A small instrument of steel, sharply pointed at one end, with an eye to receive a thread, -- used in sewing.
A slender rod or wire used in knitting; a knitting needle; also, a hooked instrument which carries the thread or twine, and by means of which knots or loops are formed in the process of netting, knitting, or crocheting.
One of the needle-shaped secondary leaves of pine trees. See Pinus.
Any slender, pointed object, like a needle, as a pointed crystal, a sharp pinnacle of rock, an obelisk, etc.
A leaf which is at least 7 times as long as it is broad and less than 4mm across. e.g. Austrian Pine
Rock with a characteristic pointed shape. Also known as pinnacle, aiguille, gendarme, etc.
A long slender leaf, such as those seen on the Loblolly pine.
a slender pointer for indicating the reading on the scale of a measuring instrument
a sharp pointed implement (usually steel)
a long, slender, object with a
a long, thin piece of metal that is sharp on one end and has a hole in the other end
a small, slender metal instrument with an eye at one end through which a length of thread is passed and held
Rock structure with pointy shape. An example in the UK would be Napes Needle in the Lake District
long and slender leaf such as those found on conifers including pine and spruce
Slender piece of steel with a point, ball, taper or other shape on one end-to facilitate penetration of various fabric types-and a nearby hole (or eye) for thread to pass through.
The leaf of a pine tree. Pine leaves are long and skinny, not flat and rounded like most leaves.
leaf A leaf from a conifer
Long, narrow, sharp-pointed leaves, such as those of many conifers and some clubmosses.
A very narrow leaf, often evergreen and usually of a stiff texture, like those found on a pine tree.
Long, slender leaf; as in Pinus.
A thin, sharp looking inclusion in a diamond.
the only thing that is appropriate to use to pierce with. needles must be sterilized, opened in front of the customer, then disposed of in a sharps container immediately after use
Small, slender piece of steel with a hole for thread and a point for stitching fabric. A machine needle differs from a handwork needle; the machine needle's eye is found at its pointed end. Machine embroidery needles come with sharp points for piercing heavy, tightly woven fabrics; ball points, which glide between the fibers of knits; and a variety of specialty points, such as wedge points, which are used for leather.
Elongate, linear, sharp-pointed leaves.
A type of leaf that is narrow and relatively hard-textured.
A leaf that is thinner than the typical leaf. It looks much like a sewing needle shape because it is also pointy at the tip.
Acicular; slender, elongated leaf, usually over 2 in long; e.g., Pinus.
A needle is a long, thin, pointed, needle-shaped leaf, like that of the pine. The word acicular is sometimes used to describe needles.