Principles formally adopted to govern the operation of either or both houses. These include Standing Rules of the Assembly, Standing Rules of the Senate, and Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly.
Regulating principles or methods of legislative procedure.
The regulations governing the means by which the exchange operates and the contracts are priced, margined and settled. At TradeSports, the rules are outlined in the Exchange Rules, Contract Rules, the Privacy Policy and Data Protection Consents.
Agreed-on procedures that regulate the conduct of the political game.
The guidelines by which the Senate, the House of Representatives, or a committee governs its meetings. Rules are formally adopted at the first convening of the Legislative Assembly or of a committee, and require a vote (with at least a quorum of members present) for official adoption.
The court procedures for a particular type of case. The Superior Court and Family Court have rules for divorce and other family cases.
a special expedited procedure, which may be used to resolve smaller claims and other disputes that need more speedy resolutions
a special Expedited Procedure, which may be used to resolve smaller claims and other disputes which need a more speedy resolution
Provisions for the procedure, organization, officers and committees of each house of the legislature.
Rules are used to regulate principles and methods of procedure. Administrative Rules - Rules developed by a department in order to implement programs and statutes enacted by the General Assembly. Joint Rules - Govern the relationship and affect matters between the two houses. Standing Rules - Adopted by each house for the duration of the session to govern matters affecting only one house.
Pursuant to the State Constitution, both the House and the Senate operate under their own set of rules, which specify the operations of the chamber and the procedures of session, including the actions involved in each stage of the lawmaking process. For matters involving both houses (such as conference committees), there are Joint Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives.
Those ideas which govern the operation of either or both houses. There are Standing Rules of the Assembly, Standing Rules of the Senate, and Joint Rules.
Each house determines it own process for conducting its business. They are usually adopted at the beginning of each legislative term.
The procedures of action as determined by each house or joint action.
The Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Commission which govern receivership appeal proceedings.
Established standards, guides, or regulations set up by authority.
A code of procedure adopted by each house of a legislature to govern its operations.
Rules of court made by the Lord Chancellor lay down the procedural rules that govern the operation of the courts under the Children Act 1989.
Rules are prescribed patterns of behavior applied to the handling of data, such a rules of association, or rules of classification. It is also the unique path followed in a decision tree to get from root to leaf in order to classify the records. A rules-based system performs inferences by applying a set of "if-then" rules to a set of facts following a given procedure.
Regulations and principles governing procedures that are adopted for each house and for actions between the houses.
Regulations and principles governingprocedures that are adopted for each house andfor actions between the houses.
At the beginning of each session, the Legislature adopts detailed rules of parliamentary procedure. Those rules have evolved slowly over generations from procedures devised by Thomas Jefferson and from those in use hundreds of years earlier in English Parliament. They are designed to promote fairness and deliberation in the legislative process.
The rules of parliamentary procedure either in committee or on the floor may refer to the Joint Rules, the rules of either chamber, committee rules, Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure and Reed's Rules or any other standard authority.
The principles for governing an exchange. In some exchanges, rules are adopted by a vote of the membership, while regulations can be imposed by the governing board.
These EBT Operating Rules, adopted April 25, 1996, as amended thereafter from time to time.