Browse through our database of mental terminology. Browse alphabetically
A-C D-H I-Z Designer Brands Discount Comforter Duvets Bed Skirts Bedspreads Featherbeds Shams Glossary Contact Disclaimer Site Map Glossary for bedding terms and fabrics!-- google_ad_client = "pub-8899727944147922"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; google_ad_channel ="7235628105"; google_color_border = "FFFFFF"; google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_link = "5E777B"; google_color_url = "999999"; google_color_text = "000000";
Terms used in this web-site
Welcome to our Art Glossary: Click on the first letter of the word
Refers to a document providing a glossary of terms that pertain to the current document.
files associated with "Word", the TILT glossary.
Edit / A list of terms and their meanings. Usually relating to a specific industry or topic of interest. This is a glossary.
An alphabetized list of terms with definitions often created by an organization to reflect its needs. Normally lacks hierarchical arrangement or cross references. Also known as a term list.
Dictionary of specific terminology, a glossary creator can be found on
A collection of explanations, a partial dictionary for a special purpose.
See previous page Word of God -- See also: Anointing, Balance
the requirements work product that formally documents the abbreviations, acronyms, and important terms used on an endeavor.
An alphabetic list of words and phrases. Each word or phrase is defined or explained. In essence, a mini-dictionary of terms that is designed to ensure that users understand the meaning of those terms.
A collection of terms used with exacting definitions given.
A tool compiled by the translator to reference his/her own subject-, customer- and project-specific vocabulary. Makes translators’ work easier, by reducing the amount of research necessary on subsequent translation projects. Also ensures consistent and correct terminology usage in all languages.
a dictionary for the words in a reference work
A glossary of environmental terms and acronyms.
Some veterinary/medical terms Some veterinary/medical terms Agriculture: Glossary of Terms, Programs, and Laws
A list of words and their meanings.
Specialized list of terms relating to a particular field of study or interest, which may contain explanatory or descriptive information on the items listed. Example: glossary of terms employed in the standardization of geographical names.
An alphabetical list of words, limited to a special area of knowledge, with their definitions. What you are viewing now is a glossary of library terms.
This tool presents a glossary of terms and definitions. There may be an icon on the homepage or a link from within the learning material.
The glossary lists acronyms, words, and phrases relevant to the subject of the book along with a brief definition. The format may vary but two typical glossary formats are: 1 column: The glossary term in bold followed by the definition. 2 column: The glossary term in one column with the definition across from it in the second column.
In computer terms, a list of words, phrases or other items that one may wish to enter many times. The list may be alphabetic from start to finish, or may be arranged in logical groups. Items may be inserted into a document by typing a prearranged nonsense word, such as "myname", or be clicked on a visible list. The method depends on the program. Some programs call their glossary "AutoCorrect".
Glossary of common knitting terms.
an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge; usually published as an appendix to a text on that field
a bilingual list that contains keywords and phrases
a collection of alphabetically arranged terms in a special discipline, subject or area of interest and usage, accompanied by definitions
a collection of definitions for terms used in the book
a collection of definitions of terms
a collection of related terms
a collection of terms limited to a special area of knowledge or usage
a collection of terms which are commonly used when discussing the creation evolution issue
a comprehensive resource designed to explain terminology associated with the Power Supply industry in clear, easily understandable language
a dictionary of the special words about a particular subject
a list of difficult terms dealing with a specific subject
a list of - ideally defined - English terms ("source terms"), which are used in a software and its documentation and their corresponding translations in a foreign language ("target terms")
a list of new words or technical jargon
a list of specific or frequently used characters, words, or phrases
a list of technical terms arranged in alphabetical order that are labels for concepts used in a limited field of study such a botany or photography
a list of technical terms, special names and abbreviations used throughout the thesis
a list of terms of relevance to the business
a list of terms or software strings, mostly consisting of one column with the original term in the source language, and another column with the corresponding translation in the target language
a list of text terms and their translation in a given language
an alphabetical collection of specialized terms and their meanings within a document
an alphabetical listing of specia
an alphabetical list of important terms or words used in the book along with the definition of each
an alphabetical list of words, acronyms, or other terminology used in a manual
an alphabetized collection of definitions of terms
a partial dictionary, a list with explanations of technical or abstruse terms, a collection of glosses
a partial dictionary in that it does not include words that are used in their ordinary senses, only those that are either special words not used in ordinary life or that are used with a special meaning in this context
a personalized dictionary with terms and their definitions
a selection of obscure words, designed to illustrate special meanings and uses
a special document that contains a series of entries, each entry consisting of a name and the text associated with that name
a specialized vocabulary with definitions but does not provide other information about the words
a subject specific dictionary
a type of Space (probably hidden, definitely protected) that contains the different kinds of meta-data defined at that level in the repository structure
a useful tool in the learning process as terms are continuously referenced throughout the text, providing an easy resource for learning refreshment if questions arise during additional study
a useful tool to accompany your project from development to final translation and localization
a useful way of providing explanations of abbreviations and acronyms, especially if your site contains a lot of specialist information
a dictionary section, usually at the end of a book, in which technical or difficult words are explained.
Glossaries are essential tools for translators, but must never be considered substitutes for translating competence. A good glossary will make a good translator better, but it is of little help to a poor translator. Glossaries should be generated by the translators or translation companies, sometimes with the assistance of the client.
conceptual explanations of concepts used in context. The glossary does not contain definitions. Glossary terms appear as links in italics.
(96) - indicates lists of words with definitions.
Click "thesaurus" at the Center for Army Lessons Learned. (Gives infomation on each service. Some entries are only links to other entries, but listings grow quickly.)
A list of words or phrases found within a work, with a brief definition of each.
An alphabetical list of terms, limited to a special area of knowledge, with accompanying definitions.
Allows the instructor to create a listing of important terms in a course and associated definitions.
a witty and entertaining, although limited, dictionary of relevant terms (do you think we'd say we weren't witty and entertaining?)
an alphabetical list of terms the reader may not be familiar with. May include acronyms. Usually placed at the front of a modular manual behind the introduction.
A collection of terms with translated equivalents; an online look-up facility.
The following are many terms that apply to aspects of Arabic dance as well as words commonly found in Arabic song lyrics.
Enter word/phrase: OR select initial letter: Search Results: Word / Phrase Definition
Each time you click a glossary term, you'll see a window like this one displaying the term and its definition. To see the entire glossary, click “Show All Terms.
Short list of words related to a specific topic, with brief definitions, arranged alphabetically and often placed at the end of a book.
A list of often difficult or specialized words with their definitions, often placed at the back of a book.
The on-line glossary holds definitions for more than 1,000 logistics terms.
an alphabetical list of terms within a subject field together with definitions.
an alphabetical list of technical terms and their definitions within a specific subject field.
A lining of definitions for key words, phrases, and acronyms used in conjunction with a Process Map node or Process Map as a whole.
gloriously Glossary of nautical terms glossopharyngeal
gloriously Glossary of climbing terms glossopharyngeal
An online reference that your instructor can create to define terms specific to the course. Such terms also can be highlighted (linked) throughout text in the Content Module so you can click to see a definition and possibly, even an illustrated example. If available, click on this tool to look at the Glossary.
Something that defines words in short sentences, attached to whatever uses the words, specifically for the purpose of appeasing those too stupid or lazy to find a dictionary or do some research and look it up themselves. Generally does not contain the part of speech or pronunciation information of a dictionary, as the compilers of a glossary are lazy people.
A sort of short commons dictionary in which the omissions are more significant than the entries Pharmaco-Economics. Drug development's dismal science.
A list of terms and definitions particular to the subject of the book.
A collection of synonyms for terms. It provides definitions for terms that tend to be unusual or are technical terms.
Glossary of frequently used terms in play by email and other roleplaying games
A list of terms with definitions, similar to a dictionary.
Acronyms, abbreviations and jargon M to Z The information on this page has been organised alphabetically. Click on the the first letter of the acronym or term in order to obtain a more detailed description or explanation. A - L X Y Z Term Definition
An alphabetical list of technical terms within a subject field, including definitions. A glossary may also be a list of unusual or obsolete terms.
21. What is Boot? 22. What is "Constructive Receipt"? 23. What is Debt Relief? 24. What is Direct Deeding? 25. What is Like-Kind? 26. What is a Safe Harbor? 27. List of Safe Harbors to come out of the final I.R.C. Section 1031 Regulations
In principle, and as opposed to a dictionary, a glossary is a specialised, single-language dictionary. It includes the term and its definition and possible additional attributes such as its source, field or even its gender and number depending on the needs for use.
Use the glossary to define terms but also provide media, such as images, audio, etc. that will explain the term more completely. For instance if this is a foreign language course, include an audio clip, which pronounces the term correctly. - Conceptual Learning - Data Gathering and Synthesis: - Student Presentations - Teacher ‘s directed Instruction (lecture) Time on task. Students can access definitions in course without stopping to thumb through notes and texts Rich, rapid feedback
Browse through our database of cat terminology. Browse alphabetically
Plain english definitions of home loan jargon
a short list of words related to a specific topic, i.e. This eBay glossary
self-reference: 1. A list of terms used in a particular discipline and their meanings. The better ones are cross-referenced. 2. A very useful feature of word-processors where you list frequently typed words or phrases and key strokes that will cause the computer to substitute the glossary entry as you type.
a list of technical and difficult terms within a subject, with definitions.
a list of technical words related to a subject and their definitions knowing what these words mean makes it easier to understand information written on a topic like a mini-dictionary - usually found at the back of texts, science books words are listed alphabetically
An alphabetical list of words related to a specific topic, with definitions, often placed at the end of a book.
a list of specialized or technical terms with definitions such as those found on this Information Literacy Glossary; glossaries are often found at the end of a chapter or book.
British housing terms and abbreviations Further Links about Housing
A list of words in alphabetical order with definitions that relate to a specific topic.
A list of words relating to a specific topic with the definitions of the words provided.
A glossary of words for class
View entire glossary in printable format. (261K) Term ... Term Definition CAATs Cadbury Capacity stress testing Card swipes ... Combined Code on Corporate Governance Communications controller Comparison ...
glossary of terms, etc. Gives access to a glossary of terms. Example: a link to a technical dictionary. [test: &gopher;
a device for starting futile arguments over definitions.
word list giving sense of words used there.
J | K | | | | | | | | | | | | | Full List
A collection of ! gloss es, such as a vocabulary of specialised terms with accompanying definitions. [Latin glossarium, from Greek glossa, tongue, language.
n., pl. -ries a list of difficult or specialized terms with accompanying definitions. return
This section is to provide a quick, in-house reference where users can look up terms they might not be familiar with. We encourage all users to post an entry here now and then. Example terms might include: an explanation of what an assay is, what constitutes an ad hominem attack, a definition of dendrochronology and so on. If the Ponderfodder community develops its own in-jokes, acronyms and so on, definitions/explanations of these should also be included in the glossary. When posting elsewhere on the Ponderfodder site, you can to link to glossary entries internally by using dfn html tags.
Browse through our database of dog terminology. Browse alphabetically
An alphabetical listing of special terms as they are used in a particular subject area, often with more in-depth explanations than would customarily be provided by dictionary definitions.
In the context of localization, a glossary is a list of source language terms paired with a list of corresponding terms in the target language.
A list of terms and definitions in a special subject, field or area of usage.
This activity allows participants to create and maintain a list of definitions, like a dictionary. The entries can be searched or browsed in many different formats. The glossary also allows teachers to export entries from one glossary to another (the main one) within the same course. Finally, it is possible to automatically create links to these entries from throughout the course.
A place to find words or the meaning of words and terms used in different environments. A sample of this would be terms used on the internet eg: CYA = see you later
a list of questionable definitions.
Alphabetical list of terms with their corresponding meaning in a series of contexts. In translation/localisation, it may just refer to a bilingual or multilingual list of terms; often confused with "dictionary".
A list of words and explanations of what they do. Not to be confused with a dictionary, which is also a list of words and explanations.
Glossary American Civil War This list defines words as they are used in relation to the Civil War. They are not always complete definitions.
A list of terms with their definitions.
A bilingual listing of terminology or software strings used to define the key product terms and their translations. Terminology is frequently extracted from the software source files. In addition to the source (e.g. US English) and target (e.g. German) words, other identifying information such as "context" or "reference" may be included.
an alphabetical list, with definitions, of terms specific to a particular subject field - This is a Glossary of Library Terms. Go To
means this glossary of terms.
The following glossary includes definitions of terms that are commonly found in ING's financial press releases and annual report. The glossary is offered to enhance your understanding of ING's business and results, but is by no means complete. If you can't find a certain definition, feel free to contact us.
(1) Abbreviation for an intrinsic ventricular event. Also known as an R wave. (2) Abbreviation for resistance.
An alphabetical list of words and their meanings or interpretations (glosses) in a various contexts. In the translation/localization industry, it may refer simply to a bilingual or multilingual terminology list and is often confounded with dictionary. Especially valuable are term lists that are suited to machine searches with glossary tools like Lingo Translator's Assistant or Avalon Glossary Assistant (deadlink). Glossaries on the web vary from long static HTML web pages to database-backed dynamic sites that present the results of a term search.
An invaluable tool for the translator. Beside making use of the wealth of specialised mono- and multilingual online-glossaries on the Internet, most translators compile and maintain their own subject-, customer- and project-specific glossaries. Companies publishing documentation in several languages can also benefit from maintaining multi-language glossaries of their own. This not only makes tranlatorsâ€(tm) work easier, but – by reducing the amount of terminology research required – speeds up subsequent translation projects. In addition, it ensures consistent and correct terminology usage in all languages. Some translators and most translation companies offer glossary compilation and maintenance, either as a separate service or as part of a translation agreement. (See the -Resources for Translators page for lists of online glossaries and dictionaries.) I
A list of words with simple explanations.
Navigate your way through the streets of Internet terminology... Having trouble finding your way through the 'Super Highway's' streets of confusing terminology? Then this is for you! Simply navigate your way through our glossary by selecting the first letter of the word you wish to look-up from the A-Z menu below or type the word into our search box and click GO!... CHOOSE: or SEARCH
Jargon can be very confusing. So to help you we've compiled this A-Z of common terms used when talking about mobile phones. View all Select the first letter of the word from the list above to jump to appropriate section of the glossary.
A glossary is a list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms. Traditionally, a glossary appears at the end a book and includes terms within that book which are either newly introduced or at least uncommon.