A precise method of sampling a small region of brain tissue using image-guidance and minimally invasive techniques
A minimally-invasive biopsy method. Using a computer to plot the exact coordinates of an abnormality, a physician guides a needle directly into the tumor. A tissue sample of is removed to be analyzed for evidence of cancer.
A special kind of biopsy in which breast cell samples are extracted through a hollow needle. Coumputerized radiology equipment helps the radiologist pinpoint the exact area that needs to be biopsied.
a safe and simple method for establishing a tissue diagnosis
a surgical technique used for precisely guiding the tip of a needle or laser beam of radiation in three planes using coordinates provided by medical imaging in order to reach a specific locus in the body (as a tumor in the brain or breast
The removal of a tissue sample for biopsy through a very small incision by using a computer-guided needle to extract tissue from a specific location. Useful in diagnosing breast lumps.
Biopsy that utilizes computerized mammographic guidance to locate and remove a sample of the suspicious areas in the breast. Making a Diagnosis
A biopsy procedure using x-rays of the affected area that are taken at different angles from each other. Using these x-rays, the physician can precisely locate the cyst or tumor to be biopsied.
a way of removing a piece of tissue in an area where you can not feel an abnormality but the area looks suspicious on a mammogram. A computer and a 3 dimensional scanning device are used. The tissue is looked at under a microscope to determine if it is normal or abnormal.
biopsy technique that relies on computer guidance to exactly locate and biopsy the tumor
Removal of a small piece of the tumor using computer guidance, often with a thin needle placed through a tiny opening in the scalp and skull.
A biopsy procedure that uses a computer and a 3-dimensional scanning device to find a tumor site and guide the removal of tissue for examination under a microscope.
An x-ray procedure that uses multiple coordinates to precisely determine the location of a tumor or nodule so that a tissue sample may be obtained.