The immature stage of insects, following hatching, which does not have a pupal stage, i.e., incomplete metamorphosis (egg, nymph, adult). Late instar nymphs may have nonfunctional rudimentary wings and/or genitalia.[1] Fin. Swe. OVIPOSITION - The act of depositing the eggs.[1] Fin. Swe.
In Greek mythology, Nymphs were spirits of nature. Even though they were female divinities of lower rank, still they were revered as the protectors of springs, mountains, grottoes, trees, the sea and rivers. They were portrayed as young, pretty girls, each subtype presiding over whichever aspect of nature they represented.
the intermediate growing stage in the life cycle of arthropods with an incomplete metamorphosis, usually having much the same morphological appearance as the adult.
the immature stage of an insect, which resembles the adult. Usually pertaining to insects that have incomplete metamorphosis
an immature stage of hemimetabolous insects (those with incomplete metamorphosis)
In aquatic insects, the larval stage.
A stage in the life cycle of insects that do not go through complete metamorphosis (cycle of change). Most insects have four stages (1 = egg, 2 = larva, 3 = pupa, 4 = adult), but some only have three stages. This is called incomplete metamorphosis (1 = egg, 2 = nymph, 3 = adult). With incomplete metamorphosis, nymphs hatch from eggs and slowly change into adults. There is no pupa, or resting stage. Most aquatic insects have a nymph stage, since a pupa (coccoon) could not survive underwater. A few land insects, such as grasshoperrs and crickets, have a nymph stage also. [Go to source
a young stage of insects with incomplete metamorphosis; e.g., an immature grasshopper
immature wingless stage of such insects as grasshoppers, cicadas, and lacebugs.
the life-stage of an insect that goes through incomplete metamorphosis.
immature insect or mite which strongly resembles the adult. Pupation is not necessary before becoming adult
That immature stage between the egg and adult of a species with incomplete metamorphosis; generally, nymphs resemble smaller versions of the adult stage and are often found in the same habitat with them. Nymphs cannot reproduce or fly.
an immature insect after emerging from the egg. This term usually refers to insects in which there is incomplete metamorphosis (see hemimetabolous).
The immature stage of an insect. For such insects, there is no pupal stage. The egg hatches into the nymph which looks very much like the adult in appearance except that it has no fully–developed wings. The nymph grows into the adult by moulting several times.
a larva of an insect with incomplete metamorphosis (as the dragonfly or mayfly)
a baby louse and takes about seven days to become an adult
a creature from mythology, like the sirens or dryads, I suppose
a stage in the life cycle of certain arthropods, as ticks and lice
a wet-fly pattern designed to imitate a subaquatic insect, such as the pupa or larva of a caddis or mayfly
immature stage of hemimetabolous insects; commonly used when referring to Odonata.
The immature form of certain insects such as stoneflies, mayflies and true bugs. Nymphs go through incomplete metamorphosis to become adults.
third stage of life for Ixodes ticks. Nymphs are mainly responsible for infecting humans with Borrelia burgdorferi. The nymph is about the size of a poppy seed.
The larval stage of some insects.
the immature stage of certain species of insects. Nymphs usually resemble their parents but are mostly smaller and lack wings.
One of the phases in the life cycle of some insects, such as thrips. Insect nymphs look quite similar to the adults, but are small and lack wings. Insect nymphs feed, and grow, and molt several times.
the young of insects which do not have a pupal stage
One of the young of any insect that undergoes incomplete metamorphosis.
Young of an insect species that does not have a pupal stage in its development.
another term for larva, commonly used
An immature stage (following hatching) of a hemimetabolous insect that lacks a pupal stage.
The primary underwater form of insects with incomplete metamorphosis eg; mayflies, stoneflies, damselflies, dragonflies.
in reference to insects with simple metamorphosis, the immature form between egg and adult; in reference to mites and ticks, the eight-legged immature form
in reference to insects with simple or no metamorphosis, the immature form between egg and adult
An early developmental stage of an animal, especially insects, where the animal in the immature stage is shaped like the adult.
any of various immature insects
The stage of an aquatic insect life between hatching from the egg and shucking its armor as it emerges from the water to become an air born adult.
A general term used to describe the subsurface forms of aquatic insects prior to emergence (larvae). Also used as the name of flies imitating these insect forms.
immature form of insects; as fly fishers, we are concerned only with the nymphs of aquatic insects.
an immature stage of an insect that does not have a pupa stage
The immature stage of an insect (i.e. between ovum and adult). See also 'instar'.
(1) The larval, pupal, or nymphalstageearly in an insect's development; (2) a wingless, sinking fly tied to imitate it or other wingless aquatic creatures, for instance, scuds.
an immature larval stage of some insects.
The young stage of insect species that undergo a partial metamorphosis; similar to the adult except that wings are not fully developed.
commonly used name for larva; newborn dragonfly
(noun) another term for larva
Young stage of insect which does not fundamentally differ in form from the adult (compare to larva).
A young stage of insects and ticks unlike the adult, having incompletely developed sex organs.
an aquatic stage of some insects that have incomplete metamorphosis petal – the part of a flower that is often brightly colored or ornamented and is used to attract insects for the purpose of cross pollination
a female nature divinity in Greek mythology. In “Psalm” from the bequest: the developmental stage of an insect between larva and pupa. [ Melancholy; Psalm; Bequest: The Dream of an Afternoon; Luminous Hour; To Angela both versions; Psalm; Melancholia; Psalm version 1; To the Night version 4; The monk listens long...] back To the initials of the items
intermediate stage between egg and adult in life cycle of insect species with 3 stages in their life cycle
An immature form of an insect that undergoes incomplete metamorphosis; nymphs resemble the adults except for size and wing development.
a stage or series of size changes between egg and adult in the life cycle of insects that go through incomplete or simple metamorphosis.
immature stage of any insect which practices incomplete metamorphosis. Can also be used to describe first stage immature mites.
The immature stage of an insect that resembles the adult.
As used by acarologists, the term nymph has a significantly different meaning from common entomological usage. A nymphal ixodid tick is the second stage in morphological development, occurs following a larval stage and precedes the adult. Upon molting from larva to nymph, ticks gain a fourth pair of legs. As used in entomology, the nymph is the immature stage of those insects that have gradual or incomplete metamorphosis.
The second stage of development between egg and adult of insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis.
nimmff) An intermidiate development stage of an insect which undergoes an incomplete metamorphosis. The nymphal stage. It, too, like Larva, is a numbered instar.| Menu
In biology, a nymph is the immature form of some insects, which undergoes incomplete metamorphosis (hemimetabolism) before reaching its adult stage; unlike a larva, a nymph's overall form already resembles that of the adult. In addition, while a nymph molts it never enters a pupal stage. Instead, the final molt results in an adult insect.