Filling in missing information with a "best-guess" estimate.
The process of computing new intermediate data values between existing data values. [KAU91
The process of estimating the position, or value of points between points of known location or value.
Estimation of unknown number intermediate between known numbers. Interpolation is a way of approximating price or yield using bond tables that do not give the net yield on every amount invested at every rate of interest and for every maturity.
The idea of estimating some value between two values. In LP, an interpolation estimate of the optimal objective value, say z(ab+(1-a)b'), is az(b) + (1-a)z(b').
"interpolated resolution." It refers to the camera's software adding pixels to the image after it is captured. Interpolated resolution is useful in some cases, but "effective resolution," which reflects the actual number of pixels in the camera's image sensor, is the most important for determining maximum print size and editing flexibility. Be sure you're comparing "effective resolution" when shopping for a camera or you may not get what you are really looking for.
the estimation of values of an attribute at unsampled points from measurements made at surrounding sites.
The process of estimating the value of an unsampled data point for a given x,y,z location based on the values of surrounding sampled data points.
The projection of a value based on the position of two known values.
The estimation of a value in a function from known values either side of it.
The opposite of compressing; increases the file size of the image by adding extra pixels.
The estimation of an unknown number intermediate between two, or more, known numbers. Editor's Note: May also refer to inserting thoughts into textual material, as in "Reading between the line s" with or without the intent to corrupt the original meaning. [D02894] PMDT
When a normal analogue photograph is enlarged, the grain or structure is enlarged in a linear relationship to the final output. With a digital image, pixels would normally enlarge also. To avoid this, the computer keeps the pixel size fixed, enlarges the image and
a technique used by scanner software or hardware to simulate higher resolution. Compare to optical or true resolution.
A mathematical method of averaging or smoothing images that are being displayed on a larger number of pixels than that for which they were originally reconstructed.
A process where PIXELS in a RASTER GRAPHIC are created by the computer by using a mathematical process to "guess" what they should be, based on the pixels around them. When an image is increased in size in Photoshop, the new pixels are added by interpolation. Interpolation also takes place when an image is rotated, skewed, stretched, or otherwise distorted. Because the computer has no way to "know" what pixels should be there when it increases an image's size, it fills in the missing pixels by guessing. As a result, an image whose size has been increased by interpolation will look "soft," or out of focus, and may exhibit stairstepping or other undesirable artifacts. In general, it is not a good idea to use interpolation to attempt to increase an image in size. A scanned image which is too small should be re-scanned rather than enlarged.
The estimation of a value between two known values and the resulting colour value that is assigned to a pixel. This is what a programme like Photoshop does when an image is enlarged. It makes an educated guess at what the colour should be based on the surrounding pixels.
Determining the value at an unsampled location based on the value of sampled locations.
The computer's way of increasing image resolution by filling in new pixels. The pixels' color or tonal range are based on neighboring pixels.
A sampling technique used to increase the size of an image file by creating more pixels and increasing the apparent resolution of an image.
The process of averaging pixel information when scaling an image. When reducing the size of an image, pixels are averaged to create a single new pixel; when an image is scaled up in size, additional pixels are created by averaging pixels of the smaller image.
The process of generating intermediate values based on known values. Digital cameras use this process in several ways. Some boost resolution by approximating the missing image information; most cameras have a digital zoom function, which may rely upon interpolation to add data to a picture.
A way of calculating a value that falls between other, known values. In image processing, interpolation frequently plays a part in geometric operations such as rotation. After that type of spatial transformation, pixel locations in the output image correspond to noninteger coordinates in the input image. Therefore, the pixel values in the output must be calculated by looking at the values of the pixels surrounding the point of interest in the input. The XIL library supports several types of interpolation, including nearest neighbor, bilinear, and bicubic interpolation.
A method for estimating values that lie between two known values.
Method of magnifying or minimising images with adding or eliminating pixels.
A technique used by digital cameras, scanners and printers to increase the size of an image in pixels by averaging the colour and brightness values of surrounding pixels.
inserting a value between the known values in a series, such as reading a part of a curve between two measured points on a graph. (see extrapolation)
A process normally used in scanners and digital cameras to increase the image size in pixels by averaging the values of surrounding pixels.
The process by which adobe Photoshop fills in or deletes pixels when an image is changed significantly. It occurs any time you rotate, scale, skew, change perspective in, or resample and image. Resampling alters the color of some pixles during interpolation. When you resample up, you essentially create blank pixels. As the imge size increases, new pixels are created to fill the blank pixels, based on the color values of surrounding pixels. When you resample down, certain pixels are deleted to make the image smaller, and some of the remaining pixels colors are changed to approximate the visual appearance of pixels that have been deleted. There are three methods of interpolation: bicubic: The most precisemethod and should be used when you need exact quality. It is the most time-consuming interpolation method. nearest neighbor: This is the fastest method, but results in an image with a jagged appearance. Use nearest neighbor for line art or illustrations that use pixels as design elements. bilinear: Reproduces pixel information in a manner similar to bicubic, but does not provide the same level of detail.
(mathematics) calculation of the value of a function between the values already known
a function that can be applied to produce intermediate values between two keyframes in a sequence
An electronic multiplication technique for increasing encoder resolution. Certain interpolation techniques can also increase the encoder bandwidth. See also, Edge Detection.
Especially, it spaces out - redraws - the picture on a bigger canvas and intelligently fills in the gaps with the most appropriately coloured pixel. Naturally, it's not as good as the real thing, as it can guess wrong, but generally it's a good trade-off.
Resampling, upsampling. Calculation of missing pixels from current pixels to add them.
Procedure for predicting the unknown values between neighboring known data values.
Calculation of values (such as color or depth) for interior pixels, given the values at the boundaries (such as at the vertices of a polygon or a line).
Adding pixels to an image to increase the size it can be printed at. Also known as Resampling. Does not add extra detail or information. 'Makes up' the new pixels from adjacent ones. Can lead to lower image quality.
The process of adding or subtracting pixels [usually in an imaging program] to increase or reduce image size while retaining a desired resolution. Also known as resampling or upsampling and downsampling. Interpolation changes the file size of the image.
This is done with some zoom lenses. It adds extra pixels to an image.
An interpolated bitmap image is one where pixels have been artificially added either by the input device, such as a digital camera or during in the scanning process, or afterwards in graphics editor such as PhotoShop. This is done to artificially enhance the resolution of an image. Interpolating an image's resolution generally results in a 'soft' or fuzzy image, as the software has added pixels by 'guessing' where they should go, based on the shades of the pixels in proximity.
An algorithm used to create pixels based on existing pixel data when you scale an image.
In image manipulation, the increase of and image resolution by the addition of new pixels throughout the image, the colours of which are based on the neighboring pixels.
Increasing the number of pixels in an image or filling in missing colour information by averaging the values of neighbouring pixels (basically using an educated guess). This 'upsampling' cannot add detail or information but is used by most digital cameras when recording images.
Interpolation is a term for an algorithm used to increase the size of a digital image. The result of the increase is determined by the sophistication of the algorithm itself. JPEG The JPEG image format is the dominant format used by digital cameras. Despite its "lossy" compression method it has been the standard format for image storing. The reason for this is the ability to reduce the file size of the compressed image without any visible degradation in quality at normal magnification. Keywords Keywords are words that describe or represent something you are searching for.
Some cameras will expand the photo into a larger image. This is called interpolation. Interpolation mathematically makes up the extra pixels in the image, and although interpolation works well it is still artificially increasing the size of the image.
increases the image file size and allows a picture to be magnified. It is the opposite of compression .
(1) (n.) In computer graphics, a method of determining intermediate values between those provided, such as shades of pink along a line (or across a polygon) between vertex colors of white and red.(2) (n.) In mathematics, an approximation method for finding the intermediate value between two values.
the process of determining the location of unknown points of equal elevation from the plotted location of known elevations
Projecting a curve between known data points to infer the value of a function at points between.
Special image resizing algorithm designed to preserve image quality during enlargement.
Mathematical process to approximate out of known data the values of unknown data. The process plays a decisive roll in the magnified or decreased reproduction of images, particularly when adjusting the resolution to the module size of the data projectors. Magnified reproduction is called Resizing, decreased reproduction is called compression
Interpolation is a mathematical way of regenerating missing or needed information. For example, an image needs to be scaled up by a factor of two, from 100 pixels to 200 pixels. The missing pixels are generated by interpolating between the two pixels that are on either side of the pixel that needs to be generated. After all of the 'missing' pixels have been interpolated, 200 pixels exist where only 100 existed before with a minimal drop in quality.
The use of an algorithm to create new pixels or eliminate pixels in an image as it's sized up or down, with the intent of maintaining the quality of detail that exists in the original source image. With the exception of fractal scaling, most interpolation is limited to very small scales.
In this context guessing at intermediate pixels to generate/simulate an image that has a higher resolution than was actually scanned.
Process to determine the value of a variable lying between two isopleths.
The calculation or estimation of a quantity within the range of data upon which the calculation or estimate is based; the process of approximating an intermediate value which falls between tabular entries is a set of tables.
The process by which software “invents” new data to create larger images. When an image file is increased in size, software has to 'invent' extra pixels to fill in the gaps. It does this by estimating the brightness and colour of the new pixels, based on their neighbours. Most image processing software, e.g. Adobe Photoshop, offers interpolation options. There are also specialist software packages and techniques available. Interpolation is also used routinely in many digital cameras. Some methods are more successful than others. We prefer scans to be un-interpolated and digital camera files to be interpolated up to at least 48MB - but only using a professional software package such as Genuine Fractals(tm).
The process of replacing missing digital data when the loss goes beyond the system's basic error correction capability. Computations are performed on the previous and subsequent valid data values to replace the missing information. The last valid data value normally held and repeated until a new valid data is available.
The process of adding extra pixels to an image by using nearby pixels to estimate the color and brightness for the pixels in a larger image. Some digital cameras will interpolate pixels to increase the range of the zoom lens.
In the image manipulation context, this is the increase of image resolution by the addition of new pixels throughout the image, the colors of which are based on neighboring pixels.
Method used in software to augment the resolution of an image map. The software adds pixels to an image based on the value of surrounding pixels, thereby increasing its resolution. This method can cause artefacting.
mathematical procedure for estimating unknown values from neighboring known data.
A method of changing the size, resolution, or colors in an image by calculating the pixels used to represent the new image from the old ones. It is also being used to increase bit-depth claims on scanners (as in "Enhanced Bit Depth" or "Enhanced Color").
Process which consists in increasing the resolution beyond the maximum physical resolution of the scanner and which makes it possible to carry out greater enlargings. New pixels are added to the existing pixels. Their chromatic value is calculated according to the neighbouring pixels.
A mathematical process to determine intermediate values within regularly structured series of numbers. Various methods are used for this purpose, depending on the nature of the series. In image editing, pixels can be “interpolated†in order to increase the resolution beyond the physical capacity of an input device.
An averaging process used to estimate an unknown image value bracketed by two or more known image values. In image processing, interpolation is used to smooth the edge lines of images when the resolution of the image is changed. Interpolation often tends to overcompensate for lost detail, and the result is a less-than-sharp image.
A process that occurs automatically when an image's dimensions or resolution are changed which results in re-colouring the pixels. Interpolation may cause an image to look blurry when it's printed. You can choose an interpolation method in PhotoShop from slower, but better, to faster but lower quality.
The process of increasing the number of pixels in an image by sampling sets of pixels to produce new ones, thus making the image larger.
Software technique used to increase the size of an image file by creating more pixels, using mathematical averaging to increase tonal value and apparent resolution.
Used by some digital cameras, interpolation is a method for increasing the size of a digital image.
The insertion of pixels into a digital image based on existing data. It is used to resize an image file to give an apparent increase in resolution.
In an image interpolation adds extra pixels. It's done with some zoom lenses.
Process of inserting, estimating, or finding a value intermediate to the values of two or more known points in space. Estimation of an elevation value at an unsampled point based on the known elevation values of surrounding points. Process of inserting, estimating, or finding a value intermediate to the values of two or more known points in space.
A technique for increasing the size of a graphic file by creating pixels. Also an extrapolation algorithm. There are two types, sequential and bi-cubic.
Scanning of a sinewave signal to increase resolution by generating intermediate position values.
A method of estimating an unknown price or yield of a security. This is achieved by using other related known values that are located in sequence with the unknown value.
Interpolation refers to software that allows displays to present a smooth image at lower resolutions using data from adjacent pixels. The software calculates the grey-scale level for each newly-drawn pixel when scaling from higher resolutions.
Scanners. The process of increasing the resolution of an image by the addition of new pixels throughout the image, the colours of which are based on neighboring pixels.
is the process wherein the software calculates the new value of a pixel based on an examination of the surrounding pixels.
Interpolation frequently is used in calculating medians or quartiles based on interval data and in approximating standard errors from tables. Linear interpolation is used to estimate values of a function between two known values. Pareto interpolation is an alternative to linear interpolation. In Pareto interpolation, the median is derived by interpolating between the logarithms of the upper and lower income limits of the median category. It is used by the Census Bureau in calculating median income within intervals wider than $2,500.
The addition of pixels between pairs of others. Usually made necessary when enlarging an image.
The estimation of z values of a surface at an unsampled point based on the known values of surrounding points.
The process of finding a value of a function between two known values. Interpolation may be performed numerically or graphically.
The estimation of unknown intermediate values from known discrete values of a dependent variable. Various methods are available in one dimension for fitting polynomials or other functions to the known points, the elaborateness of the technique used depending on (among other things) the number and accuracy of the known values. The analysis of a weather chart is an interpolation and smoothing in two dimensions. Compare extrapolation.