (internal exchange) or another resort (external exchange).
The marketplace in which shares, options and futures on stocks, bonds, commodities and indices are traded. (see Nasdaq, NYSE, Amex)
An arrangement whereby two direct marketing merchants trade quantities of mailing list names rather than renting or selling, typically for one-time use only.
exchange is used in two senses - to swap off for equal material, or unequal material. To lose the exchange usually means to lose rook for bishop. The minor exchange refers to the loss of bishop for knight, but this is not always a disadvantage. example
The marketplace in which securities are bought and sold.
A central marketplace with established rules and regulations where buyers and sellers meet to trade futures and options contracts or securities. Exchanges include designated contract markets and derivatives transaction execution facilities.
A centralized place for trading securities and commodities, usually involving an auction process. Examples include the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the American Stock Exchange (AMEX).
A regulated marketplace for the trading of stocks, options, futures, commodities, etc.
An organized marketplace or facility that brings together buyers and sellers and executes trades of securities and/or commodities
Reciprocal transfer of property from one entity to another. Alternately, a market for securities, such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).