used to describe a cluster of densely spiralled leaves.
A round floral ornament, usually carved or painted.
a circular cluster of leaves on or near the soil surface radiating from a rootcrown, as in dandelions.
The decorative inlay around a circular or oval soundhole. Classical guitars usually have complex wood marquetry rosettes, while steel string guitars tend toward very simple patterns of rings.
Term applied to a whorl of leaves arising at the base of a plant.
a cluster of leaves arranged in a compact circular pattern, often at a shoot tip or on a shortened stem.
the circular decoration round the soundhole of an acoustic guitar.
A circular escutcheon behind a knob.
a flower shaped cluster, usually referring to type of gill.
n. (Fr., Dim. of rose) a group of organs, such as leaves, clustered and crowned around a common point of attachment.
An arrangement of leaves, usually at the base of the stem
A circular pattern of overlapping dots, created when several HALFTONE SCREENS printed with different color inks are placed on top of each other. When a PROCESS COLOR image is printed on press, four halftones are made (one for Cyan, one for Magenta, one for Yellow, and one for Black) and the halftones are printed on top of each other to form the final image. When the halftone SCREEN ANGLES are correct, the overlapping halftone dots form rosettes; if the screen angles are incorrect, a MOIRE may be formed instead.
Arrangement of merozoites in mature schizont of Plasmodium malariae in a circle around a clump of excess pigment; also uterine arrangement in the proglottid of Diphyllobothrium latum.
rose-like clusters of leaves in circular and overlapping patterns.
A dense cluster of basal leaves from a common underground part, often in a flattened, circular arrangement. | Return to Alphabet Bar | edge A large group of grasslike plants, many of which grow in wetlands.
A cluster of leaves coming out from around the same place.
A usually dense ring of ground hugging and overlapping leaves.
Rosette describes the growth habit of leaves that radiate out from the base of the stem in a tight cluster.
Mineral with concentric aggregates resembling rose flowers.
a group of leaves arising from a short stem, lying close together on or near the ground
A painted, carved, or sculptured ornament having a circular arrangement of parts radiating out from the center and suggesting the petals of a rose.
A square block with a circular decorative design in the center usually used as a corner block as part of the casing around windows and doors.
arrangement of leaves clustered symmetrically around the base of the stem
Leaves radiating directly from the crown of the root.
A circular, basal cluster of leaves on biennial plants.
a cluster of leaves growing in crowded circles from a common center or crown (usually at or close to the ground)
circular window filled with tracery
a plant whose leaves surround a central bud, and can survive in many harsh types of environments
A cluster of basal leaves, symmetrically arranged.
Cluster of leaves arranged in a circle or disk, often at the base of plant.
Universal surface ornament corresponding to top view of flower or blossom. Found on the field, major or minor borders of carpets in manifold naturalistic and geometric forms.
A circular design or ornament which resembles a formalized rose; may be painted, sculpted or moulded.
an often spreading cluster of leaves, usually at ground level.
a group of leaves crowded around a short axis.
A round, compact, normally basal cluster of leaves in a juvenile plant.
A compact, circular, normally basal cluster of leaves.
cluster of leaves in circular form without descernible upright stem.
An arrangement of leaves in a radiating pattern at the base of the plant.* Go Back
a plant whose leaves are radiating outwards or spread in a horizontal plane from a short axis at ground level.
An ornament or a badge made of ribbon or silk that is pleated or gathered to resemble a rose and is used to decorate clothing or is worn in the buttonhole of civilian dress to indicate the possession of certain medals or honors.
a rose-shaped arrangement.
a color marking on an animal resembling a rose or disk of foliage
Leaves which are closely arranged in a spiral.
An escutcheon, usually round, that a knob or lever sits on.
plate behind lever or knobs that holds the lever or knob in place
A round or oval ornament resembling a rose.
decorative inlay around the soundhole, frequently consisting of designs in several concentric circles.
a dense, circular, clump of leaves.
A cluster of leaves around the base of the plant.
An arrangement of leaves radiating from a crown or distinct center, ei- ther on individual stalks (as in saintpaulias) or in an overlapping spiral (as in many of the echeverias and bromeliads).
A round floral design ornament.
an ornament, usually circular, having petals and leaves radiating symmetrically from the center
A motif resembling an open flower consisting of a circular arrangement of parts around a center.
A circular and often flattened cluster of basal leaves radiating from a common point.
A cluster of leaves arranged in a circle usually at ground level (like a dandelion). See line drawing
A crown of leaves radiating from a stem, and at or close to the surface of the ground.
a plant growth habit whereby leaves radiate from the crown or center of the stem with very short internodes; many biennials exhibit rosette-type growth in their first year
A circular, stylized flower with elements radiating from its center.
arranged like the petals of a rose.
The dot cluster pattern created by four-color process printing. Because the dots are angled and overlap each other, they form a rosette pattern.
A circular of spiral arrangement of leaves growing from a center or crown.
A circular-shaped, floral ornament. They were often used at the corner joints of fireplaces and in cabinet making.
a circular leaf cluster, usually at the base of a plant.
A crowded cluster of leaves, usually basal, circular and at ground level.
a tuft of leaves, usually at ground level, resembling the arrangement of petals in a rose.
A circular ornamentation, often carved to resemble a flower.
A cluster of spreading or radiating basal leaves, as in Dichanthelium.
a circular cluster of leaves which radiate from a central stem.
Leaves which appear to come from a single growing point, at the tops of stems.
A basal cluster of leaves in a circular form without discernable upright stem.
Circular or oval ornamental plaque that serves as a terminus for vertical casings.
A crowded cluster of leaves located at, or near the ground, at the base of a stem.
circular cluster of leaves or other structures
a circular, normally basal, clump of leaves.
When applied to leaves means closely and spirally arranged
A round ornament resembling the form of a stylized rose.
A series of whorls of leaves or leaf-like structure produced at the base of the stem, just above the ground.
Circular groups of leaves arising from a basal node (of leaves).
An ornament resembling a rose.
A circular cluster of leaves or petals that resemble a rose. In the case of leaves, the stem is short, forcing the leaves close together.
A circular cluster of leaves, usually at ground level.
A cluster of leaves on a very short stem or axis arising basally from a crown.
a basal cluster of leaves. The first year's growth of biennial plants.
Rose-shaped patera or disk ornament.
Arrayed. A group of organs, such as leaves, clustered and crowned around a common point of attachment. From the French, the diminutive of rose.
An abnormal condition in which the leaves form a radial cluster on the stem. ( 16)
The formation created by the dots that make up four-colour images. The dots, in magenta (red), cyan (blue), yellow, and black, overlap each other in a cluster. Because the dots are not perfectly round, and because they are turned at angles to each other, this cluster resembles the arrangement of petals in a rose.
A crowded cluster of radiating organs, usually leaves, appearing to rise from the ground.
1. A circular decorative ornament made of wood, metal, or plaster. 2. A metal trim at a ceiling mounted lighting fixture or at a blanked-off lighting fixture outlet.
A rosette is a small, circular device that is presented with a medal. The rosettes are primarily for situations where wearing the medal is deemed inappropriate. Rosettes are issued in nations such as France, Italy and Japan.
In botany, a rosette is a circular arrangement of the leaves, with all the leaves at a single height. Often, perennial plants whose foliage dies and the remaining vegetation protects the plant.