abbreviation for synchronization and usually refers the relationship between the sound and the picture
1. The pulses contained within a composite video signal to provide a synchronization reference for signal sampling. Also, a separate signal that can be fed to various pieces of equipment. 2. The sound recorded on a separate audiotape but synchronized with videotape or film shot simultaneously.
1) a portion of video signals, or "pulse," which defines horizontal and vertical portions of the screen, also used in multi-source environments to "sync" sources together. 2) the relationship between the audio and its corresponding video or film picture.
An electronic metronome used to keep video signals in step with one another. In the NTSC color-composite standard, sync is combined with the red, green, and blue signals. In RGB systems, the sync signal may exist separately or be combined with the green signal.
Vertical and horizontal pulses in a composite video signal that maintain the horizontal and vertical scanning procedures of the video picture signal.
When the timecode for two clips (audio and video) is matched up so they play in unison.
Abbreviation for synchronization. It means that sound occurs at the same time as the corresponding visual element. For example, the sound of a voice must correspond with the movement of an actorâ€(tm)s lips.
Referring to a part of a video signal, but also a shortened version of the word “synchronize”. The part of a video signal which synchronizes the scanning of a monitor to the scanning of an image device. There are vertical sync pulses and horizontal sync pulses which are used to keep the timing or start time of the electron beam in proper synchronization.
Is the synchronizing of signals with timing pulses to precisely align two signals.
The portion of a video signal that instructs the display on where and when to place video information.
Abbreviation of synchronization. Usually refers to the synchronization pulses necessary to coordinate the operation of several interconnected video components. When the components are properly synchronized, they are said to be "in sync."
is the coordination of timing between audio and/or video devices.
(noun and verb)(noun) Abbreviation for “synchronization, †which is the process of matching data sets with one another. (As used in a sentence: “Chapura software got my data in sync.†Not to be confused with “There’s that cute boy from *NSYNC.â€) 2. (verb) Abbreviation for “synchronize,†which means to match data sets with one another.
threshold is the minimum Eb/No at which a bit sync will acquire the input signal.
The portion of an encoded video signal that is used to synchronize the operation of cameras, recorders, monitors, and other equipment.
An abbreviation for the words "synchronization," "synchronizing," etc. Applies to the synchronization signals, or timing pulses, which lock the electron beam of the picture monitors in step, both horizontally and vertically, with the electron beam of the pickup tube. The colour sync signal (NTSC) is know as the colour burst.
Electronic pulses inserted in a video signal for correctly assembling picture information in the proper position.
abbreviation for synchronous
An abbreviation for the words "synchronize, synchronization," "synchronizing," etc. Applies to the various timing pulses that drive and coordinate the TV scanning systems to keep all the related electronic equipment in phase with one another. The color sync signal (NTSC) is known as the color burd.
Short for synchronization pulse.
The degree in which a picture and accompanying sound are lined up together.
Synchronization. Process of orienting the transmitter and receiver circuits so that transmit in harmony. Home television sets are synchronized by an incoming sync signal with the television cameras in the studios 60 times per second. The horizontal and vertical hold controls on the television set are used to set the receiver circuits to the approximate sync frequencies of incoming television picture, and the sync pulses in the signal then fine tunes the circuits to the exact frequency and phase.
Picture and sound correctly lined up
A abbreviation for synchronizing, as in synchronizing pulses. The timing pulses in a video signal which identify lines, fields and frames.
An abbreviation for SYNChronization referring to the signals produced by the camera, and used by the monitor to accurately reproduce the viewed image onto the monitor screen.
Electronic pulses that are inserted in the video signal for the purpose of assembling the picture information in the correct position.
Part of video signal. Present only when CH is properly tuned or TAPE PLAYback is stable.
A video signal (or component of a video signal) containing information necessary to synchronize the picture horizontally and vertically. Also, specially formatted data on disc which helps the readout system identify location and specific data structures.
The condition when the sound and the picture that was taken on the set line up in the manner in which the events actually occurred during the shooting.
This term refers to the part of the video signal that is used to stabilize the picture. Sync can occur in three forms:"Composite sync": the horizontal and vertical components are together on one cable."Sync-on-green": the sync is part of the green video."Separate sync" or "H.SYNC and V.SYNC": the horizontal and vertical components of the sync are on two separate cables.
In film and video production, a timing signal that must accompany video signals for an image to display or record correctly. Sync can be part of the video signal (with composite video) or it can be a separate signal (with component video). Usually, a sync generator provides identical signals to all pieces of video equipment so that they are synchronized together.