One of the four rocky planets closest to the sun, which include Mars, Venus, Earth and Mercury.
"A planet similar in size and composition to the Earth; especially Mars, Earth, Venus, and Mercury. "
The four innermost planets of the solar system, resembling the Earth in general physical and chemical properties.
a planet having a compact rocky surface like the Earth's; the four innermost planets in the solar system
a dense planet found in the inner Solar System
a planet which is mostly composed of silicate rocks
a planet which is mostly composed of silicate rockss
Any of the four planets closest to the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.
Earth-like planet - another term for a rocky planet.
a small, rocky planet such as Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
A name given to a planet composed mainly of rock and iron, similar to that of Earth.
also known as the "rocky planets"; one of the four inner planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
Any of the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, or Mars; sometimes the Moon or Pluto are included in the list.
Rocky planets such as the Earth and other inner planets, as distinct from the Gas Giants.
A terrestrial planet, telluric planet or rocky planet is a planet that is primarily composed of silicate rocks. The term is derived from the Latin word for Earth, "Terra", so an alternate definition would be that these are planets which are, in some notable fashion, "Earth-like". Terrestrial planets are substantially different from gas giants, which might not have solid surfaces and are composed mostly of some combination of hydrogen, helium, and water existing in various physical states.