A Committee of the Whole body. Usually assembled by a move to consider bills on General File and to make amendments thereto, and to recommend action to be taken by the body. Debate is not recorded in the Senate (S.R. 19-2), but is recorded in the House (H.R. 25-4) and the final recommendation of the Committee is entered in the Journal.
A mechanism to expedite business in the House whereby the House itself becomes a committee, allowing for less rigid rules and a quorum of 100 instead of 218. Related definitions: Committee
To expedite its business, the House may resort to this parliamentary device, which enables it to act with a quorum of 100 instead of the normally required 218. The House itself becomes a "Committee" and is assisted by the Parliamentarian. All debate is confined to the pending bill. After it has considered a bill as a "Committee of the Whole," the "Committee" is dissolved and the House then takes up the bill for final action.
Either house of the legislature sitting in its entirety as a committee to consider bills or issues.
Business is expedited in the 435-member House of Representatives or the complete legislature when it resolves itself to the "Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union." Rules are relaxed and a quorum is easier to obtain. The committee may be composed of a minimum of 100 members.
When the House sits as one committee to consider legislation reported by a standing committee before it goes to the floor, the committee debates and amends legislation; requires only 100 members for a quorum.
All members of a chamber when sitting as a committee.
a committee composed of the entire membership of one of the Houses
a committee composed of the whole body of senators
is a process during which details of a bill are discussed, and amendments are moved, debated and determined. Amendments moved during this stage are to the text of the bill and may affect the final contents of the law. ( Brief Guide to Senate Procedure No. 9—Consideration of Legislation ). See also Request for an amendment
A committee of all Members of the Legislative Assembly that meets to discuss bills in detail.
Occasionally, all Senators or all Members of the House of Commons will meet in their respective Chambers to consider money bills or other important legislation.
A committee consisting of all members of a House, as when considering the details of a Bill in the Committee Stage.
A parliamentary procedure (in the Senate) in which the entire body becomes a committee for the purpose of working on a bill or joint resolution.
The Assembly or Senate meeting as a committee for the purpose of receiving information.
When either legislative house meets to debate bills calendared for second reading, the house is acting as a committee of the whole.
all members of a legislative body acting as a committee to debate and/or amend bills on General Orders.
A parliamentary procedure in which the entire body of a chamber becomes a committee for the transaction of business.
Resolution of the entire house membership into a single committee.
The stage in the debate on a bill in the chamber during which each clause or group of clauses is considered in detail and during which amendments or requests may be moved.
The convening of an entire house into committee for the transaction of business.
The convening ofan entire house into committee for thetransaction of business.
A committee including all members of the House. It allows bills and resolutions to be considered without adhering to all the formal rules of a House session, such as needing a quorum of 218. All measures on the Union Calendar must be considered first by the Committee of the Whole.
The entire membership of a chamber when sitting as a committee.
A procedure in which the entire membership of a single house constitutes a committee to consider legislative matters. It is used to permit an individual who is not a member of the house to address members on a bill before the Legislature.
Common name for the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union. Consists of all members of the House of Representatives. Measures from the Union Calendar must be considered in this format.
In the United States House of Representatives, the Committee of the Whole, short for Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, is a parliamentary device in which the House of Representatives is considered one large Congressional committee. The presiding officer is chosen by the Speaker of the House and is normally a member of the majority party who does not hold the chair of a standing committee.
A Committee of the Whole is a device in which a legislative body is considered one large committee. All members of the legislative body are members of such a committee. This is usually done for the purposes of discussion and debate without the worry that anyone will try to make a motion.