A test that uses a very fine needle to determine whether a lump contains fluid.
A type of biopsy in which a fine needle is inserted into the tumor. Small amounts of fluid or cells are removed and tested for cancer.
A procedure in which a small amount of fluid or tissue is withdrawn through a needle for study.
a procedure that uses a thin needle and syringe to collect tissue or drain a lump after using a local anesthetic.
Type of biopsy. A needle is put into the area to be examined (for example, a breast lump) and some cells sucked out. The cells are then looked at under the microscope to see if any are cancerous.
procedure in which a surgeon uses a needle and syringe to remove cells from tissue to determine whether cancer cells are present
A type of biopsy utilizing removal of fluid from a cyst or cells from a tumor for examination under a microscope.
A type of needle biopsy. Removal of fluid from a cyst or cells from a tumor. In this procedure, a needle and syringe (like those used to give injections) is used to pierce the skin, reach the cyst or tumor, and with suction, draw up (aspirate) specimens for biopsy analysis. If the needle is thin, the procedure is called a fine needle aspiration or FNA. ( See also needle biopsy).
A procedure in which a thin needle is used to drain the fluid from a cyst.
Technique of removing cells by suction through a needle.
The removal of living tissue for microscopic examination by suction through a fine needle attached to a syringe. The procedure is used primarily to obtain cells from a lesion containing fluid.