a block of code that maintains state and scope based access to its variables
a callable object that retains information from the scope in which it was created
a collection of data that needs to live beyond the end of a function
a combination of a function and a set of variable bindings
a combination of an anonymous function and the lexical environment it was created in
a data structure that contains both the function pointer and a pointer to an environment
a functional object which is created by the lambda special form and contains the compiled form of the LispMe code it is built from together with the lexical environment to bind free variables
a function bundled together with its own lexical scope
a function object that references a specific inner scope (and thus the chain of its parent scopes too)
a function object that refers to an outside lexical variable
a function plus pointers to the lexical variables visible at the time it was created
a function that captures values of its lexical environment, when it is created at run-time
a function that has captured the scope in which it was created
a function together with an environment that remembers variable bindings from where the function was defined
a means of abstract programming in which a function is bound to its environment
a nameless function the way it is done in Lisp
an entity that contains information about a function
an expression (typically a function) that can have free variables together with an environment that binds those variables (that "closes" the expression)
an function object that references a specific inner scope
a pair consisting of a code pointer with its bound variables, and is invoked by jumping to its left member and passing itself as the first argument
a record that contains references to all variables that are in scope for a certain part of the compiled scope
a representation of a function that contains (i) the function's definition, including both the formal parameter(s) and the function's body, and (ii) a copy/snapshot of the enviroment in which the function was declared/created
a special type of, or characteristic of, a function that keeps the local environment (arguments and local variables) of the function "alive", even after the function has returned
a subroutine reference that has access to the lexical variables that were in scope when it was created
a subroutine that "remembers" lexically scoped variables (which are initially declared outside of the subroutine) from one run to another
a subroutine that, when created, packages its containing subroutine's environment (all the variables it requires and that are not local to itself)
a tuple pointing to an environment and a function
A snapshot of all referenced local variables and parameters within the scope of a deferring statement (such as ewhen), taken when E encounters such a statement.
A function which references local variables created by a local declaration surrounding the function definition.
In computer science, a closure is a semantic concept referring to a function paired with an environment. When called, the function can reference elements of the environment required for the function’s evaluation. Typically, a closure occurs when one function appears entirely within the body of another, and the inner function refers to local variables of the outer function.