A process that captures an image in a format that can be used and manipulated electronically. The term scan also refers to the resulting file and/or proof of the file.
Shortened form of scintiscan, a diagnostic procedure using a scintillation camera to record images of various parts of the body following injection of appropriate radioactive substances. This is a major tool for establishing precise diagnoses.
The electronic, optical, or magnetic search for a symbol that is to be optically recognized.
The term covers a variety of techniques for obtaining images of structures or organs inside the body. Scans are very useful in diagnosing cancer and finding out how far it has spread. Other types of scans include ultrasound scans, magnetic resonance imaging.
1. To read a bar code with a device known as a scanner, which converts optical information into electrical signals. 2. The search for a symbol that is to be optically recognized. Movement of a light source over a bar code and recognition of the reflective qualities of the returned signal.
Using a scanner, an image is converted to a digitized format to be used on a computer.
Injection of radioactive fluid (equal in radioactivity to about one x-ray) which may then be displayed on a computer/monitor or film (e.g. bone scan).
An electronic image of a piece of paper made by moving a lightbeam over an image.
an image produced by scanning; "he analyzed the brain scan"; "you could see the tumor in the CAT scan"
move a light beam over; in electronics, to reproduce an image
a series of images that demonstrate the flow of blood through the heart, providing information about heart muscle activity
The process by which an image is developed. The electron beam excites the phosphor on the monitor screen dot-by-dot and line-by-line. The faster the scanning the more stable the image.
An image that has been converted into a digital format using an optical scanner.
The process of digitizing a printed image (picture, negative, slide, etc.)
1) To convert a printed image or photo into a digital form 2) To move a picture beam across a screen, one line at a time, to refresh the image on the screen 3) To convert an optical image (from a video camera) into a digital form by examining each pixel on a line of a frame, then moving down one line
The opto-electronic capturing of documents or images for digital storage and processing.
To convert photos or graphics into files that can be placed into a page layout program or manipulated by a graphics program.
To move a light-sensitive device across an image-bearing surface, such as a page of text, so that it can be interpreted by a computer.
The act of converting a document or image printed on paper to a digital electronic form.
Looking inside the body from the outside to see if there is anything wrong. (e.g. ultrasound scan or CT scan)
To read text or images into a computer. To quickly read through information, either online or offline.
An operation performed by the sensor and the carriage. The image is divided into pixels by scanning.
the process where photos are converted into computer images
Looking at the inside of the body from the outside to see if there is anything wrong (eg CT scan or Ultrasound scan).
A study using x-rays to produce images of internal body organs.
the process of converting a traditional piece of artwork, like a photograph or logo, to a digital image made up of pixels, dots or squares, where the image can then be used in other computer software programs.
A computerised image of a design or picture.
To convert an image to a digitized format that may then be manipulated within a computer program i.e. Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Quark Xpress, etc. In the four colour printing process it is used to break down an illustration into the four separate colour images (CMYK). There are different types of scanners being used today such as drum scanners, table scanners, etc.
to electronically convert text or graphics into a computer file; this is accomplished with either a "hand scanner" which is rolled over the material, or with a "flatbed scanner" on which the material is placed like a photocopier; scanning requires a combination of hardware and software
Noun - the actual digital file containing an image that has been digitized by a scanner is called a scan. Verb - to scan; the act of creating a source digital image (a scan) by capturing an analog image into digital medium by use of a scanning device.
Convert photographs, 35mm or 6 x 6 trannies into digital files that can be placed into a publication. Precise cropping and resizing originals is simple, and is the necessary first-step towards other photo manipulation techniques, such as adjusting tonal values and colour castes.
This is the process by which an image is developed. The electron beam excites the phosphor on the monitor screen dot by dot and line by line. As the scanning rate increases the image becomes more stable.
To digitally capture an image and save it in a format that can be manipulated or altered from within a computer application. The resulting image is a bitmap file. If you wish to send us your signature via e-mail, scan it with a resolution of at least 600 dpi and save in either .jpg, .gif, .tif, .pcx, .bmp (Windows) format. If possible, save it as a two color image (Black and White).
The process of digitizing an image or picture by putting it through an optical scanner. Scanning allows you to create a digital copy of a photo or image that you can save on your computer or add to your Epson PhotoCenter account.
To convert an image to an electrical signal by moving a sensing point across the image, usually left to right, top to bottom.
The process of turning pages from notebooks, typed documents, and photographs into digital images. After images have been digitized, they can be placed on World Wide Web pages. A scanner (machine) and scanning software software are required.
The electronic search for a symbol which is to be optically recognised. A search for marks to be recognised by the recognition unit of an optical scanner.
A picture composed by a computer from many separate pictures made with the recording equipment ( X-ray tube, ultrasound beam, gamma camera) moving in a circle around the body region of interest, or making a fan-shaped movement across a body region.
A picture of a particular part of the body, such as brain, liver, or bones, produced by counting the radiation caused by radioactive substances injected to that part. A cat scan gives a detailed picture of a cross section of the body.
Another word for ultrasound exam.
Process whereby a hard copy image, typically a photograph or other artwork, is electronically converted to a digital file using a scanner. This process captures the image, as well as the color characteristics of the original and allows the image to be inserted into electronic documents.
convert human-readable images (paper or microfilm) into computer-readable code (digital or electronic images). See Digital or Electronic Images.
the process of converting physical images (photographs, text pages and line drawings) to an electronic file format using a scanning device
to create an electronic image of a paper document or object with a device attached to a computer (a scanner).
A picture of structures inside the body. Scans often used in diagnosing, staging, and monitoring disease include liver scans, bone scans, and computed tomography (CT) or computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. In liver scanning and bone scanning, radioactive substances that are injected into the bloodstream collect in these organs. A scanner that detects the radiation is used to create pictures. In CT scanning, an x-ray machine linked to a computer is used to produce detailed pictures of organs inside the body. MRI scans use a large magnet connected to a computer to create pictures of areas inside the body.
An operation performed by the sensor and the carriage. The image is divided into pixels when scanned.
(Measurement and Inspection) The separate and systematic detection of multiple optical beams from one end of an array to another in a light screen system.
(Machine Safety) The sequential verification of all optical beams, including all relevant tests.
To convert human-readable images into bit-mapped or ASCII machine-readable code.
To survey by traversing with an active or passive sensing device. The image, record, or data obtained by scanning, usually identified by the technology or device employed; e.g., CT scan, radionuclide scan, ultrasound scan, etc. Abbreviated form of scintiscan (scintigraphy), usually identified by the organ or structure examined; e.g., brain scan, bone scan, etc.
the oxygen deficiency in the heart is recorded with the help of radioactive substances and special cameras.
to convert pictures, text or images into digital data by running them through a scanner. see optical scanner.