(IEEE) (1) A record of the execution of a computer program, showing the sequence of instructions executed, the names and values of variables, or both. Types include execution trace, retrospective trace, subroutine trace, symbolic trace, variable trace. (2) To produce a record as in (1). (3) To establish a relationship between two or more products of the development process; e.g., to establish the relationship between a given requirement and the design element that implements that requirement.
monitor that stops execution momentarily, reports the current program location, then continues target program execution. You can specify whether a trace is in effect at every source statement, at every instruction, or only at routine entry and/or exit points.
a list of actions performed by the program as it is executed
a list of the memory references that a program or workload makes while it is executing
a long, dynamic sequence of instructions captured and stored by hardware
an acyclic sequence of basic blocks which are likely to be executed
a piece of software that tracks the way a program is executed and keeps a record of that sequence for later viewing
a sequence of legitimate messages, spells, and fake messages
a way to write out messages as the application executes
A record of the processing of a computer program. It exhibits the sequences in which the instructions were processed.
A command that can be used to monitor the execution of an application script.
Information collected during program execution that you can use to analyze your application. You can collect trace information and store it in a file for later use or analyze it directly when running your application interactively (for example, when you run an application in the XMPI utility).
A mode of program execution in which the debugger creeps to the next port and prints the goal.
vb. To execute a program in such a way that the sequence of statements being executed can be observed. See also debugger, single step.