a particular method or procedure used to achieve a specific purpose; in drama, the term relates to the use of voice, facial expression, gesture, and movement
The technical process that artists employ to create form, as well as the distinctive, personal ways in which they handle their materials and tools.
Proper execution of skills within a given dance form.
In dance, the ability to perform elements of movement efficiently, safely, and as appropriate to the dance style. Within the context of this dance curriculum, technique does not refer to traditional, formalized techniques for particular styles, such as ballet or Graham. In visual arts, the ability to use specific image-development strategies to produce desired effects.
A method or procedure based on the use of certain appliances in specific ways. The variations and combinations are endless.
A specific method of production, using a particular combination of inputs. A point on an isoquant.
The form used by an athlete to perform a skill.
tools (implements, instruments, appliances, machines), methods (procedures) and skills of performing something. Synonym: technic. philosophy
The method used to achieve a specific look texture or feel to a piece; examples include sponging, marbleizing and antiquing.
a way of doing a particular task, method for making something
A method of transmitting messages (linear scanning, row-column scanning, encoding, signing, and natural gestures, etc.).
the mechanical (motor) skill required to sing or play an instrument
the way materials and media are worked, involving a practical method and an ability to handle tools, media and materials; proficiency in a practical or technical skill. Techniques are an important aspect of the `critical studio skills' which need to be gained to demonstrate understanding and achievement in art, craft and design.
The ability to perform with appropriate timbre, intonation, and diction; to play or sing the correct pitches and rhythms.
a practical method or art applied to some particular task
skillfulness in the command of fundamentals deriving from practice and familiarity; "practice greatly improves proficiency"
a blend of dance, healing and martial arts, designed for you to experience the joy of movement
a competitive acquisition method that may be used to issue contracts for basic and applied research
a method for performing a physical exercise
an assay method which can determine the precence of specific antibodies in body fluid samples
a particular skill or application of a skill
a procedure that may be mastered, but the skill of the sage goes beyond this
a skill acquired or learned through repeated actions
(1) The method of executing the technical or manual details of art. (2) Definable in practice as the ability to employ a medium adequately to achieve a predetermined expressive effect.
A specific method or system of working with materials (for example, by carving wood, developing film, or weaving yarn).
Procedure which directs, focusses the developer's attention to aid in discovering new concepts or in capturing missing information. Often used to build a model. A collection of techniques form a method.
The method skill of system of working with tools and materials
The manner and skill with which artists employ their tools and materials to achieve a predetermined expressive effect. The ways of using media can have an effect on the aesthetic quality of an artist's total concept.
The mechanical skill required to play an instrument or sing.
a specific method or series of steps that is repeatable and can be differentiated from other possibly similar methods
A specific method or procedure used in crafting or shaping text, or in using texts; or a method or activity designed to achieve a particular outcome.
a particular way or method of using a tool or materials to achieve a specific effect (e.g., using the point of a pencil to create a fine line; using a pencil sideways to create light and dark tones)
One of the four components of the game. Relates directly to all skills and a players relationship to the ball.
The manner in whitch art is rendered.
Physical skills involved in singing or in playing an instrument; hand and finger dexterity, breath control, articulation, etc.
a method or way of working with materials to create a work of art.
The application of specific principle s and/or reasoning to the resolution of project management issue s or problem [D03418] RMW Skill ed means to an end. [D02022] PMK87 The manner in which technical details are treated. A body of technical method s (as in a craft method of accomplishing a desired aim [D02670] Webster
The skill an individual uses to perform a specific task.
In martial arts, a method of attack and defense.
ability to apply procedures or methods so as to effect a desired result, manner or method of performance.
The detailed craft of dancing, built through repetition of exercises.
A specific approach to performing a task. A methodical means of handling and communicating complex details.
A method or way of doing something.
The skill of the performer, whether vocal or instrumental.
Method or procedure used to produce a work of art.
pecific skills and details employed by an artist, craftsperson or performer in the production of works in the arts.
The learning of movement skills; the ability to use choreographic craft.
The physical skills of a dancer that enable him or her to execute the steps and movements required in different dances. Different styles or genres of dance often have specific techniques.
Ability to perform elements of movement efficiently, safely, and as appropriate to the dance style (within the context of this generalist document, does not refer to traditional, formalized techniques for particular styles or genres, such as ballet or Graham).
one of several treatment methods used by a chiropractor to "treat" a subluxation.
An artist's skillful manipulation or application of materials. Also describes an entire process associated with a particular method, such as watercolor.