To contend in argument; to argue against something maintained, upheld, or claimed, by another; to discuss; to reason; to debate; to altercate; to wrangle.
To make a subject of disputation; to argue pro and con; to discuss.
To oppose by argument or assertion; to attempt to overthrow; to controvert; to express dissent or opposition to; to call in question; to deny the truth or validity of; as, to dispute assertions or arguments.
To strive or contend about; to contest.
To struggle against; to resist.
Verbal controversy; contest by opposing argument or expression of opposing views or claims; controversial discussion; altercation; debate.
Contest; struggle; quarrel.
Disagreement between an employer and employees that is of such proportions as to warrant referral to an arbitrator for settlement or that threatens or causes a work stoppage, See also "jurisdictional dispute." Industrial union - A union whose membership includes any worker in a particular industry, regardless of the particular skills the workers are exercising..
A controversy of claims or rights between parties to a legal proceeding.
any disagreement between the insurance company and the injured worker in a workers' compensation case.
A quarrel over a divisive issue such as territory, borders, resources, ideology, etc. with no military aspect. The sides are in disagreement but force is not being considered. Phase 1 of the MIT Model.
An action taken to question the validity of a charge or obtain a duplicate receipt. A dispute can be processed in PaymentNetâ„¢ within 60 days from the transaction's post date.
a conflict in which the parties are unable to resolve their problems or disagreement in the context of their private relationship, and have moved the problem into the public domain. Disputes often involve the presence of third parties-either observers, procedural facilitators, or independent decisionmakers.
Disagreement or controversy among interested parties. type, date, number, title description, resolution, status personnel grievances and actions, security clearances, whistle blower cases, labor relations issues, contracting issues, etc.
a disagreement or argument about something important; "he had a dispute with his wife"; "there were irreconcilable differences"; "the familiar conflict between Republicans and Democrats"
coming into conflict with
have a disagreement over something; "We quarreled over the question as to who discovered America"; "These tewo fellows are always scrapping over something"
a disagreement between two members of the Association
a disagreement on a point of law or fact, a conflict of legal views or interests between two persons
an argument carried on over a long period of time and is often marked by heated clashes
an Article III "Case" or "Controversy" only if the plaintiff can establish what is known as "constitutional standing
A discussion in which disagreement is expressed; a debate.
A disagreement about your right to payments, services or other benefits.
A dispute is the manifestation of unresolved conflict. It is a potential product of conflict, when competing interests damage relationships, or escalate to rights or power based resolutions.
A conflict or difference of opinion between an employer and a union or between an employer and employees over some phase of their relationship. Usually refers to a serious controversy that threatens or causes a work stoppage or that is submitted to an arbitrator or government agency for settlement.
A continued disagreement between an employer and employees or their union as regards any matter of common interest.
The disagreement or opposition of views or claims.
To engage in argument, contend over, or call into question.