any image can be thought as built up by a group of small equal areas (pixel), ordinated in lines and columns, so as to build up a matrix. The values associated to each cell can express both information of graphic (colour, grayscale, etc.) and descriptive kind (temperature, gradient, etc.)
An image displayed as a series of lines of dots or video to top
Also called bitmap image; a graphic made up of pixels or dots
A digital representation of an image, consisting of values that are assigned to, and represent, each dot in an image.
a collection of dots called pixels
a file that is defined pixel by pixel
a file that is totally composed of tiny dots, or pixels
a list of points, or dots
a matrix of row and column data points (dots) whose values represent energy being reflected or emitted from the object being viewed
an image that is defined by rows of pixels
An image composed of pixels. See bitmap.
An image formed by patterns of light and dark pixels in a rectangular array. See also bitmap Tiff (or tif on a PC) is a raster image.
A bitmap file created by mapping an image on a grid called a "raster." GIF and BMP files are raster images.
An image composed of a rectangular array of colored or grayscale dots (see also pixel). This is the only type of image officially supported by the PNG format. Such images have a fixed size (as measured in dots) and can be enlarged or reduced only imperfectly.
An image that is composed of pixel patterns. Also known as a bitmapped image.
Image file that is defined by a pixel that has one or more numbers associated with it. The number generally defines the location, size and/or color of the pixel(s). Raster images are commonly .BMP, .GIF, .TIFF and .JPEG files.
An image defined by rows and columns of pixels. Scanners capture images as raster images, although some can convert them to vector images.
A digital image is a 2-D array of pixels (picture elements), where each pixel either directly or indirectly defines the color of that (X, Y) location. In the case of "indexed-color" imagery, the pixel values are mapped into a color by using the pixel values as indices into a separate color palette. In "true-color" imagery, each pixel value maps directly into the actual pixel color (RGB, HSV, and so on).
An image comprised of a collection of pixels ar-ranged in a rectangular array. The image us displayed as a series of lines of dots, as opposed to 'vector image"
An image defined as a set of dots/pixels in a column-and-row format. Rasterisation is the process of determining values for the dots/pixels in a rendered image. See also Bitmap.
an image composed of dots or points. Images on cathode-ray-tube devices (televisions or computer monitors) are created by closely-spaced scanning lines that consist themselves of closely-spaced dots. Raster refers to the scanning pattern and is used in general to indicate an image made of individual dots rather than lines, circles, arcs, and so on. (See pixel; compare vector.)
An image that is defined as a collection of pixels arranged in a rectangular array of lines of dots or pixels. See "Bitmap."
An image composed of a rectangular grid of pixels. Each pixel contains a defined value about its color, size, and location in the image. Therefore, resizing the image can affect its quality.