A contingency table is a way of summarising the relationship between variables, each of which can take only a small number of values. It is a table of frequencies classified according to the values of the variables in question. When a population is classified according to two variables it is said to have been 'cross-classified' or subjected to a two-way classification. Higher classifications are also possible. ********************* A contingency table is used to summarise categorical data. It may be enhanced by including the percentages that fall into each category. What you find in the rows of a contingency table is contingent upon (dependent upon) what you find in the columns.
A table (usually 2 rows and 2 columns) that is often used in epidemiology to show the relationship between disease and exposure. The table can be used to divide persons into the categories of diseased and exposed (a), diseased and not exposed (b), not diseased and exposed (c), and not diseased and not exposed (d): Exposure Yes No Disease Yes No
Table with numbers in each cell determined by jointly considering the two joint categories
A cross-classification of cases by at least two variables that allows you to see how, if at all, the variables are associated.
a table of numbers in which the relationship between two variables is shown. Contingency tables can usefully be broken down into rows and columns. Percentages placed in the cells of the table, giving the proportion which each cell contributes to the sum of particular rows or columns, are often helpful in detecting the strength and direction of relationships.
A table showing the numbers in each combination of two categorical variables, e.g. a table of sex by type of travel on the bike path
the elements of a population or group may be classified according to qualitative (categorical) variables. A classification in a two-way table of the elements according to two such qualitative characteristics is called a contingency table. The rows of the table denote the categories of the first variable and the columns the categories of the second variable.
classification of a population or group in a two-way table of qualitative (categorical) elements. The rows of the table denote the categories of the first variable and the columns denote the categories of the second variable.
a display of data in columns and rows, arranged to facilitate the discovery of any relationship that may exist between different sets of data
a table summarizing data and is also called a cross-classification or cross-tabulation table or Pivot-Table in Excel
a tabular representation of categorical data
also called cross-tab A rectangular array of cells representing all possible combinations of values of two categorical variables, where the rows represent the values of one variable and the columns, the values of the other.
any array in which the cells represent specific combinations of conditions, often a 2 x 2 table in which each of two conditions may or may not occur.
A two-variable table with cross-tabulated data.
Also known as a classification table. Data is laid out for analysis with the chi-square or Fisher's exact tests. The rows represent different groups of subjects, and the columns different outcomes. The data consists of the subjects falling into each cross-classification.
A contingency table is a two-dimensional table of counts, usually showing frequencies of two variables, displayed in rows and columns respectively.
A table used to display counts or frequencies for two or more nominal or quantitative variables.
A table showing the joint or compound frequencies of occurrence of two or more variables or attributes. The simplest example is the so-called fourfold table in which two attributes and are each divided into two classes, say 2, and 2, thus giving rise to four possible combinations: ( 1), and ( 2). The contingency table then displays the frequency of each of the four combinations.
In statistics, contingency tables are used to record and analyse the relationship between two or more variables, most usually categorical variables.