A principle of the law; a ground of decision, recognized by the courts; a guiding principle in the determination of new cases. (Hogue, Arthur R. Origins of the Common Law, 257)
A legal system in which rules are clear, well-understood, and fairly enforced, including property rights and enforcement of contracts.
Standards of behavior and rights are established by the law and no one is above the law.
Principle that every member of a society, even a ruler, must follow the law.
Idea of regularized and consistent laws that are not changed by the whim of leaders or by circumstances like anarchy.
a state of order in which events conform to the law
The principle in which the law applies to government officials as much as to ordinary citizens.
another phrase for law and order; the principles that require that the powers of the state be derived from and limited either by legislation enacted by Parliament or a legislature or judicial decisions made by independent courts;
A government must function or operate in support of written laws, which should be adopted through an established procedure. This principle is intended to be a safeguard against unfair judgments or procedures in individual cases. Hence, those who make and enforce the law must respect and uphold the law.
The regulation by objective, established legal principles as opposed to the arbitrary power of individuals.
Rule of law refers to the predictable and firm implementation of national laws. Rule of law requires a commitment to serving citizens, transparency and accountability.
doctrine that no individual stands above the law, and that all rulers are answerable to the law. This is one of the major legacies of the constitutional system. The rule of law can also be understood as the belief that there is a universal standard of justice, equality and impartiality, against which all governments and governmental actions may be measured.
No person, whether a governmental official, a king, or a president, is above the law. Those who govern and those who are governed are bound by the same law.
A legal principle that states that everyone should be subject to the same laws. It requires the law to be clear and says that laws should be equally, fairly and consistently enforced.
The rule of law is the principle that governmental authority is legitimately exercised only in accordance with written, publicly disclosed laws adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedure. The principle is intended to be a safeguard against arbitrary governance.