A video image converted into pixels. The numeric value of each pixel can be stored in a computer memory for subsequent processing and analysis.
A digital image is taken with a digital camera, or through scanning an original photograph. This image may be stored on a computer and then regenerated onto a computer screen, photographic prints or film, or onto paper through a printer. Embedded on a computer chip is a grid of pixels, light-sensitive picture elements. The pixels emit electrical signals which are proportional to the intensity of the light received. The signals are converted to numbers in proportion to their strength and then stored in electromagnetic form.
Image that is scanned (digitized by a scanner) to a computer-readable format.
A matrix or image composed of pixels whose locations hold digital colour and/or brightness information which, when viewed at a suitable distance, form an image.
Image composed of discrete pixels of digitally subdivided increments of brightness and color.
a certain size once it's been scanned and usually described in Megabytes (Mb)
a collection of individual, non-overlapping elements or pixels that have distinct intensities (gray scale or color) indicating the solid and pore phases of the material
a collection of pixels or dots, and each pixel contains numbers that correspond to a color or brightness value
a composed from components containing a pixel information for a color and we call these components channels
a composed of a set of pixels (picture elements), similar to dots on a newspaper photograph or the tiles in a mosaic
a computer file that records information about pixels
a constant stream of invisible information, which, eventually, appears, logically ordered as a picture on the screen
a matrix of pixels (a contraction of 'picture elements') or DPI (dots per inch)
an image that is at some point converted into digital form for convenient manipulation by a computer or other digital device
an image that is created, manipulated and produced using computer technology, including software programs and printers
an image where the value of f(x,y) is digitized (made discrete) in its coordinat spatial as well as its graylevel value
an instruction of how to color each pixel
a picture converted to numerical form so that it can be stored and used in a computer
a rectangular array of pixel objects
a scan of the microfiche copy of the original register page containing the entry in which you are interested
a two-dimensional array of small square regions known as pixels
a two dimensional matrix where its elements are called pixels (abbreviation of picture elements)
An image composed of bits and bytes.
An image based on electronic data and storage rather than on the chemical processes of traditional photography. These images can be obtained by using digital cameras, camcorders, scanners and a variety of devices that capture and store pictures without film. Digital images can be used in computer software and printing applications or for transfer over the Internet.
An electronic image that can be stored on a computer. A digital camera image, a photograph or slide that has been scanned into a computer.
An image that you can view and edit on a computer.
An image made up of light-sensitive units called pixels that can be captured in a number of ways, including with a digital camera or a scanner.
processing Computer manipulation of the digital values for picture elements of an image.
An image having numeric values representing grey tones in which each numeric value represents a different grey tone.
(n.) An image that has been converted into an array of pixels. See also digitize.
An image that has been scanned, cleaned, cataloged and made available for web site display, automated searches and, depending on licensing status, immediate availability via download. The majority of images in the Picture Research Solutions collections are digitized, with a goal of making the entire catalog digital.
a two-dimensional array of regularly spaced picture elements (pixels) constituting a picture.
An analog image converted to numerical form so that it can be stored and used in a computer. the image is divided into a matrix of small regions called picture elements or pixels. At sub-satellite point each pixel represents a specific amount of area. For example, in APT each pixel represents 4.1 kilometers. Each pixel has a numerical value or data number value, quantifying the radiance of the image at that spot. The data number value of each pixel usually represents a value between black and white, i.e., shades of gray.
A digital image is the way a picture or visual image of some object is represented in computer memory. A digital image consists of a number of pixels and a description of how the pixels are arranged to form the image. In addition, information about how each pixel stores the color of the original image is included.
A image or picture of a paper document recorded in binary code and stored either on optical media, magnetic media, or magneto-optical media. A pixel map is made of the light and dark points of the original document and it is recorded as either a 0 or a 1 in machine language.
A picture made up of pixels and recorded as data.
An image composed of pixels.
results of Digitalization or Digital scan that can be translated by a computer Digital Photography: the art or process of producing digital images by the action of radiant energy and especially light.
A computer file which, when used in conjunction with the proper software, will display a picture on the computer screen or print out to a digital device such as a laser printer.
A visible image that is recorded by an electronic detector and subdivided into small picture elements (pixels). Each element is assigned a number that corresponds to the brightness recorded at its physical location on the detector. Computer software converts the numerical information into a visual image. The Hubble Space Telescope records digital images.
A rectangular array of numbers representing the gray scale of a radiograph or color shades of a color image.
A digital image is a representation of a two-dimensional as a finite set of digital values, called picture elements or pixels.