a minor procedure in which a small piece of muscle is removed under general or local anestesia, sliced very thin, treated with a variety of stains, and examined under a microscope for changes that are typical of various diseases of muscle or nerve
a minor surgical procedure involving the removal and examination of a small piece of muscle tissue
a minor surgical procedure whereby a small piece of muscle, usually the gluteal muscle, is extracted from the horse through an inch-long incision in the skin and subjected to several laboratory tests
a procedure in which a doctor takes a piece of a muscle with a special needle
a procedure used to diagnose diseases involving muscle tissue
a surgical procedure in which one or more small pieces of muscle
a test where a small piece of muscle tissue is surgically removed and examined under a microscope
Removal of a small amount of tissue for examination. When a muscle biopsy is per formed for SMA it is usually removed from the thigh muscle.
Removal of a small tissue sample for microscopic examination
A minor surgical procedure done under local anesthetic using a needle or a small incision to remove a small sample of muscle. The procedure may be done to confirm a clinical diagnosis, distinguish between nerve and muscle disorders, identify a metabolic defect of muscle, diagnose diseases of connective tissue and blood vessels, detect muscle inflammation, or rule out muscle disease. Afterwards, there may be minor discomfort and bruising at the biopsy site which usually takes a week to heal fully. See the entire definition of Muscle biopsy
biopsy to obtain muscle tissue. A muscle biopsy is the only definitive way to diagnose myotubular myopathy.
In medicine, a muscle biopsy is a procedure in which a piece of muscle tissue is removed from an organism and examined microscopically. A biopsy needle is usually inserted into a muscle, wherein a small amount of tissue remains. Alternatively, an "open biopsy" can be performed by obtaining the muscle tissue through a small surgical incision.