An estimate of the likely cure rate of a particular condition, eg breast cancer.
a forecast which is made of the probable outcome of a patient's disease. It is based on all the knowledge related to a specific case, e.g. the course of the disease in other patients, age, sex.
Estimating the likely course and outcome for those with a mental disorder.
The expected outcome of a disease, condition or operation.
A prediction of the probable course of the disease.
a predication regarding the outcome of a disease and the future prospects for the patient.
A prediction about the possibility or time course of recovery from a specific disease.
A physician's prediction about the probable course a disease will take which sometimes includes his/her best guess on the length of time before death is expected. While medical literature reports the average course of various diseases, each patient is unique. It is particularly difficult to estimate the time for diseases other than solid cancers.
A set of expectations for a future that seems very likely to happen - e.g. if world interest rates decline this year, the prognosis is that share prices will increase. A prognosis could be considered less certain than a prediction but more certain than a forecast.
The course a disease is likely to follow and its projected outcome.
estimated outcome of a disease, including the chance of recovery.
the prospect of recovery from a disease or condition.
The assessment of the expected course of a disease
Likely outcome, such as the risk of disease progression.
a forecast of the probable results of a disorder; the outlook for recovery
(prog-NO-sis) Prospect of recovery as anticipated from the usual course of disease or peculiarities of the case
the outlook for improvement or lack of it
Prediction of course, duration, and outcome.
Prediction of the future course of a condition based on research of others with the same or similar symptoms. This includes chances of improvement or degeneration and long term outcome.
a prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop
a forecast, especially of the course a disease will take
a predicted course for treatment of a disease
A forecast as to the likely course and/or outcome of a disorder or condition.
Prediction of most likely future outcome.
an estimate of the future course of an individual's illness
the possible outcomes of a disease or condition and the likelihood that each one will occur. ( Prognosis)
How well a patient will recover from cancer; there are numerous prognostic factors to be considered, and scientists are working daily on new treatments and methods to predict the course of the disease.
The predicted outlook for a patient with a serious disease such as cancer.
is the expected outcome of a disease. This may be influenced by a variety of factors such as stage, age, site etc. depending on the particular type of cancer. For example, in general a patient with localised disease may have a more favourable prognosis compared to a patient with widespread disease which may be less favourable.
A forecast of the course of a disease, and future prospects of the patient
A prediction of the course of the disease; the chance of recovery.
The outcome of a disease; the life expectancy.
The prospect as to recovery from a disease or injury as indicated by the nature and symptoms of the case.
expected outcome or end result of treatment. Often used to mean life expectancy.
A prediction of the probable course and outcome of an illness.
The probable end result or outcome of a disease.
the patient's potential clinical outlook based on the status and probable course of his disease; chance of recovery
a prediction of the course of disease; the outlook for the cure of the patient.
The expected course of a disease . The patient's chance of recovery. The prognosis predicts the outcome of a disease and therefore the future for the patient . His prognosis is grim, for example, while hers is good. See the entire definition of Prognosis
The long term expected outlook or outcome of a disease.
The likely course and outcome of a person's disease.
The likely outlook for someone with a disease. In other words, whether it is likely to be cured or controlled with treatment.
An indication as to the future outcome of a disease
The probable outcome of a disease; the prospect of recovery.
the future outcome that is expected.
A statement about the likely outcome of disease in a particular patient.
The expected outcome of a disease and its treatment.
The prospect of recovery as anticipated from the usual course of disease or condition
the likely outcome or course of a disease or how a disease, whether industrial or other, will respond to treatment.
The prediction of the outcome for treatments of your disease.
a prediction made about the potential outcome of a disease.
A prediction of the course of disease; the outlook for the chances of survival.
A prediction about the possible outcome of a disease.
prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disease, based on averages calculated from a large population.
A prediction of the course of the disease and its outcome.
The prediction of the probable course of an illness.
Medical assessment of the probable outcome or the prospect for recovery of the disease.
a forecast of the probable course and/or outcome of a disease.
Aseessment of the future course and expected outcome of a patient's illness search for Prognosis
Telling a person now what is likely to happen in the future because of having a disease.
what might happen in the future (to the progress of the disease).
prediction of the probable course of the disease in an individual. Prognostic factors are factors associated with prognosis.
means the chance of recovery from a disease or how the disease will probably advance.
Estimate or prediction of the outcome of a disease.
The likely outcome of a disease. Your prognosis provides answers to questions like: Will I be able to live a normal life? Will I be cured? Will I die
The prediction of the outcome of an illness or treatment.
The prediction of the probable outcome of an illness over a given period of time
The possible or probable outcome of a disease or treatment.
The forecast of the probable outcome of an illness
a prediction of the course of the disease; the future prospects for the patient.
a forecast about the probably outcome of a disease, especially the chances for recovery.
The likely outcome or course of a disease; the chance of recovery or recurrence. 1. The outlook or expected outcome of a disease. 2. The length of time the person is expected to live.
The probable outcome or course of a disease.
The forecast of the course and probable outcome of a disease.
The likely outcome or course of a disease; the chance of recovery or recurrence. TNM staging system A system for describing the extent of cancer in a patient's body. T describes the size of the tumor and whether it has invaded nearby tissue, N describes any lymph nodes that are involved, and M describes metastasis (spread of cancer from one body part to another).
the expected or probable outcome of a disease, usually based on statistical analysis of large groups of patients.
Prediction of the future course of a disease.
Forecast of the probable course and outcome of a disease including prospects of recovery
prediction as to the probable outcome of a disease.
An assessment of the likely outlook and progress of a person's disease.
An assessment of the expected future course and outcome of a person's disease.
The likely outcome of a disease, often given in terms of the expected chance of surviving for a certain number of years.
A outlook of the course of disease; the future estimate for the cure of the patient.
The anticipated outcome of treatment
Expectation of the outcome of treatment.
The likely course or outcome of a disease. A prognosis will usually be based on information from research studies and clinical experience.
A prediction of the course of the outcome of a disease or condition.
A prediction of the outcome of an illness or disorder, based on clinical experience with similar cases.
An estimate of the outcome of a disease; a prediction.
The probable course of a disease. Back to the top
Black's medical dictionary, G Macpherson ed; 38th ed A forecast as to the probable result of an illness, particularly with regard to the prospect of recovery.
Prediction of the course and probable outcome of a disease.
The most-likely future of a patient
A prediction of the likely outcome of a disease based on the current health of the patient and the usual course of the disease.
Expected or probable outcome. Understanding Breast Cancer
The course and likely outcome of a disease.
An informed judgement about the likely course and probable outcome of a disease based on knowledge of the fact of a particular case.
A medical assessment of the probable course and outcome of a disease.
A prediction of what might happen in a specific case of disease.
The typical course or outcome of a disease. Also, the chance of recovering from the disease, or the chance of the disease reoccurring.
A prediction of the probable course of a disease in an individual and the chances of recovery.
Prediction of the course of the disease or disability.
The projected future course of the illness.
The determination of the level of optimal improvement that might be attained by the patient and the amount of time required reaching that level.
A prediction of the outcome of a disease, whether or not the patient will recover.
A forecast as to probable outcome.
The patient's outlook for recovering from a disease
The long-term outlook for survival and recovery from a disease based upon the patient's current status and the anticipated effect of available treatments.
predicting the course or outcome of a disease or abnormality.
An estimation of outlook for the patient's particular problem.
Possibility of recovery; prediction of the course or outcome of the disease.
Prognosis is the outlook for the patient's cure, a prediction of the course of the disease. Prognosis is usually related to Stage, host factors (such as the patient's genetic profile and ability to function).
(prog-NO-sis): The likely outcome or course of a disease; the chance of recovery.
A prognosis is a forecast as to the outcome of a disease.
Expected result of a disease.
predicting the likely outcome of a disease based on the condition of the patient and the action of the disease.
A prediction made as to the potential outcome of a disease.
The probable outcome or future course of disease in a patient; the chance of recovery.
The expected future course of an illness
a prediction of the outcome of the pathological process or disease.
A forecast for the probable outcome of a disease based on the experience of large numbers of other patients with similar stage disease. Importantly, making a prognosis is not an exact science. Some patients with poor prognosis beat the odds and live longer than anyone would have predicted. Steve Dunn's Cancer Guide has an excellent article on statistics and prognoses and stories of other cancer patients.
An individual's likely outcome of an illness.
A doctor's prediction, based on medical evidence, of how a patient's condition will progress and the likelihood of recovery.
Originally meaning fore-knowledge and synonymous with prediction, this has now come to mean an estimate of a likely outcome.
Indication of how a disease will respond to treatment. A prognosis will usually be based on information from research studies and clinical experience but may be very difficult to determine with accuracy.
A prognosis is a prediction of the possible outcome of a disease or condition.
Prediction of the course of an injury or disease, including its end result.
Predicted further course of the illness.
A prediction of the course of disease; the outlook for cure or long-term survival.
Prognosis (older Greek Ï€Ïόγνωσις, modern Greek Ï€Ïόγνωση - literally fore-knowing, foreseeing) is a medical term denoting the doctor's prediction of how a patient's disease will progress, and whether there is chance of recovery. Since the 20th century, the word is being increasingly used in non-medical contexts as well, for example in corporate finance.