A fabrication to deceive; a fiction; a forgery; a falsehood.
The faculty of inventing; imaginative faculty; skill or ingenuity in contriving anything new; as, a man of invention.
The exercise of the imagination in selecting and treating a theme, or more commonly in contriving the arrangement of a piece, or the method of presenting its parts.
an original device, idea, or process originated after study and experiment--a discovery or a new finding
The process of reshaping existing cultural items into a new form.
From the Latin invenire,to come upon: the discovery, whether accidental or deliberate, of the saint in its original burial place (loculus or cubiculum), leading to its veneration and possible translation.
Every new and useful machine, article, process or any new use of the same that is described and/or claimed in a patent or patent application.(DE:Erfindung, FR:Invention, IT:Invenzione)
any new thing, idea, or way of behaving that emerges from within a society.
new products, ideas, and social patterns that affect the way people live
The process of using strategies to generate ideas for writing.
the creation of something in the mind
a creation (a new device or process) resulting from study and experimentation
a creation by an individual's mind, a creation that is given physical form in a device or machine or a book, etc
a great thing, but it only solves half the problem
a new device or composition of matter, or a newly created technical method
a new, inventive and industrially applicable technical solution to a given technical problem
a new machine which can increase the "fitness" of a particular species
a new manmade device or process
a new product created by an inventor
a new way of solving a problem
an idea applicable in practice to the solution of a given technical problem
an idea, not a physical object
an idea of an inventor which permits in practice the solution to a specific problem in the field of technology
an idea "reduced to practice" -- see Ideas vs
an object, process, or technique which displays an element of novelty
a novel and non-obvious idea that is reduced to practice or that is capable of being reduced to practice by competent technicians or mechanics
a novel and useful idea relating to processes, machines, manufactures, and compositions of matter
a novel and useful idea resulting from study and experiment, and may relate to a process, machine, article of manufacture, composition of matter, or any improvement thereof
a novel device or technique
a novel idea which permits in practice the solution of a specific problem in the field of technology
a product or process that offers a new way of doing something or provides a new technical solution to a problem
a solution to a problem, which can be applied industrially
a solution to that problem -- an implementation, a design
a technical solution for a technical problem, which solves the problem by means of so-called innovative activity
The creation of a new technology, item, or process, as opposed to its application in widespread use.
A new device, method, or process that has resulted from study and/or experimentation.
a brief, imaginative composition
conception of a novel, useful, unobvious contribution which is then reduced to practice.
A device, contrivance, or process originated after study and experiment.
An invention is every new and useful machine, article, process or any new use of the same that is described and/or claimed in a patent or patent application.
Any process, machine, manufacture, composition of matter, or design, or any new or useful improvement thereof, and any variety of plant which is or may be patentable under the patent laws of the United States.
a new and useful process, device, article of manufacture, or composition of matter, or new or useful improvement upon one of these.
In the United States, in order to have a patentable invention, one must have a development that is useful, novel (no single prior art reference shows the identical development), and unobvious to one skilled in the art at the time the invention was made, which is assumed to be the filing date of the patent application.
First stage of Hughes model. A probable solution to a problem
A finding, process, or product which clearly advances the state of the art or practice and may be patentable.
A non-obvious, novel and useful idea relating to a device or process that has been reduced to practice.
The conception of a new idea or apparatus that may or may not be protected by a patent.
A new product, system, or process that has never existed before, created by study and experimentation.
A new idea or item created by someone using their original ideas and imagination.
An entirely novel, previously unknown means of achieving some practical purpose. Needs to pass a recognised test of novelty, such as patent examination.
discovery and reduction to practice of a new product, apparatus, process, composition of matter or living organisms, or improvements to existing technologies in those categories, whether or not patent ed or patent able.
the act of striving to create a new method, solution, process or device by testing or studying an idea or groups of ideas. Invention may or may not result in a desired outcome, that is, a solution may not be reached to the satisfaction of all participants. See: Innovation.