A brief and simplified preliminary study designed to try out methods to learn whether a proposed project or program seems likely to yield valuable results.
This refers to a preliminary item field test, in which data from a small sample of examinees who respond to the items is collected for analysis and review.
Preliminary test or study of the program or evaluation activities to try out procedures and make any needed changes or adjustments.
Dry run of a process, such as a workshop or training session, on a selected group of people in a realistic setting, to obtain feedback and make necessary adjustments before delivery of the finalized product or service to the target audience
demonstrations of technologies/systems to evaluate performance under field conditions. The results are used to develop plume response alternatives and design full-scale treatment systems
Also known as an Alpha test or formative evaluation. A version of the training program is delivered to a sub-set of the target audience for an evaluation of its instructional effectiveness. Also known as a very simple step to help avoid disaster, which is forgotten on the majority of projects.
The preliminary administration of a test to students for the purpose of determining the functioning of the test questions and/or the testing process. It should never be used for evaluating students.
A brief and simplified preliminary study designed to try out methods to learn whether a proposed activity seems likely to yield the expected results or whether the study methods are feasible and yield useable information EHR/NSF Evaluation Handbook, Chapter Seven: GlossarySource web site