The removal of a sample of fluid from the bone marrow with a large needle (usually through the hip). The cells are then examined under a microscope to check for cancer.
Removal of fluid and cells of the bone marrow via use of a needle.
The removal of a sample of fluid and cells from the bone marrow for examination under a microscope. Aspiration is done with a needle. The results of the examination tell the doctor whether cancer cells are present.
Process in which a sample of fluid and cells is withdrawn from the bone marrow using a hollow needle.
A procedure that involves the removal of a small amount of bone marrow, usually from the hip bone while the child is asleep during an EUA. The bone marrow sample is analyzed for the presence of cancer cells that may have spread from the eyes through the blood.
A procedure involving a fine needle used to remove a sample of liquid bone marrow for review under a microscope.
Removal by needle of fluid and cells from the bone marrow.
The removal of a small amount of bone marrow (usually from the hip) through a needle. The needle is placed through the top layer of bone and a liquid sample containing bone marrow cells is obtained through the needle by aspirating (sucking) it into a syringe. The suction causes pain for a few moments. Bone marrow aspiration is done to diagnose and follow the progress of various conditions, including anemia and cancer , and to obtain marrow for transplantation. See the entire definition of Bone marrow aspiration
A surgical procedure in which a pathologist inserts a needle to the center of the bone to gather a sample of cells and fluid for examination.
The removal and examination of bone marrow cells.
A medical process in which a small amount of bone marrow is extracted through a needle inserted into the back of the hip.
Procedure used to remove a sample of bone marrow, usually from the rear hip bone, for examination under the microscope.
A procedure in which liquid contents of your bone marrow are withdrawn (aspirated) through a needle. This procedure is used to make a diagnosis and to follow progress of treatment.
A procedure used to obtain bone marrow to examine for disease or engraftment.
Test in which a sample of bone marrow cells is removed with a needle and examined under a microscope.
The removal of a small sample of bone marrow (usually from the hip) through a needle for examination under a microscope to see whether cancer cells are present.