eros erotic passion, erotic love
This is the love that comes from the desire to reunite. It is a passion contrast with agape which is compassion). Eros originates when the Demiurge sees "light Adam" or the primal man (see Anthropos).
This concept of love is used for a variety of ideas, one being erotic love, in direct contrast to Agape. From a Christian perspective, God is so disgusted with our sinful natures that we are not worthy to be with Him. Therefore, Eros is a physical love, i.e. an erotic, severe love that may take the form of corporal punishment.
Greek god of romantic love, son of Aphrodite; known as Cupid by the Romans
AIR-ohs] (Cupid) God of love and sexual desire, he was represented as an unbegotten primal force (Hesiod) or as the son of Ares and Aphrodite (Homer).
(Greek mythology) god of love; son of Aphrodite; identified with Roman Cupid
Eros is love. Originally Eros was considered to have been one of the great forces spawned from the primordial chaos. In this role Eros causes the fury of procreation that brings into being the world as we recognize it. In later myths Eros has been reduced to a pleasant but, minor god. By Roman times Eros had become Cupid.
Greek for love. The archetype behind all attraction, sexuality, creativity and feminine psychology in society.
The Greek god of Love. Also, a panchromatic and multispectral satellite platform (Earth Resources Observation Satellite).
In Greek mythology the God of Love, son of Aphrodite or the sum of all instincts for self-preservation.
Greek; God of Romance and Passionate Love.
physical love or sexual desire (Contrast with agape, philia, and platonic love)
In Greek mythology, the personification of love, a cosmogonic force of nature; psychologically, the function of relationship. (See also anima, animus, Logos.)
The god of love in Greek Mythology, son of Aphrodite, and identified by the Romans with Cupid; sexual love or desire; libido or the psychic energy associated with it.
Greek god of love and fertility, usually depicted as a youth.
the desire for the good, the true and the beautiful; in a more restricted sense sexual desire.
Attractive force of Fohat in the universe, and love-nature of the human being. In Scorpio it is the attraction of sex via Mars.
Greek Name- Eros Roman Name- Cupid (although Cupid is the Roman name for Eros, it is also used in the United States as the fictional, tiny angel who wears a white robe and a halo above his head. He is most frequently conversed about around Valentine's Day.)
In Greek mythology, Eros (Greek: ἜÏως) was the primordial god responsible for lust, love, and sex; he was also worshipped as a fertility deity. His name is the root of words such as erotic. His Roman equivalent was Cupid, "desire", also known as Amor, "love".
Eros ( érÅs) is passionate love, with sensual desire and longing. The Modern Greek word "erotas" means "(romantic) love". Plato refined his own definition.