functions primarily as a component of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which works with vitamin E in preventing free radical damage to cell membranes. Low levels of selenium have been linked to an increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory diseases, and other conditions associated with increased free radical damage, such as premature aging and cataract formation. However, since our bodies require just a small amount of selenium, taking too much selenium can result in depression, nervousness, emotional instability, nausea and vomiting, a garlic odor of the breath and sweat, and, in extreme cases, loss of hair and fingernails. The level of selenium in some foods such as garlic and mushrooms is directly related to the level of selenium in the soil that the food was grown in. Selenium can also be found in organ meats and seafood.
a mineral that acts as an antioxidant and is a constituent of glutathione peroxidase. It protect vitamin E. No RDA has been established. Clinical evidence has shown that supplementation with selenium can reduce the risk of cancer by more than 50%. Additional information can be found in our Article on Selenium. You can find more information and obtain selenium in our PolyANTOX(tm).
An essential mineral that works with Vitamin E to protect body compounds from oxidation.
Mineral that you need in tiny amounts in your diet to help keep your immune system healthy. It is an antioxidant and may help prevent cell damage that can lead to cancer. Low levels of selenium may help to cause prostate cancer. Selenium is in meat, fish and seafood, eggs and cereals. Selenium deficiency is very rare in the UK.
An essential mineral involved primarily in enzymes that are antioxidants. Three selenium- containing enzymes are antioxidant peroxidases and a fourth selenium-containing enzyme is involved in thyroid hormone production. The prostate contains a selenium-containing protein and semen contains relatively large amounts of selenium. Clinical studies show that selenium is important in lowering the risk of several types of cancers.
A mineral that is required in small amounts by the body. The National Cancer Institute is in third stage of clinical trials to study the effects of selenium supplements on preventing recurrence of cancer. Some doctors and nutritionists recommend adding selenium to the diet of patients who've undergone treatment for lung cancer based on the early results from the trials.
a relatively rare nonmetallic element found in food in small quantities that has some effect in prevention of prostate cancer
Selenium works as an antioxidant with glutathione peroxidase to prevent damage by free radicals. It's involved in the metabolism of prostaglandins (hormone-like substances) which are used by the body in various ways. Selenium detoxifies toxic... read more ... Usefulness: N/A(0 ratings) by Andersen777 () Rate It! this definition is ... useful somewhat useful incorrect spam / offensive
A trace mineral that may alter the course of cancer by helping certain enzymes protect cells against damage. The amount found in produce is directly related to the amount in the soil where it is grown, and selenium is readily taken up by the body. Its antioxidant function may prevent premature aging. Garlic contains selenium, and one scientist has used enriched soil to increase the amount in garlic bulbs.
Selenium has a variety of functions. The main one is its role as an antioxidant in conjunction with the cytoplasmic enzyme glutathione peroxidase. It also enhances vitamin E function and has been shown to improve the production of sperm and sperm motility. Selenium is a co-factor in thyroid hormone metabolism. Organ meats (such as liver and kidney), oysters, tuna, herring, whole grains, nuts, brewer's yeast, wheat germ and vegetables. The amount of selenium in vegetables depends on the selenium content of the soil.
Good to know: Selenium is currently being investigated for its potential to prevent cancer. Recommendations: Ages 15-18, 50 micrograms/day Men ages 19-51+, 70 micrograms/day Women ages 19-51+, 55 micrograms/day Benefits: Powerful antioxidant that works to protect cells from damage, important for cell growth. Food sources: Seafood, meats, grain products, seeds. Day's supply in: 1 chicken breast (47 mcg) PLUS 1 egg (15 mcg) PLUS 1 slice whole wheat bread (10 mcg) Watch out: Taking high doses, 1 milligram or higher, can cause toxicity symptoms, including nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, nerve damage, hair loss and nail changes.
A mineral essential to the mammalian diet and the central element in glutathione peroxidase (GPx). It has antioxidant properties and is normally obtained through foods such as yeast, whole grains, and seafood.
Selenium is an essential micronutrient in the human diet that functions as a component of enzymes involved in antioxidant protection and thyroid hormone metabolism. In combination with vitamin E, it exerts antioxidant effects that help keep the immune system strong. However excessive use of selenium has been linked to skin, hair, and nail abnormalities.
A chemical element, atomic number 34, atomic weight 78.96, symbol Se. It is an essential mineral nutrient and a very potent poison. Selenium has antioxidant properties similar to vitamin E. Vitamin E can replace the requirement for selenium in the body, but selenium cannot substitute for vitamin E. In addition, selenium does not cross the blood-brain barrier like vitamin E. On the other hand, selenium may help vitamin E to be more effective. Many plant sources are low in selenium and supplementation may be important; however, selenium can create a toxicity if given at too high a level. Never give more than 200 µg of selenium per day in large dogs nor more than 100 µg per day to small dogs.
An antioxidant mineral. Promotes good skin and supports prostate and male fertility as well as the immune system. Assists the antioxidant activities of vitamin E.
Selenium is a trace mineral that is essential to good health but required only in small amounts. Selenium is incorporated into proteins to make selenoproteins, which are important antioxidant enzymes. The antioxidant properties of selenoproteins help prevent cellular damage from free radicals. Free radicals are natural by-products of oxygen metabolism that may contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Other selenoproteins help regulate thyroid function and play a role in the immune system.
A component of glutathione and a powerful antioxidant, selenium protects the body from free radical damage and heavy metal toxicity. It is an anti-cancer substance and immune stimulant. It works with vitamin E to prevent fat and cholesterol accumulation in the blood. It protects against heart weakness and degenerative diseases. It enhances elasticity of skin tissue.
An antioxidant trace mineral that is a cofactor in several biochemical functions.
An essential trace element with antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory effects. Deficiency in humans has been associated with depressed IgG and IgM. In animals deficiency has resulted in depressed neutrophil activity. Deficiencies increase susceptibility to malignancy in the presence of carcinogens.
(as sodium selenate) works with vitamin E to neutralize free radicals; support respiratory and cardiovascular function and the immune system.
An essential trace mineral that performs important functions in your body. Selenium is naturally found in many foods.
Selenium is a mineral that plays an important role in antioxidant function. Studies show selenium may work to protect against certain cancers. Found in a wide variety of foods and can vary in level depending on the soil conditions where fruits and vegetables are grown.
An essential trace mineral and cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme glutathinone peroxidase.
mineral that has been shown to promote hair and scalp health.
Trace mineral with potent antioxidant effects; component in sulfur bearing amino acid production and fetal development during pregnancy; recent clinical evidence of cancer preventive properties. You can get it from rice, wheats and meats. Selenium helps prevent the formation of free radicals, and can possobly help prevent forms of cancer.
a metallic trace element that combines with glutathione to form a major cellular antioxidant.
Related Topic"...In combination with Vitamin E, selenium aids the production of antibodies and helps maintain a healthy heart..."
Mineral acting as an antioxidant; needed for proper immune and heart functions.
A component of the antioxidant enzyme, glutathione peroxidase. Glutathione peroxidase works with vitamin E in preventing free radical damage to cell membranes. In addition, selenium appears to have antioxidant properties on its own and plays a role in cancer, cardiovascular disease, enhancing immune function, inflammatory conditions, and cataracts.
An essential dietary mineral.
A rare trace mineral that protects cells against free-radical damage as part of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase.
An essential trace mineral needed to make glutathione and to help Vitamin E work more effectively.
Provides powerful antioxidant properties, bolsters the immune system and is considered as an anti-cancer agent. BACK
is an essential trace mineral that the human body needs. It is an important part of antioxidant enzymes that protect cells against the effects of free radicals that are produced during normal oxygen metabolism.
is a mineral that is a powerful antioxidant. Selenium can assist in carbohydrate metabolism and may increase tissue sensitivity to the action of insulin. Deficiencies in selenium intake can lead to cardiovascular disease, hair loss, cataracts, fatigue, and depression.
Selenium is a trace mineral, which means the body only needs tiny amounts each day. Selenium is one of the major protective antioxidants that helps prevent damage to individual body cells. It is vital for the prevention of heart disease, and a deficiency is a major factor in the development of prostate cancer in men. Selenium is part of the body's general defense mechanism but its also involved in the function of natural enzymes that regulates many of our bodily functions, including blood clotting and the protection on DNA - the genetic blueprint of every cell. Virtually everyone in the UK needs to increase their intake of this vital mineral, particularly smokers and any man with prostate problems. Selenium is also protective against many toxic chemicals as it combines with them and aids in their removal from the body, so jobs that involve working with chemicals mean you would need a higher intake. The mineral is best absorbed in the presence of vitamins A, C and E, but to do not exceed a daily dose of 200 micrograms. Best sources include Brazil nuts, wholemeal bread, oily fish, sunflower seeds, cooked mushrooms, shrimp, mixed nuts and raisins.
(Se) - Prevents or slows aging caused by antioxidants. Keep youthful elasticity in tissues.
An essential trace mineral that functions largely in the form of proteins, called selenoproteins, which act as enzymes and help prevent damage to cells in the body by oxidants in the environment or those produced by normal metabolism . See the entire definition of Selenium
A trace mineral with anti-oxidant properties that may provide protection from toxins, particularly mercury.
A trace mineral that works synergistically with antioxidants to fight free radicals.
A trace element which may help to preserve the elasticity of body tissues Red meat, liver, milk, fish, seafood, wholegrain cereals & breads
A trace mineral needed by humans in very small amounts, it protects cells against free radical and oxidative damage.
A trace element used by thyroid cells that may help protect against diseases due to iodine deficiency.
a trace mineral required by humans for the function of selenium-dependant enzymes known as glutathione peroxidases.
Low levels of selenium have been connected to heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and in fact cancer of all kinds. Some studies have shown that selenium may be 50-100 times more powerful than any other anti-carcinogen known.
A mineral that has potent antioxidant properties. Selenium inhibits the oxidation of fats and protects vitamin E.
An essential mineral and free radical scavenger aiding in protein digestion. Selenium assists in detoxifying the body of heavy metals that suppress the immune system.
a trace element of the metalloenzyme that protects the body's hemoglobin, this antioxidant helps prevent the hardening of tissues through oxidation and helps preserve the elasticity of skin; its benefits are enhanced when coupled with vitamin E
As A Treatment" Selenium is an essential mineral which works closely with vitamin E..."
This mineral complements vitamin E to act as an efficient antioxidant. It is a component of an antioxidant enzyme, and also promotes normal growth and development.
Chemical symbol Se. A trace mineral acting as an antioxidant. It promotes healthy immune system and heart functions and protects red blood cells and cell membranes. Sources of selenium are seafood, meat, and whole grains.