Big yellow thing visible in the sky during the day, the Sun is by far the largest object in the solar system. It has a mass of 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg. It has a diameter of almost 1.4 million km. Over 100,000 Earths could fit inside the Sun! The Sun is composed mostly of hydrogen, and is about five billion years old. Check out SEDS' Nine Planets, for more about the Sun. Or see StarDate's Solar System Guide.
a star, and the largest object in our solar system. The Sun is the closest star to Earth and is about 5 billion years old.
( Sol): In astrological and alchemical thought, the seven heavenly bodies known to the ancients were associated with seven metals also known in antiquity. The sun was associated with gold ( aurum).
One of the 100 billion stars in our galaxy. 1,390,000 km diameter. Temperature at the core: 15,600,000 K. Temperature at the surface: 5800 K.
a unit of mass used in astronomy to express the masses of stars. Stars are so massive that it's difficult to grasp their relative sizes. Using the Sun's mass as a unit helps us visualize them relative to something familiar. The best current estimate of the mass of the Sun is 1.9891 x 1030 kilograms or 1.9891 x 1027 tonnes.
The star that is the central body of our solar system.
Our sun is a star, and is by far the largest and most massive object in the solar system. However, it is small to average as stars go. The red giant Betelgeuse is nearly 1000 times larger.
The star at the center of our solar system. It is made mostly of hydrogen and helium with traces of heavier elements. This image of the Sun is courtesy of SOHO/EIT. More about the Sun...
The star that the Earth orbits. The luminous orb, the light of which constitutes day, and its absence night. It is the central body around which the earth and planets revolve, by which they are held in their orbits, and from which they receive light and heat. The Sun's luminous surface is called the photosphere, above which is an envelope consisting partly of hydrogen, called the chromosphere, which can be seen at the time of a total solar eclipse. Above the chromosphere, and sometimes extending out millions of miles, are luminous rays or streams of light which are visible only at the time of a total eclipse, forming the solar corona.
The star at the center of our solar system. It is made mostly of hydrogen and helium with a very small amount of heavier elements.
a typical star that is the source of light and heat for the planets in the solar system; "the sun contains 99.85% of the mass in the solar system"
any star around which a planetary system evolves
A medium size star that lies in the middle of our Solar System.
the star at the center of our solar system. The Sun keeps Earth warm and sustains life on it, and it also emits the solar wind and occasional bursts of solar energetic particles.
The star at the center of our planetary system that gives us warmth and light, and thus sustains life on Earth. The Sun is a main sequence star with a radius of 700,000 kilometers (435,000 miles), mass of 330,000 Earth masses, and a surface temperature of 6,000 kelvins (10,000 degrees Fahrenheit).
The star associated with Earth's solar system. The Sun weighs about 2x1030 kilograms, and is about 1.4x109 meters in diameter.
The star about which the Earth and other planets revolve.
Our nearest star and the central object in the Solar System. Compared with other stars it is fairly average in terms of size and temperature. It seems to have formed from a cloud of dust and gas about 5 billion years ago. A giant ball of gas, mainly hydrogen and helium, it contains 745 times as much mass as all of the planets put together. Energy is generated through nuclear fusion in its core. The temperature of the core is about 15 million degrees Celsius, while the temperature of its visible surface (the photosphere) is 5700 °C. Above the photosphere are the chromosphere and the corona, where the temperature exceeds one million degrees. The energy generated in the core takes 30 000 years to reach the surface, when it is mostly emitted as light and infrared (heat) radiation.
a hydrogen fuel burning, yellow-white dwarf star in the Milky Way galaxy with an inner temperature of 18,000,000 degrees F and a surface temperature of about 10,000 degrees F which increases to 1,800,000 degrees F in the outer atmosphere. The age of the sun is estimated at nearly 5 billion years. Scientists believe that the sun has about 5 billion years of stabile, fuel burning life remaining.
Spelt with a capital "S" to signify our Sun. Our sun is the closest star to Earth, and is a middle aged main sequence star. Click here for some information on our Sun.
The star at the centre of our solar system.
A star that is the basis of the solar system and that sustains life on Earth, being the source of hear and light.
The star at the center of our solar system about which the Earth (and all other planets) orbit. Also called "Sol".
The Sun is a star at the center of our solar system. Our Sun is a medium-sized yellow star that is 93,026,724 miles (149,680,000 km) from Earth. Its diameter is 865,121 miles (1,391,980 km). At its core, nuclear reactions produce enormous amounts of energy, through the process of converting hydrogen atoms into helium atoms ( nuclear fusion). Its absolute magnitude is +4.83. The solar mass is 1.99 x 10 30 kg.
The closest star to Earth, and the center of our Solar System. Sun (Ordinary star)
our star; the central and largest body in our solar system; the essential energy source for life on Earth.
The central star of our Solar System, the giver of all life on Earth and beyond. In astrology, it is the most important of all the planetary factors and rules the individual will, the ego, and the path the entity takes in this particular lifetime.
The star at the centre of the Solar System
The star at the center of our solar system. An average star in terms of size and mass, the Sun is a yellow dwarf of spectral type G2. It is about 5 billion years old, contains 2 * 10 30 kilograms of material, and has a diameter more than 100 times that of Earth.
The Sun, central power source of our solar system. The masculine Sun stands for the individuality in the nativity. He rules Leo and is exalted in Aries. More about the Sun.
The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. The Earth and other matter (including other planets, asteroids, meteoroids, comets and dust) orbit the Sun, which by itself accounts for more than 99% of the solar system's mass. Energy from the Sun—in the form of insolation from sunlight—supports almost all life on Earth via photosynthesis, and drives the Earth's climate and weather.
In the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien, the Sun of Middle-earth was created by the Vala Aulë; he and his people made a vessel to hold the radiance of the last fruit of Laurelin.