A very toxic heavy metal unique because it is liquid at room temperature
That which flees the fire, descending from heaven to earth. Alchemical mercury symbolizes the spirit and takes its name from the element mercury, which may be distilled without leaving any ash. In this book Mercury provides the motivation for the Sulfur and Salt.
1. The planet Mercury. 2. Roman: God of trade and commerce. 3. A liquid metal that is also called quicksilver. *Poison* Mercurialis perennis, a perennial herb that is also called Dogís Mercury.
A metallic element that occurs in many forms and in combination with other elements. When combined with carbon, which readily occurs in water, it forms more bioavailable organic mercury compounds (e.g., methylmercury).
The only liquid metal, mercury has many applications in the electrical industry. In the home it was once common in thermometers and still is used in thermostats. Because of its toxicity, mercury has been removed from many products, including latex paints, in which it was once used as a mildicide, and alkaline batteries, Mercury is still likely to be found in old, spent batteries or those made in Asia.
a liquid metallic element that may damage the nervous system if ingested or inhaled, and whose organic compounds are poisonous
a heavy silver-white poisonous metallic element that is liquid at ordinary temperatures and is used especially in scientific instruments and thermometers Testing for Water Quality
Mercury has unique technical characteristics as it melts at a temperature as low as -39°C. Vapour is produced at temperatures of as little as 20°C, even if its boiling point is 375°C. Mercury in metallic form does not affect the environment, but metallic vapour is easily absorbed by the respiratory system and collects in the central nervous system, for example, and gradually causes damage to the human heart and kidneys. Mercury easily combines with other substances thus becoming highly toxic. It also becomes easily absorbed by plants and animals and causes serious damage. When mercury emissions are large-scale, the mercury is stored in the body, as more mercury is supplied than the body can dispose of. The further up the food chain you come, the higher the accumulation. This has affected the reproductive capability of animals, for instance birds. A teaspoonful of mercury is sufficient to pollute an entire lake and, because of its toxicity and volatility, mercury should therefore not be used but should be left in the earth's crust in inactive form. Metal which has already been extracted should be stored in such a way that it does not leak into the environment.
A metallic element, silvery white in color, which is liquid at room temperature. Mercury is found in thermometers, batteries, in preparation of chemical pesticides, and as an airborne by-product of coal combustion.
A silver-colored metallic element used in thermometers. The temperature is read at the point to which the mercury has risen in the column alongside the temperature scale.
A metal (Hg) that is released into the environment as a byproduct of certain manufacturing processes. Methylmercury accumulates in animals, particularly carnivorous fish, and is found in highest concentrations in larger, longer-living species. Fetuses and young children are especially vulnerable to the damaging effects of mercury contamination through fish consumption.
A heavy metal that can build up in the environment and is very harmful if breathed or swallowed.
A naturally occurring trace metal that accumulates in the environment, and bioaccumulates and biomagnifies in the aquatic food chain. Mercury can be toxic to humans and aquatic life. Copper usually enters water as a result of improper waste disposal. Measured in mg/L or ppm. The MCL for mercury is 0.002 mg/L or ppm.
Liquid used in thermometers. Expands or contracts with changing temperature.
A heavy, silver-white metallic element liquid at room temperature. When heated to a vapor through which an electronic current is discharged, it produces a bluish-green light. It may be mixed with rare gases,typically argon,to produce the ultraviolet light necessary to excite the phosphors in neon tubes and in florescent lamps.
a heavy silvery toxic univalent and bivalent metallic element; the only metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures
temperature measured by a mercury thermometer; "the mercury was falling rapidly"
like other metals, can be found in different chemical forms in the environment. Methylmercury is the mainly organic form of mercury that is the most toxic and likely to cause effects. Methylmercury can also bioaccumulate and biomagnify in food webs.
A naturally occurring element that is found in air, water, and soil. It exists in several forms: elemental or metallic mercury, inorganic mercury compounds, and organic mercury compounds. Mercury is used in thermometers, fluorescent light bulbs, and some electrical switches. For more information, visit EPA's Mercury Web site.
A heavy metal that is highly toxic if breathed or swallowed. The organic form of mercury, methylmercury, bioaccumulates in ecosystems and can cause adverse effects on children exposed before birth or adults at higher concentrations. The largest human-generated source of mercury emissions in the United States is the burning of coal. Other sources include the combustion of waste and industrial processes that use mercury.
Liquid metal used in common in thermometers, and electronic components. Known to cause brain and liver damage if ingested, readily bio-accumulates in living tissue, and is the cause of Minamata disease (mercury poisoning).
A silvery-white heavy liquid metallic element occurring naturally in cinnabar and used in barometers, thermometers and amalgams; toxic to aquatic plants and animals; accumulates in sediment and food chains.
a silvery-white poisonous metallic element (heavy metal) that is used in thermometers, barometers, vapor lamps, batteries and other products; extremely mobile and toxic when released into the environment; must be managed as a hazardous waste or recycled.
A poisonous metallic element—liquid at ordinary temperatures—that is used in scientific instruments and can cause kidney or nervous system disorders
This is a chemical added during the floatation process to separate gold from ore. Mercury is brought in as a liquid. Once used, it remains a liquid and can be found in tailings and tailings water. PCBs: This is an oily like substance that was brought to sites as a coolant used in electrical equipment. PCBs were also mixed with paint to be used as a moisture barrier. If these products are not disposed of properly, they can cause contamination of soils, air and water and cause bioaccumulation in mammals.
A heavy metal that can accumulate in the environment and is highly toxic if breathed or swallowed.
A heavy metal used in mercurial catalysts and the paper industry and released by the combustion of fossil fuels. Organic mercury compounds, such as methyl mercury, act as cumulative poisons that affect the nervous system.
Although mercury is a naturally occurring element, it is also released into the environment by various human activities including waste incineration, coal burning, and mining. Mercury is an ongoing public health concern due to its highly toxic nature; exposure to high levels can permanently damage the brain and kidneys and the developing fetus. Children are more susceptible than adults to mercury contamination. Fish consumption is one of the most important exposure routes to humans. Mercury bioaccumulates, meaning that top predators, such as sharks and swordfish, have higher levels in their tissues than, for example, fish that feed on plankton. For further information on human health protection, see Seafood Health.
a metal component of amalgam fillings.
Mercury is toxic and is not present in water sources or drinking water. 1 µg/l
A naturally occurring element and a part of the earth’s crust, oceans, and atmosphere. Elemental mercury is the unique silver-white metal that is a liquid at room temperature and easily vaporizes. Most environmental mercury is released through natural processes, including surface volcanic eruptions, deep-sea vents, underwater volcanic eruptions, and erosion. The chemical abbreviation for mercury is Hg.
The only metal which is a liquid at room temperature. It takes the form of tiny silver drops. It is very heavy and is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. Mercury easily forms an alloy with gold (known as an "amalgam"). For this reason it was commonly used by the gold diggers to extract gold from crushed rocks and river sediments. The chemical symbol for mercury is Hg, and it has a density of 13.6.
A heavy, liquid metal, silvery-white in colour, with a very low melting point. Used to recover gold, silver and platinum from concentrates. Also called Quicksilver.
a poisonous heavy metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures and is used especially in scientific instruments (such as thermometers)
A heavy, toxic and volatile silvery metal which is liquid at room temperature. Most people associate mercury with thermometers and barometers, but it is also used as an industrial chemical in a number of processes.
Wetted Relay - A reed relay in which the contacts are wetted by a film of mercury (Hg). Usually has a required operating position to avoid liquid mercury from shorting the contacts; other types are position insensitive. This type of relay is usually higher power and longer life, but at a higher dollar cost. Another benefit of this type of contact is the repeatability of contact resistance and virtually no contact bounce.
A metal which remains liquid at room temperature. This property makes it useful when used in a thin vertical glass tube since small changes in pressure can be measured as changes in the mercury column height. The inch of mercury is often used as a unit for negative pressure.
A metallic element of atomic weight 200.61, unique (for metals) in that it remains liquid under all but very extreme temperatures.
a heavy metal that is a neurotoxin that is toxic if breathed or ingested at sufficiently high concentrations. Because of its common use, mercury is released during garbage incineration and through the combustion of fuels such as coal and wood for energy production. Mercury readily bioaccumulates in all aquatic organisms.
Mercury is a heavy metal that is naturally found in rocks and soil in combination with other chemicals. It is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature. It is silvery in colour and flows easily so it is sometimes used in thermometers. There are many humanmade sources of mercury that are released to the atmosphere. Also, mercury may be released when soils are flooded for creating reservoirs ( e.g., reservoirs for hydroelectric dams). Mercury is toxic to most living things. It accumulates in the liver, kidneys, hair, and skin of animals and people.
Some mercury occurs naturally in the environment, but the major sources of mercury pollution are coal-fired power plant emissions and emissions from mining and manufacturing processes, as well as mercury-containing products, such as thermometers, batteries, and fluorescent light tubes. When inorganic mercury enters the air from these human sources it is then deposited in soil and water, where micro organisms transform inorganic mercury into organic mercury compounds, such as methylmercury. Methylmercury can bioaccumulate in the fatty tissues of living organisms, particularly fish living in polluted waters, and the people who then eat those fish. Mercury is a recognized developmental toxin, and it is also a suspected hormone disruptor, neurotoxin, reproductive toxin and respiratory toxin.
A liquid metal found in natural deposits as ores containing other elements. Exposure to high levels of mercury can cause kidney damage.
a heavy, silver-white, metallic element, the only metal that is liquid at room temperature; also called quicksilver. A virulent poison, dangerous to handle and work with.
("Quick silver") A heavy, silvery colored, liquid type of metal which has a tremendous affinity for gold, silver and many other metals. Mercury is often used amongst gold miners to collect the fine gold values out of a set of heavy concentrates that have been taken from a recovery system. The procedure is called amalgamation. Learn how to use Mercury on my " HOW TO USE MERCURY TO RECOVER GOLD" Page
A silver-white, poisonous metal that is a liquid at ordinary temperatures. It is commonly used in thermometers and amalgams, and has been used as an ingredient in some homeopathic medicines and in very small amounts as a preservative in viral vaccines.
In astrological and alchemical thought, the seven heavenly bodies known to the ancients were associated with seven metals also known in antiquity. Mercury was associated with mercury (quicksilver, hydrargyrum).
The most toxic, non-radioactive element known to man. This is the heavy metal that comprises 50% of amalgam dental fillings.
A metal that recycles between land, air and water. Mercury accumulates in fish and often results in fish consumption advisories for lakes and rivers. Mercury can have toxic effects on the nervous system of animals, including humans, that eat large quantities of fish. Mercury is naturally occurring, but most of the mercury entering waterbodies comes from mercury released by human activities. The main pathway of mercury to surface water is through atmospheric deposition. Major sources of mercury to the atmosphere include the burning coal and petroleum, metal smelting, and the use of mercury in manufacturing and products (such as switches, dental amalgam, and measuring instruments).
A toxic, elemental metal and environmental pollutant. Spread through the atmosphere to the most remote locations, it can pose a risk when eating certain species of fish, from some lakes. See the Minnesota Department of Health's Fish Consumption Advisory for details.
To dream of mercury, is significant of unhappy changes through the constant oppression of enemies. For a woman to be suffering from mercurial poison, foretells she will be deserted by and separated from her family.
A heavy, silver-white metallic, chemical element, liquid at ordinary temperatures, above -38.9 degrees F. It is often used in measuring devices, such as thermometers. Atomic Symbol Hg. Atomic Number 80. Atomic Weight 200.59.
Also known as "quicksilver," this metal is used in the paper pulp and chemical industries, in the manufacture of thermometers, thermostats, high efficiency lighting and many other products and fungicides. In lighting, mercury is what makes them energy efficient. Mercury exists in three biologically important forms, elemental, inorganic and organic. Mercury is toxic to humans. Overexposure to mercury can affect the nervous system, kidneys and other organs. Mercury accumulates in animals that are high in the food chain (i.e., predators). Human exposure to mercury is largely due to eating contaminated fish.
A toxic substance that can harm an unborn baby's developing brain and nervous system. Mercury is found in high concentrations in certain types of fish including shark, swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel.
Mercury (IPA: ), also called quicksilver, is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Hg (Latinized , meaning watery or liquid silver) and atomic number 80. A heavy, silvery transition metal, mercury is one of five elements that are liquid at or near standard room temperature (the others are the metals caesium, francium, and gallium, and the nonmetal bromine). Mercury is used in thermometers, barometers and other scientific apparatus, although the use of mercury in thermometers has been largely phased out in clinical and scientific environments (in favor of alcohol-filled, digital or thermistor-based replacements) due to concerns about the element's toxicity.
Mercury (Cessily Kincaid) is a fictional character, a mutant in the Marvel Universe, a member of the student body at the Xavier Institute. She first appeared in New Mutants vol. 2 #2. She is from Portland, Oregon and her parents do not accept her mutancy.
Mercury is a fictional character and an Amalgam Comics superhero, whose true debut was in JLX #1, though his (metafictional) debut in the Amalgam Universe was in JLA: The New Blood #2. He is a combination of DC Comics' Impulse and Marvel Comics' Quicksilver.
The fifth album by San Francisco indie rock group American Music Club, released in early 1993. It was their major-label debut.