Linux is an open source operating system within the Unix family. Because of its robustness and availability, Linux has won popularity in the open source community and among commercial application developers. Camvista uses the flexibility and power of Linux to drive its tools and applications. Mpeg - The acronym for Moving Pictures Expert Group, MPEG is an international standard for video compression and desktop movie presentation. A special viewing application is needed to run MPEG files on your computer.
Linux is an Operating System, just like the Windows Operating System that you may be used to using. Linux is open source and therefore can be re-distributed, used and modified freely. There are many different 'flavours' of Linux, SuSE Linux being the personal favourite here. It is a far more superior Operating System compared to Windows in that it is more secure, stable, faster and of course, free. Though there are a many commercial versions of Linux (such as SuSE) available in the shops, at a seriously low price.
(tech) — An operating system that is Open Source and based upon UNIX. Popular as a server, and also as a desktop machine as an alternative to Microsoft Windows.
An Open Source computing platform based on the robust core of commercial Unix systems. Developed by a Finnish programmer named Linus Torvalds in the early 90's, the Linux core is typically distributed with hundreds of other 'packages', commonly known as GNU/Linux. There are dozens of popular distributions (or 'flavours') of GNU/Linux such as the popular RedHat, Mandrake, Slackware and Debian. GNU/Linux is become popular because it is free, flexible and secure.
Name popularly given to the operating system which is made up of programs from the GNU project and other sources bound around the Linux kernel developed by Linus Torvalds.
Pronounced "lihnuks," this is a Unix-based operating system created by Linus T...
An open-source operating system originally written by Linus Torvalds, but now the product of an Internet-based collaborative development headed by Torvalds.
A freely-distributable operating system derived from UNIX that runs on a number of hardware platforms. Linux is a product of the open-source software development movement, meaning that it is the product of thousands of programmers worldwide, not any one particular company. In recent years, it has gained popularity as an alternative to Microsoft's Windows operating systems.
Linux is an open source UNIX implementation, and a popular alternative to the Windows operating system. It is often used in embedded operating systems found in advanced Network IP Cameras. Linux is freeware.
An open-source, multi-tasking operating system. It is a variant of Unix but has generated the most interest because (besides being open) it runs on Intel chips, and thus is called by some a Microsoft killer, competing against Windows NT. Although open-source, it is being sold by many companies with value-adds such as good manuals and easier installation tools.
A version of UNIX that runs on a variety of hardware platforms including x86 PCs, Alpha, PowerPC and IBM's product line. Linux is open source software, which is freely available; however, the full distribution of Linux along with technical support and training are available for a fee from vendors such as Red Hat Software and Caldera. Due to its stability, Linux has gained popularity with ISPs as the OS for hosting Web servers. To the top
Linux is an example of Open Source Software designed to provide personal computer users a free or very low-cost operating system. Linux is publicly open and extendible by contributors.
Linux is an open-source operating system derived from the Unix operating system. It is used most commonly to run servers.
Linux is a free operating system that runs on Unix machines.
A version of UNIX that runs on many PCs. This is the operating system that we will be using at AIMS.
an open-source implementation of UNIX. Linux is distributed free of charge, and it runs on many platforms.
Open source operating system based on UNIX System V and BSD UNIX.
An open source UNIX based kernel. Often referred to as an Operating system.
Linux is an open-source operating system derived off of the Unix operating system. It is used to run servers, but also is now showing up on the desktop. There are several certifications for individuals who become proficient in running the Linux OS. CompTIA offers the Linux+ , Red Hat offers the Red Hat Certified Engineer, the RHCE , and SuSE offers the SuSE Certied Linux Professional, SCLP . Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
A free open-source UNIX-type operating system which runs on a number of hardware platforms.
A free version of UNIX designed to run on Intel x86 architecture chips.
A popular open source operating system component, originally created by the Finnish programmer, Linus Torvalds. There are today a few hundred operating systems that are build around Linux.
A variant of Unix developed by a gentleman named Linus Torvalds.
Linux is a Operating System (OS -Similar to Windows or MAC) is a free open source software and build by the online community. Meaning that anyone with programming experience can work or change their own Linux Operations System functionality. This Operating system is still hard to control and is in the testing stages (a.k.a. Beta version). Linux has being become a player in the Operating system market and in fact on 02/2005, Walmart has introduced an affordable computer system under $ 500 with the use of a new fully operational, user-friendly version of Linux.
A free Operating System based on UNIX. Supplemented by a range of services, such as the Xfree86 graphics engine, Linux is made available under terms of the GNU licensing scheme developed by Richard Stallman. Development of the kernel is overseen by Linus Torvald. Commercial distributions of the operating system are provided by companies such as RedHat, Debian and Caldera. For further information about Linux, see
Free Version of Unix that runs on PC, Alpha and Apple computers.
A freeware version of Unix. A popular operating system for hosting web pages on
An operating system, similar in some respects to Unix. Unlike Unix, Linux is open source software available under the GPL, and is not claimed as a trademark by any company.
mainly considered the "other" operating system compared to Windows, and maybe the MacOS. I'd like to explain, but it can get quite complicated (imagine taking a command-line interface (like DOS, but a lot better) and then adding the the software that lets you see graphics, and then you put on the GUI). There is a score of much better information all over the Internet. I'll probably add some links to the links page soon, so check there! ( Update: this definition sucks. Visit my Linux page instead.)
A Unix-like operating system that runs on many different types of computers. Linus Torvalds wrote the Linux operating system while he was a college student at the University of Helsinki in Finland. Instead of making it proprietary and trying to sell it, Torvalds gave it away, so anyone who wanted to develop for it could do so. But don't run out and download Linux just because it's free. It's not a consumer operating system, and it requires a very high level of skill to install and run. It's a flavor of the Unix operating system -- on which most of the Internet runs -- and is mainly used by programmers as a development tool. Linux, which has attracted a passionate cult following among programmers, represents the latest entry in the worldwide race for domination of the PC desktop and computer server markets.
The operating system for which the MatPLC is designed. matplc.conf The traditional name for the main configuration file of the MatPLC.
An Open Source implementation of UNIX initiated by Linus Torvalds, which runs on many different hardware platforms including Intel, Sparc®, PowerPC, and Alpha Processors. Linux and FreeBSD are very often used by web hosting companies as their operating systems.
Linux ( An Open Source Operating System ) was first released by its inventor Linus Torvalds in 1991. He freely distributed Linux which helped it gain popularity very quicky. Linux is very customizable and you can actually add your own code to the operating system. Since the inner workings of Linux are open and available to the puplic, it has been used widely from web serverto VCR's.
a free, secure, reliable operating system, commonly used by computer enthusasts as an alternative to Windows. Linux was developed by Linus Torvalds to be like Unix but free. Linux is developed by a experts from round the world in their spare time.
An operating system that is a UNIX clone. It was created by programmer Linus Torvalds, who gave Linux its name. Linux is under special copyright that allows anyone to improve it, but no one to profit from it.
An Open Source operating system, based on UNIX. Popular as a server, and also as a desktop machine as an alternative to Microsoft Windows.
Linux is one of the servers we use at AIT. This is a very powerful and versatile Operating System. Currently we are using Linux Redhat version 7.1
A freeware version of Unix, Linux is becoming popular as a powerful, low-cost operating system for running servers.
is a subcategory of the popular Unix hosting platform best known for being open source (free) software.
a freeware implementation of UNIX originally written by Linus Torvalds, which can be used with many different operating systems. Work on the kernel is coordinated by Torvalds, who holds the copyright on a large part of it. The rest of the copyright is held by many other contributors and their employers. The kernel as a whole is available under the GNU General Public License. Linux has been used in embedded operating systems used by some advanced Network IP Cameras.
An open-source version of the UNIX operating system created by Linus Torvalds and friends starting about 1991.
Linux (pronounced "Lee-nooks") is a freely-distributed, open operating system (OS) based on Unix, the multi-user, multi-tasking OS created by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs in the late '60s. Linux was written by Linus Torvalds of Finland and has been built upon by many computer scientists and hackers from around the world. Debian (pronounced "Deb'-ian") Linux is one branch of Linux's evolutionary tree.
A free open-source control system for computers. Other control systems are Windows and Mac OS.
An opensource version of the Unix operating system. We utilize RedHat Linux on our servers. Megabyte (MB) The standard unit for measuring disk space and monthly bandwidth use.
A UNIX-like operating system used by Web servers.
A shareware implementation of the UNIX operating system for use with PCs.
a full, professional quality Unix OS with rock-solid stability and industrial-strength networking
an excellent operating system that is well suited to meet your web hosting needs
an investment in one of the strongest competitors in Open Source
a perfect example), or an alternative is closed source system which have the same problems without anyone seeing the code who may notice something gone astray
a variety of Unix (though it contains no copyrighted Unix code)
Free implementation of a UNIX-like kernel, developed by Linus Torvalds since 1991, and by numerous other persons thereafter. Sometimes also designates the whole operating system and the software than runs on top of it; for this meaning, people sometimes use " GNU/Linux" to emphasise the importance of the GNU software that make Linux a complete operating system.
Linux is the open source version of Unix. It has a grand benefit over other platforms. Because it is open source, support can come in from web sites, newsgroups, books, trained consultants and Linux aficionados. Open source often implies that the distribution itself comes free of charge.
Linux is a computer operating system invented in 1991 by Linus Torvalds.
GNU/Linux Operating System See GNU Linux.
An open source implementation of the UNIX system.
Open-source operating system that can run on a variety of platforms, including PC and Mac.
A free operating system made in the 1990s.
Linux is the UNIX-like operating system that we use on our servers. More specifically, we use a flavor of Linux called Red Hat.
An operating system that can replace Unix or Windows for many tasks, saving license fees and security problems
High performance UNIX-like operating system core distributed freely under the GPL (GNU). The name is an acronym ( Linus' Unix) and refers to its creator, Linus Torvalds. Although the name, in a strict sense, only refers to the kernel itself, the popular understanding of the term Linux usually entails the entire system.
Linux an operating system designed to provide computer users a free or low-cost system comparable more expensive systems. Linux is known to be fast and efficient although has compatibility issues with most commonly used software. Return to .
Linux is an operating system derived from UNIX. Linux is one of the most popular operating systems for Internet servers, primarily due to its efficient design and its low price (in fact, it can be downloaded from the Internet for free). Additionally, the code behind Linux is open to the public, allowing any programmer to revise and improve upon its features.
A UNIX based operating system. It is a freeware product developed collaberatively by thousands of programmers world-wide. It is a high quality, highly reliable computer operating system. A significant number of the world web sites are based on Linux servers, running the Apache web server.
A Unix-based computer operating system whose kernel was developed by Linus Torvalds. Linux is an open-source software. See also Windows NT/2000, Netware, Network Operating System, UNIX.
(graphical Unix): An operating system which is often used for network management. It is the graphical interface version of UNIX
Intel-processor-based operating system developed as an alternative to Unix. It is currently used by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.
Similar to UNIX operating system, Linux is the open source version of the popular system. Linux is available for anyone to use or change as long is it remains public.
A version of UNIX that is available without charge over the Internet and is increasingly being used with PCs, servers, mainframes, and supercomputers.
Linux is a free multi-user multi-tasking UNIX-like operating system that was originally developed as a "UNIX for PCs". It has since developed sufficiently into its own identity as a unique flavour of Unix, and it is available on more than just the Intel x86 platform. see also: Unix website: The Linux Home Page at Linux Online
An Open Source operating system that is derived from UNIX. Mapping(also called memory map) A functional representation of the different blocks in the memory of a chip.
A freeware computer operating system that is derived from UNIX.
A freely distributed alternative to Unix, Linux (pronounced lih-nucks) was developed originally by Linus Torvalds. The operating system is used as an inexpensive, robust substitute for Unix Web servers. Linux is available from a number of vendors for several hardware platforms, including Intel x86, DEC Alpha, Sun Sparc, and Motorola PowerPC.
Don't..don't believe the hype. No, it's not a floor polish, a desert toping or a cure for cancer, it's just another Unix like operation system. From a technical writers point of view, Linux still suffers from a lack of professional quality authoring tools which hinders its use as a primary authoring platform.
Open source alternative to Unix. As a result of its nature, there are many versions of Linux available. One of the most popular is Red Hat Linux.
Unix-like, open source operating system. Few OLAP products run on it, and sales have been minimal on that platform.
The basis of a computer operating system developed by Linus Torvalds (the Linux "kernel"). Linux is an open-source project that has resulted in a number of Linux-based operating systems ("distributions") available for free or at cost. Examples include Red Hat and XandrOS. See Open Source.
Open Source Unix-like operating system. It was first released in 1991 by its inventor Linus Torvalds. Being open source means it’s available for anyone to examine and change as long as they make their changes available to everyone else.
Linux is a free, open source alternative that provides an alternative to Windows and Mac OS X. Linux is already being used in home, businesses and schools around Indiana and the world.
A Unix-like computer operating system developed with the idea in mind that all parts of the software would be open for inspection and modification by the public.
Believe it or not, one of the fastest, most robust, and powerful multitasking OSes is available for free. Linux can be downloaded for free or be purchased on CD-ROM for a small service charge. A handful of companies distribute Linux including Red Hat, Debian, Caldera, and many others. Linux is also possibly available for more hardware combinations than any other OS (with the possible exception of NetBSD. Supported processors include: Alpha, PowerPC, SPARC, x86, and 68xx. Most processors currently not supported are currently works-in-progress or even available in beta. For example, work is currently underway to provide support for PA-RISC, 65xx, StrongARM, and Z80. People have even successfully gotten Linux working on PDAs. As you may have guessed, Linux can be made quite lightweight. Linux is a variant of UNIX and as such, most of the traditional UNIX software will run on Linux. This especially includes the GNU software, most of which comes with the majority of Linux distributions. Fast, reliable, stable, and inexpensive, Linux is popular with ISPs, software developers, and home hobbyists alike.
An offshoot of the original UNIX operating system, named after its creator, Linus Torvalds.
A version of Unix rewritten by Linus Torwalds.
An Open Source operating system that is based on Unix.
A version of UNIX operating system that runs on personal computers.
An open source - that is, free and developed by a community of developers - alternative to Microsoft Windows, supported by companies such as IBM. Although free, most commercial users of Linux will buy it as a package, paying for support and the confidence that they're getting a complete working solution to their needs. The main advantage of Linux is that you aren't dependent on any one software vendor and its pricing/support policies.
An operating system that's Open Source - a simplified variety of Unix, available free or at low cost, and often used for running servers.
A free operating system developed by Linus Torvalds. Linux and FreeBSD are very often used by hosting companies as their operating systems.
An operating system that is used mostly on PCs compatible to Intel hardware. It is a UNIX-like system, similar to Solaris (Sun) and IRIX (SGI) that are also supported by ArtCom.
The UNIX-like kernel developed by Linus Torvalds, which forms the basis of many open source computer operating systems.
is a UNIX-like operating system which runs on a variety of different computers, and is free for anyone to use and modify. Linux (the kernel) was written by Linus Torvalds.
A popular Open-Source Operating System, created to be a UNIX-Like OS for PCs. See Also: Open-Source, Unix
An open source implementation of UNIX that has become popular due to its free availability and platform flexibility.
An open-source operating system often used on web hosting servers.
An operating system based on unix concepts that was originally created by Finnish hacker Linux Torvalds.
is a Unix-like operating system designed to provide personal computer users a free or very low-cost operating system.
A free UNIX-like operating system developed by Linus Torvalds. Linux is often used by hosting companies as their operating system.
Popular open source software, similar to UNIX.
A freely distributed, Intel-processor-based alternative to UNIX. Linux is an operating system that is an inexpensive solution when compared to UNIX. Linux has become increasingly popular worldwide. Ecom Technology provides Linux users a Perl Module solution.
iƒbƒNƒX 1991”N‚ɃtƒBƒ“ƒ‰ƒ“ƒh‚ÌLinus TorvaldsŽ‚É‚æ‚Á‚ÄŠJ”‚³‚ê‚1/2UNIXŒnOSBƒtƒŠ[ƒ\ƒtƒgƒEƒFƒAB¢ŠE'†‚Ì‹ZpŽÒEŒ¤‹†ŽÒ‚É‚æ‚èƒ{ƒ‰ƒ“ƒeƒBƒA‚ÅŠJ”‚ªi‚ß‚ç‚ê‚Ä‚¨‚èA‹@”\‚Í”ñí‚ɈÀ'肵‚Ä‚¢‚éB‚»‚Ì—D‚ê‚1/2ˆÀ'è«‚©‚çŽÐ“àƒCƒ“ƒgƒ‰ƒlƒbƒgƒT[ƒo‚âƒf[ƒ^ƒx[ƒXƒT[ƒo‚Æ‚µ‚Ä‚ÌŽù—v‚ª‚‚¢B–{—ˆuLinuxv‚ÍOS‚Ì'†Šj•”•ª‚𬂷ƒJ[ƒlƒ‹•”•ª‚Ì‚Ý‚ðŽw‚·‚ªAOS‚É•K—v‚ȃVƒXƒeƒ€‘S‘Ì‚ðŽw‚·Œ3/4—t‚Æ‚µ‚Ä—p‚¢‚ç‚ê‚邱‚Æ‚ª‘1/2‚¢B
A version of Unix, becoming very popular, especially for co-located servers. There are several flavors of Linux, some better than others, including Debian, Suse, and Redhat.
an open source Unix-like operating system.
A UNIX-based operating system for personal computers.
An operating system based on the UNIX operating system, but designed for personal computers. Linux was started by one man, linus Torvalds, but is now a collaborative project of thousands of engineers.
A computer operating system developed and released as open source software
An open source operating system which will run on most computers including PCs and Macs. LINUX systems have been expanded and honed by some of the technology giants like IBM to produce commercial mainframe server-orientated operating systems. These systems are called UNIX.
A free Unix-type operating system, originally created by Linus Torvalds. Linux is frequently run on Internet backbones and World Wide Web servers because it is extremely stable, includes true multitasking, has built-in TCP/IP networking, and was designed to be used by many people at the same time. For more information about Linux, visit or
Linux is an operating system whose kernel was created by Finnish engineer Linus Torvalds. It has since been developed and improved by engineers around the world on a voluntary basis based on the concept that operating systems, which form the basis of information systems, are public property and thus should be able to be copied without restrictions. The Open Source Development Labs (OSDL), a U.S.-based nonprofit organization, supports the development of Linux for industrial use. It is working on developing an operating system that has increased anti-virus functionality and can run on large computer systems like the ones used by financial institutions and government agencies. The development efforts are funded by member firms, including IBM Corp., NEC Corp. and Nokia Corp.
A version of the Unix operating system designed to run on PCs. Controversial because it has been developed as part of the Open Sources movement and given away free of charge.
Perhaps the most well known FLOSS software project. In August 1991 Linus Torvald posted an online request for help with a fledgling operating system he was developing. A month later, he put the code for this system online, enabling visitors to download, run, and suggest or write their own improvements. In 2005 it was the only operating system with a growing user base, written, run and tested by enthusiasts the world over. See
A full-featured, robust, freely-available operating system originally developed by Linus Torvalds.
A UNIX-type operating system first released by its inventor Linus Torvalds in 1991. Also see
is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the GNU General Public License , the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone.
UNIX based operating system for personal computers. Free software
A popular operating system based on UNIX and often used on web servers.
OS Platform (Debian, Fedora Core, Red Hat, SuSE and other)
freely distributable implementation of UNIX that runs on a number of hardware platforms, including Intel and Motorola microprocessors. Because it's free, and it runs on many platforms, including PC's, Mac's and Amiga's. it's becoming popular
Unix-like operating system designed to provide personal computer users a free or very low-cost operating system comparable to traditional Unix systems.
an Unix-like operating system created by Linus Torvalds. Linux enjoys a world-wide developer community with enhancements added on an ongoing basis. Linux is distributed under the GPL (open source) license.
A freely-distributable open source implementation of UNIX that runs on a number of hardware platforms, including Intel and Motorola microprocessors. Another popular, free version of UNIX that runs on Intel microprocessors is FreeBSD.
The UNIX style operating system that we use as our server operating system.
Developed by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki (Finland), is a UNIX-like operating system. It provides computer users a free or very low-cost operating system comparable to traditional and usually more expensive UNIX systems.
Developed by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki (Finland), is a UNIX-like operating system. Linux is a very versatile platform that serves a number of functions well. It is particularly suitable for meeting your Internet requirements, such as mailing, streaming, Web servers, and file serving. Linux uses hardware efficiently, and there are a huge number of free applications available on the Internet.
A popular, free derivative of UNIX, an operating system used by many networking professionals.
Linux is a version of UNIX that is fairly popular because of its stability as an operating system for hosting web servers.
Pronounced lee - nux, a free, UNIX-compatible operating system, developed by Linus Torvalds that runs easily on Personal Computers and Macintosh.
Linux is an computer operating system. An operating is the core software of a computer system. You can find out more information by visiting
Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Born from a bet, it is today one of the most loved operating systems by international programmers. Several distribution systems exist, the more well-known are: Redhat, Corel, Mandrake, Caldera, Slackware, Debian and Suse. Its peculiarity is that it allows anyone to collaborate in the development of the operating system: its source code is in fact freely available to everyone (the "open-source" philosophy).
Linux is a free operating systems that runs on all types of computers (PC, Apple, and many more). It's fast, stable, highly configurable, and more popular by the day. Linux is a version of Unix created by Linus Torvalds and now collaboratively developed by a worldwide group of independent programmers and computer companies. See also: Distribution, Gentoo, GNU, GPL, Kernel, LUG, Source Mage, WSU LUG
What do you do if you're not happy with any of the current operating systems? You build your own, of course. That's exactly what Linus Torvalds did. His freely distributed, Intel-processor-based alternative to Unix, Linux (pronounced lih-nucks), is currently used by hundreds of thousands--and possibly millions--of people around the world. While Linux began life primarily as a hobby for supergeeks, the operating system has made some inroads into corporate life, particularly as an inexpensive substitute for high-priced Unix Web servers. Linux is available from a number of vendors for several hardware platforms, including Intel x86, DEC Alpha, Sun Sparc, and Motorola PowerPC.
The name given to the core of the operating system started by Linus Torvalds in 1991. The word is now generally used to refer to an entire bundle of free software packages that work together. Red Hat Linux, for instance, is a large bundle of software including packages written by many other unrelated projects. 1466
An open source operating system kernel. See also: Ubuntu
Linux : An operating system that can be used on computers instead of Windows or Mac OSX.
A Open Source version of Unix which runs on many platforms.
A version of Unix developed by Linus Torvalds, who sought to champion openness and counter the closed nature of vendor-proprietary operating systems. The Linux credo says that the software must be made available as open-source code, enabling anyone to read the coding rules and submit improvements. The source code is accessible free on the Web or is otherwise virtually given away, and vendors derive their revenue from utilities and support.
Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Linux is "open source" software, which means that the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone, as opposed to proprietary systems such as Microsoft Windows.
A free operating system where improvement is freely accepted, yet credited. Originally developed by Linus Torvalds.
A rival PC operating system to Microsoft Windows, but unlike Windows it is "open source", which means that anyone can create their own version of it without having to pay royalties. Initially required a lot of technical savvy, but is rapidly being made much more user-friendly and may soon start to challenge Windows' dominance.
A freely distributed implementation of the UNIX operating system.
An open source version of UNIX that has gained popularity because of its stability as an operating system for hosting web services.
Lin-ucks: The OS of the gods. Actually, its a unix operating system for the PC. There is more info at And the PROPER pronunciation is here.
Now the media darling, Linux has humble roots. A young student, Linus Torvalds, at the University of Helsinki in Finland, first developed it in 1991. Designed as an alternative to Unix, Linux quickly developed a following in the open-source community, and its price and stability have made it extremely popular for use as a web server. As the distributions become easier to install, Linux is becoming a very viable desktop option for nonprofits that are looking for a powerful operating system that won't break the bank. Source:
An Open Source implementation of UNIX initiated by Linus Torvalds, which runs on many different hardware platforms including Intel, Sparc®, PowerPC, and Alpha Processors. Hundreds of application programs have been written for Linux, some of these by the GNU project.
A UNIX-like open-source operating system. Open source means that the operating system's source code—the code that makes everything work and do what it's supposed to do—is free and available to the public.
A free version of the Unix operating system. Linux is "Open Source" software and is freely available over the Internet. It is primarily composed of tools developed over a 15-year period by Richard Stallman and Project GNU. However, the final spectacular push was provided by Linus Torvalds who wrote a kernel (completed in 1994), organized a bunch of programmers Internet-wide, and managed releases. It is known for its reliability and is popular choice for web servers. It is growing in popularity in office environment usage in spite of higher level of required technical support. IBM has adopted Linux as a standard.
A version of unix well adapted to running on personal computers. For more information, visit the Delphi Unix Forum.
Computer operating system. An open source system developed to run on desktop PC's, servers, etc.
A stable and usually free operating system for computers.
Linux is an OS like Windows that has its roots in Unix. Its Open Source community, reliability and cost has made it a popular choice in the server market - Apache is a linus web server and is the most popular web server on the Internet.
An open-source operating system, as used by the 123-reg servers.
Linux is a free UNIX type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Linux is an independent POSIX implementation of the Open Source Development Model and includes true multitasking, memory management, TCP/IP networking, and other features consistent with UNIX type systems. See also UNIX, multitasking, memory, network and TCP/IP.
A free variant of the UNIX operating system. Various versions of Linux are available.
An open source operating system developed collaboratively over the Internet. A smaller version of the Linux OS is used by Sharp in their Zaurus PDA. Handango offers hundreds of software titles utilizing the Linux operating system.
A variation on Unix developed by Linus Torvalds. Linux is a free operating system that is widely used on Internet servers, and has a loyal following in the open-source community.
An open source operating system created by Linus Torvalds. His reason for developing it was that he wasn't happy with the currently available options in UNIX. So he did what anybody else would do, and created his own operating system. He freely distributed his OS, which helped it gain popularity. Today, Linux is used by millions of people around the world. Linux is very customizable and you can actually add your own code to the operating system. Linux is also the OS of choice for many Web hosting companies since it is far cheaper to set up and maintain than a Windows-based server.
A computer operating system that is one of the most prominent examples of free software and of open-source development: unlike proprietary operating systems such as Windows and Mac OS, all of its underlying source code is available to the public and anyone can freely use, modify, improve, and redistribute it. From Wikipedia.
A version of the Unix operating system that is freely distributed.
A version of UNIX that runs on x86, Alpha and PowerPC machines. Linux is open source software, which is freely available; however, the full distribution of Linux along with technical support and training are available for a fee from vendors such as Red Hat Software ( and Caldera ( The distribution CD-ROMs include the complete source code as well as hundreds of tools, applets and utilities. LTER ong- erm cological esearch etwork. A network of 20 ecological research sites, mostly many of them field stations, funded by the National Science foundation for renewable periods of 6 years with an approximate budget of $600K per year (as of 1999). See
free unix clone for x86 machines (and others), popular with hackers (not crackers). full source code is included. try for info. quake and quake II have been ported to linux (and other unix systems) by Zoid
A UNIX®-like, open-source operating system developed primarily by Linus Torvalds. Linux is free and runs on many platforms, including both PCs and Apples. Linux is an open-source operating system, meaning that the source code of the operating system is freely available to the public. Programmers may redistribute and modify the code, as long as they don't collect royalties on their work or deny access to their code. Since development is not restricted to a single corporation, more programmers can debug and improve the source code faster.
Operating system built by Linus Torvalds. It is a freely distributed, Intel-processor-based alternative to Unix, Linux (pronounced lih-nucks), is currently used by hundreds of thousands--and possibly millions--of people around the world. MORE Close
An open source version of the UNIX operating system that has gained popularity as a web hosting platform.
An UNIX-like operating system. Very efficient and fast-performing system.
Open source operating system (see 'open source'). It is a competitor to Microsoft's Windows operating system, and proprietary Unix operating systems. There are several distributions/versions of Linux (see Linux Distribution) that are used for both PC's and servers and even in embedded applications in appliances.
Linux is an free and efficient open-source implementation of Unix. Originally developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds, Linux now runs on most computer platforms and is available for all the major microprocessors including Intel, PowerPC, Sparc, and Alpha platforms. Several large software companies now sell their own version of the OS, but it is still freely available for those who want to modify it. However, any modified version that is redistributed must also be freely available. To get more info on Linux, check out how it compares to NT.
A freely-distributable Open Source implementation of Unix that runs on a number of hardware platforms. The DVLinux variation of Linux is the Operating System which runs on the Indrema Entertainment System.
A highly recommended Unix-type operating system (free)
A version of the UNIX operating system that is used on many of the Web Servers on the the World Wide Web.
A free computer operating system based on another operating systems called Unix. Linux was developed by Linus Torvalds. Linux is an open source and available to anyone worldwide.
An open source operating system based on UNIX, used to run Web servers.
Pronounced lee-nucks, a freely-distributable implementation of UNIX operating system that runs on a number of hardware platforms, including Intel and Motorola microprocessors. Linux's kernel (the central part of the operating system) was developed by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in Finland. Linux has become extremely popular over the last couple years because it's free.
Widely used Operating System on Web Servers. Linux is a Unix-like Open Source Software that was first released in 1991 and is the de facto standard for Web Servers today as a vast majority of all Servers use Linux.
Linux is a free operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds of Finland. Linux is based on the Unix operating system and includes features such as true multitasking, memory management, virtual memory, demand loading, networking, and shared libraries. Linux runs in protected mode and supports both 32-bit and 64-bit multitasking. Developed under the GNU General Public License, Linux is available free to everyone.
An operating system for Apache web servers. There are many variants of Linux operating systems, some Open Source, some proprietory. Our servers use the proprietory Red Hat Enterprise Linux system.
A widely used Open Source Unix-like operating system. Linux was first released by its inventor Linus Torvalds in 1991. There are versions of Linux for almost every available type of computer hardware from desktop machines to IBM mainframes. The inner workings of Linux are open and available for anyone to examine and change as long as they make their changes available to the public. This has resulted in thousands of people working on various aspects of Linux and adaptation of Linux for a huge variety of purposes, from servers to TV-recording boxes.
A multi-tasking operating system developed by Linus Torvalds. Linux is a variant of the the Unix operating system developed in 1969. Linux/Unix are the predominant operating systems of internet web servers.
An open-source operating system that runs on a number of hardware platforms including PCs and Macintoshes. Linux is freely available over the Internet .
An operating system created by Linus Torvalds, who made the code available so others could freely develop it as an alternative to Windows or Mac.
Linux is an operating system developed by Norwegian programmer Linus Torvald. Linux is free and the source code is all 'open', meaning that anybody can work on the Linux operating system and post new code to improve it. This concept is known as 'Open Source'. IBM has adopted Linux as a standard operating system. Linus is a new system, is hard to install and it is still being tested, but it very useful and it is free.
A version of UNIX that has gained popularity because of its stability as an operating system for hosting web servers. Linux is open source software and is freely available over the Internet. ... more
A very stable version of Unix, becoming very popular.
Popular, free, multitasking UNIX-type operating system. In addition, Linux also includes many free programming languages. 8.24, 15.20
(2006-05-02) Chris Limb a free (open-source) operating system based on Unix
A freely-distributable open source operating system that runs on a number of hardware platforms. The Linux kernel was developed mainly by Linus Torvalds. Because it's free, and because it runs on many platforms, including PCs and Macintoshes, Linux has become an extremely popular alternative to proprietary operating systems.
Linux is a free open-source operating system based on UNIX. Linux was originally created by Linux Torvalds with the assistance of developers from around the globe. The source code for Linux is freely available to everyone.
Linux Betriebssystem (Debian, Fedora Core, Red Hat, SuSE und andere)
Pronounced lee-nucks, a freely-distributable implementation of UNIX that runs on a number of hardware platforms, including Intel and Motorola microprocessors. It was developed mainly by Linus Torvalds. Because it's free, and because it runs on many platforms, including PC's, Macintoshes and Amigas, Linux has become extremely popular over the last couple years.
operating system. Pronounced "lynn-icks."
A GNU-based Unix-like open source operating system, the kernel for which was developed by Linus Torvalds.
An open source version of the Unix operating system, developed by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in Finland. See Linux Online! for details.
A freeware clone of UNIX for 386-based PC computers. Linux consists of the linux kernel (core operating system), originally written by Linus Torvalds, along with utility programs developed by the Free Software Foundation and by others. Since PC hardware is inexpensive and linux is essentially free the combination of the two is a practical way of developing inexpensive and reliable HTTP service.
A popular open source operating system. Linux is an implementation of the Unix kernel originally written from scratch with no proprietary code. Work on the kernel is coordinated by Linus Torvalds, who holds the copyright on a large part of it. The rest of the copyright is held by a large number of other contributors (or their employers). Regardless of the copyright ownerships, the kernel as a whole is available under the GNU General Public License. Hosting
n. A version of the UNIX System V Release 3.0 kernel developed for PCs with 80386 and higher-level microprocessors. Developed by Linus Torvalds of Finland (for whom it is named) along with numerous collaborators worldwide, Linux is distributed free with source code through BBSs and the Internet, although some companies distribute it as part of a commercial package with Linux-compatible utilities. The Linux kernel works with the GNU utilities developed by the Free Software Foundation, which did not produce a kernel. See also free software, GNU, kernel, UNIX.
Operation system which is an implementation of the Unix kernel originally written from scratch with no proprietary code by Linux Torvalds.
UNIX variant, is the most commonly known open source operating system. It was developed in the early 90s, and has become quite mainstream, especially used as servers.(More information on Linux is in the appendix) ODBC – Open DataBase Connectivity – it is a standard that allows databases to talk to one another easily, either within one system, or across a network or the internet.
Linux (IPA pronunciation: ) is a Unix-like computer operating system family that uses the Linux kernel. A Linux system which includes system utilities and libraries from the GNU Project is sometimes referred to as GNU/Linux.